Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC The False Prophet

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Name: The False Prophet
Loyalties: Independent.
Role: Main Boss for:
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 623
Species: Umbaran (Corrupted)
Force-Sensitive: Yes, Witch Elder-classification Sith Magic user.
Appearance: Sickly, physically weak and old, several tubes sticking into the body, no hair, piercing eyes.
Personality: Hostile, narcissistic, honest, usually silent, apathetic
Weapon of Choice: The Force, minions.
Wealth: None. Has no need for wealth.
Combat Function: Has the ability to imbue his presence to the Space Station which allows him to observe and create illusions and communicate telepathically, otherwise he has no physical attacks.
Skills: Masterful Illusionist through Sith Magic, strategic, manipulative, charismatic
Notable Possessions: N/A
Other Notes: I'd like to keep as much information hidden as possible, everything else here is unknown ICly by anyone. Regardless of what happens to him in the campaign, he will die via the station's destruction.

  • Master Illusionist: Can create very realistic illusions to deteriorate the mental health of his victims.
  • Telepathy: Can communicate telepathically, and read minds. The mind reading can be blocked by force-users and those with higher willpower.
  • Commanding Presence: Is able to imbue his force presence into the space station and can raise the morale and fighting spirit of his minions.
  • Fragile: He cannot move, and is maintained through a life support system and the force. Thus he has no physical attacks, even through the force. Nearly any physical attack to his body is a death blow.
  • Arrogant: Tends to overlook things, such as the strength of others.
  • Paranoia: Believes that the worst can happen and overreacts to situations; this can result in over-sacrifice of troops.
Alright, being that this is a private-event end-boss, I, personally, am willing to let slide the requirement of a dev thread for his Master level force powers. However, this does not necessarily mean that my boss will agree. In the end, we could both get spanked for it (only one of us is likely to enjoy it and I doubt that will be you).

I don't want to set a precedent, however, so the restrictions are thus:

This NPC may only be used in your event.
This NPC is still bound by the rules of the forum, which includes those pertaining to GMing and controlling the outcomes/damage/effects on others' characters.
This NPC will die at the end of your event (as you have stated is the intention) and will not be used again in the future.

Lastly, add two more weaknesses to balance out his strengths.

[member="The Primeval Storyteller"]
I am willing to overlook a lot for private campaign bosses and events.

However, [member="Quietus"]' point is well made.

This NPC is approved with the conditions listed above. If you use him outside your campaign, may your deity of choice have mercy on you.

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