Image Source: samurairyu on deviantart
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: dragon-class frigate
Affiliation: Apoleia Inc.
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: various inc but not limited to Alusteel hull, durasteel frame
Description: With business booming, and new profit prospects on the horizon, Anaya commissioned Silk Holdings to design a new ship for her. Built to be a base for her business operations to allow her to remain flexible in her travels as it expands, the Femme Fatal is not designed for combat. Considering her array of enemies and the expanding war, however it was essential that the ship have basic defenses and a small array of fighters to protect transports moving to and from the ship, its deflector shields cannot protect against projectiles such as missiles and as such the signal scrambler was fitted, though it provides an ulterior use to making sure she remains unknown if necessary. With no fixed abode, the ship also serves as a home for Anaya, equipped with an expansive living area for the Sith situated above the bridge to allow her to drop in and ensure the ship is running smoothly. Other rooms include a recreational area for the crew, (captained by Alastair Crowley [NPC], Anaya’s oldest serving subject) a conference room and 5 luxury cabins for any guests that Anaya might have.
Intent: To provide a base of operations and home for Anaya Fen
Role: Transport
Height: 150m
Length: 300m
Width: 150m (exc wingspan) 300m inc wingspan
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Antimatter reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2.0
Minimum Crew: 60
Optimal Crew: 100
Armaments: 20 turbo lasers, 6 point defense lasers.
Hangar: 1 Aleph class fighter , 4 Callan Class Starfighters 4 A-36 Sleuth
Non-Combative Attachments:
Hyperwave interceptor, Deflector shields, sensor scrambler
Passenger Capacity: 10
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 6
Consumables: 1 year