The Fateless

NAME: The Fateless
RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan
CURRENT TITLES: The Fateless, The Prophet's Hand
FACTION: Independent
SPECIES: Human (Undead)
AGE: 23
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1,69 m
WEIGHT: 45 kg
EYES: None
HAIR: None
SKIN: None
-What's Dead may Never Die: Undeath is curse and blessing. Hunger, pain, sleep, all those are things of the past for her now.
-The Faded Legion: For most of her life the Fateless was a Necromancer, skilled in the arts of the Sith and the Nightsisters to raise the dead to fight for her. Those skills were not lost once she returned in unlive.
-Within the Shadows: The Fateless was taught the way of the shadows by the Prophet himself, allowing her to move unheard and unseen.
-Mute: When the body fades, so does the ability to form words with it. The Fateless can no longer speak, and with time her ability to communicate with others has degraded, leaving her to use a handful of gestures at the best, and total silence at the worst of times.
-Empty: After her heresay everything the Fateless was before was erased by Abyss. The mind within is broken, a strange, incomplete collection of knowledge and training lacking any sort of real memories.
-Embrace the End of all Days: Every time the Fateless died she was brought back by Abyss, forced to march for his cause time and time again. As not even death can take her crippled soul, she awaits the end of all days to an degree that can only be described as obsession.
There is little left of the Fateless, a few pieces of rotten flesh and broken bones held together within a cursed armor, an armor simple and plain to mark that she is nothing. Her skull is hidden under a mask, but even that can not hide the hollow, empty eyes behind it.
What is left of the Fateless is an incomplete, crude mind. Shattered, broken and empty she feels little at all, no mercy, no remorse but also no happiness or pleasure. Without any knowledge of who she was before, kept alive against her own will to serve as a replaceable soldier for an uncaring entity there is nothing she holds dear. Even at night, alone in her thoughts and dreaming of sleep, she does not know what to feel besides emptiness, hoping that the end would finally come to release her from her chains.
The Fateless fights as wild and vicious as anyone that wishes to be dead again. Her moves lack skill or grace, and her broken body can not put out much in terms of strenght. Instead she fights through speed, agility, stealth and magic, killing without a second thought or mercy. The Fateless was never skilled with any weapon beyond swords in life, something that did not change in death.
-Pre Roleplay:
Not many know the tale of the Fateless. Born in a dirty hole somewhere on Nar Shaddaa the gifted girl struggled to survive, without any friends or family to help. Early on she discovered her abilities to manipulate strange energy, a power she later on would be introduced to as the force. The older she grew, the stronger she grew, her path leading her from a struggling girl into a warrior of the dark side. After running her first odd job for a shadowy group calling themselves the Tainted Chorus her way brought her to Malachor, where Abyss and his Warlocks quickly took notice of her abilities.
As time passed on and her skills were redefined by Abyss, she discoverd a unnatural talent for one of the most deranged arts known to men, the art of raising the dead. Her newfound skills made her a perfect canidate to join a even less known group under Abyss command, the Necromancers of Katarr. It was there that she learned to truly raise the death, but it was also there that she commited her heresy, her treason. Blinded by her new power she rose against Abyss, a mistake she would not remember to regret.
When the Mindeater was finsihed with her, there was little left besides an empty mind and undead bones, encased in a plain armor to remind the thing that was left, that she was nothing, not even worth enough to have a fate, cursed to eternally serve the Prophet.
-[member="Darth Abyss"] - Creator
-Fateless Armor
-The Mask of Shattered Wisdom
-Damask-4 Duelist Sword
Company Items
Role Plays