NAME: The Fifth Sister
FACTION: The Empire - Mirrorverse
RANK: Master
SPECIES: Dathomirian
AGE: Young
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.70 m
WEIGHT: 63kg
EYES: Crimson
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Darkside pallor with corruption bruising.
+ Zabrak Heritage - A second heart and a great resistance to physical pain.
+ Torture Technician: The Fifth Sister is well versed in illusions and excels in mindtricks, but her specialties lie in those of a mentalists. In manipulating and altering the Force to torment her quarry's minds during re-education.
- Hair-Trigger Temper - Flies into a rage at the slightest provocation.
- Force Drain Addict - a double edged sword. The more she consumes the Force from others during her re-education sessions, the more heady the high and fall to corruption.
Light blonde hair kept in a tight braid at the crown of her head. A pallor casts her tattoos in stark contrast to her pale skin. She has small vestigial horns that peek among her straight slicked back hair. Bright crimson eyes and a noticeable corruption of the Darkside in the form of mottled purple bruises around her eyes.
She wears her spidersilk armor like a second skin against her voluptuous figure, and normally wears dark muted colors of an inquisitor.
The individual known as the Fifth Sister serves as an Inquisitor of the Empire...
*Trying to find original bio from files >_<
Sith Inquisitor Ship.
Force Powers:
- Telekinesis
- Thought Shield
- Crush Opposition
- Force Choke
- Force Lightning
- Force Fear
- Inflict Pain
- Taint
- Force Bubble | Protection Bubble | Force Barrier
- Sith Battle Coordination
- Force Clouding
- Mind Trick ---> Force Illusions - Mentalist based.
- Drain Knowledge
- Force Subjugate
- Memory walk
- Mind Shard
- Consume Essence
- Dark Heal