Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Falls of Crystal

Located high in the mountain range (yet to be named) east of Midvinter. The Falls of Crystal is a small village, the Valkyri that have resided there for countless centuries have become master craftsmen and women. They are famed throughout Midvinter for their arts in weaving, cloth and tapestry.

The natural beauty of The Falls of Crystal, are stunning. High mountain peaks stand sentinel over the village, crystal clear waters issue from the melted snow peaks, feeding the falls, and vast forests of conifers coat the lower valley.

They are peaceful and enjoy the finer things to life, as best one can find on Midvinter. Because of their isolation, they are removed from the political arena. A Chieftain rulers the village and surrounding areas and is loyal to the exiled Prince [member="Thrand Dawnbringer"].

In recent times, rumours of a sighting of the exiled Prince in The Falls of Crystal, has filtered down the valley to the Capital.

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