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Approved Lore The Fifth Wing

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The Fifth Wing





  • Hierarchy: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr : As the leader of the Tsis'Kaar the "Fifth Wing"- as a branch of his organisation- serve Darth Malum at his discretion. All affairs, business or actions taken by "The Fifth Wing" are at his behest. What he says goes. He is the undisputed leader.
  • Alicia Drey Alicia Drey : Beneath Darth Malum is the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau: a security and intelligence organisation working for the Empire of the Lost. As a Dark Councillor within The Sith Order Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr delegates operational control of "The Fifth Wing" to Alicia Drey Alicia Drey who serves Malum and acts on his behest within the Empire.
  • Membership: There are estimated to be over two-hundred Humans within the ranks of "The Fifth Wing". In order to be recruited into this cult you have to be a Human and must be approached by either Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr or Alicia Drey Alicia Drey to become a member. There are no other species of Humanoid accepted into this organisation therefore making it Xenophobic in nature. Discretion and compartmentalization are in full effect in the selection process of prospective members of "The Fifth Wing". This is done on purpose as the work of this organisation is clandestine and covert in it's nature. When a candidate for recruitment is selected a process is initiated in which the recruit is tested in their beliefs. If it is ascertained that they are a prospective believer in the pathology of the Dark Side of the Force then they are taught the tenants of the Sith Code in accordance to the beliefs of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . After this they are then tested on their cunning, intelligence and ability in espionage. Only then, when they are truly ready, are they accepted into the ranks of the organisation.
  • Climate: You are isolated and alone. Upon a successful recruitment process a member is thrust deep into an act of espionage on behalf of the organisations hierarchy. When a member is contacted by either Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr or Alicia Drey Alicia Drey there is always a sense of tension, and danger. The same is true in the nature of their work. If a member were discovered and outed as a spy then they would be almost certainly captured, or killed- if not by the people they were spying on- but then by the Sith Lords that they are in service too. Everything has to be a secret. Your movements and actions must be obfuscated. The life you lead is a lie. Only through the completion of the work can their chains be broken.
  • Reputation: Distrust. The rare few who know about the existence of "The Fifth Wing" are naturally inclined to distrust it. This is particularly true for members of The Sith Order or The Empire of the Lost. This is because the organisation is made up entirely of Imperials who have essentially been turned into spies. These men, or women, were recruited to betray their leaders in the Empire of the Lost and adopt a pathology that does not align with the fundamentals of the Imperial Charter adopted by the Empire in their aims to re-found the Galactic Empire. Conversely the members of The Sith Order or the other sides of the Tsis'Kaar (and their respective members) are inclined to not trust them either. After all, if they were so willing to betray their former Imperial leaders, then one has to assume they would do the same to their Sith Masters.
  • Curios: Each member are tattooed with an epithet unique to them. For example, one member could be tattooed with a picture of a ladder, which symbolizes the climb metaphorically associated to the tenants of the Sith Code. Others are tattooed with something else which has some resemblance or signification to themselves. What remains the same for every epithet carved into flesh is that each one has a story, which when told, reveals them to be a member of "The Fifth Wing".
  • Rules:
  • All members believe in the Sith Code.
  • Each member of the organisation possesses no Force-sensitivity. If a member is discovered to possess abilities with the Force then they are to be killed.
  • All members must maintain their cover. If they are discovered to be a spy then they are to destroy themselves or it will be done for them.
  • If a member is discovered to be a member of the organisation by another person outside of the "Fifth Wing" then they are to destroy them immediately regardless of who it is, or who they are aligned with. For example, if a member of The Sith Order discovered that they are apart of the "Fifth Wing" then they are to be destroyed even though the organisation works for the Sith. The same is true for any neutral party, and especially in the case of enemies.
  • Members of the organisation are not allowed to reveal it's existence to other people regardless of their affiliation, rank or beliefs.
  • If a member discovers a prospective recruit for the organisation during their work then they must refer that individual to the hierarchy.
  • It is forbidden for a member to recruit another member into the organisation. This would be a violation of the aforementioned rules.
  • If a member of the organisation meets another member of the "Fifth Wing" then they must destroy the other person to maintain secrecy and obfuscation.
  • Goals:
  • To collect information and data regarding the activities, operations and business of the faction known as The Empire of the Lost. This includes individual members of the Empire from the top to bottom.
  • In the event that The Empire of the Lost is destroyed then the organisation must maintain it's intelligence gathering efforts within the Outer Rim Territories specifically in the Tion Cluster.
  • To destabilize the security and intelligence operations of the New Imperial Security Order.
  • To obfuscate the movements and machinations of The Sith Order and it's operations within the territories of The Empire of the Lost and the Tion Cluster.
  • To serve the whims of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr .
  • To serve the whims of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .
  • To clandestinely serve the objectives and goals of The Order of the Sith Lords without them ever knowing about it.


Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr - As the leader of the Tsis'Kaar the "Fifth Wing" also makes them their leader as well.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey - As the Staff Director of The New Imperial Security Bureau Alicia Drey is second only to Darth Malum in the hierarchy via proxy due to her position within The Empire of the Lost.


The origins of the Fifth Wing come from the jungle planet of Felucia. The Tsis'Kaar of The Sith Order and the New Imperial Security Bureau of The Empire of the Lost had, over a period of many weeks, fanned the flames for war between both sides as they conducted business on the planet. By the time Velran Kilran Velran Kilran initiated his invasion of the planet the Sith were ready to attack the Empire and defend their considerable assets that they had accumulated upon Felucia throughout the decades since the Sith Empire first ruled in this quadrant of space.

While both superpowers broke out into battle across the planet the leaders of the Tsis'Kaar and the NISB met in secret. During this meeting Alicia Drey Alicia Drey revealed herself to be Darth Ayra: a Sith Lord operating within the Empire under the disguise of the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau. Following this revelation Drey was recruited into the ranks of the Tsis'Kaar and begun conspiring with Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr (leader of the Tsis'Kaar) to begin a mass infiltration of the Empire by spies in service to him and his great many machinations.

This infiltration was accomplished through a combination of Drey's position as the Staff Director of the Empire's premiere security and intelligence organisation (the New Imperial Security Bureau) and their powers in Dark Side of the Force. On Lianna Human Imperials with sympathies or similar ideological beliefs were targeted for recruitment by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . As the Capital of The Empire of the Lost Lianna was selected as the primary point of infiltration due to it's status within the Empire and it's geographical proximity to several important organisations which were also located on the same planet.

It is here on Lianna that the Imperial Ruling Council comprised of several Moffs convene to rule the Empire on behalf of their Emperor in secret meetings that the Fifth Wing are privy too. The planet is also headquarters of the New Imperial Security Bureau: a target for infiltration and destabilization as well. From the Capital the members of the organisation are best situated to spread it's influence and reach throughout the Empire. Lianna was also, once upon a time, ruled by The Sith Order during the reign of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , when he ruled over the Tion Cluster. Therefore it made the planet a hotbed for individuals within the echelons of Imperial society who still held sympathies and ideological beliefs in line with the tenants of the Old Sith Empire.

Traitorous Imperials within the Empire were not just the only targets for recruitment. The Tsis'Kaar- an old, and historical Sith-sect founded by Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia - possessed a great many of it's own spies capable of infiltrating the Empire of the Lost with the assistance of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Using her position as Staff Director Drey was capable of obfuscating members of the Tsis'Kaar that Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr ordered to infiltrate the New Imperial Security Bureau itself. These spies, combined with the traitorous Sith sympathetic Imperials, grew the organisation to number at an estimated two hundred Humans during the war between The Sith Order and The Empire of the Lost as it escalated following the Siege of Tion.

Speciesism is a common belief among the members of this organisation. This is particularly true for the Imperials who were turned into spies. The Empire of the Lost, in it's mission to re-establish the Galactic Empire, are full of Humans with this type of belief. Despite being recruited into the ranks of the Fifth Wing this ideology remains commonplace among these men, or women, who were brought into the fold. It is also true that these people were targeted for their Speciesism as they were converted through their own bigotry being used against them to turn them traitor against the Empire.

The Imperials that were recruited into the ranks of "The Fifth Wing" believe that they are working towards a higher purpose. They work towards the re-establishment of the Sith Empire on Lianna and hegemony across the entire Tion Cluster. Among their beliefs, and therefore their primary motivation for joining the organisation in the first place, is that the idea that once their work is complete they will be welcomed as heroes and will be rewarded for their seminal efforts. Indeed there are many of them who believe the work itself is a reward in of itself. The eradication of weakness beset by the likes of other Imperials who do not align themselves with the philosophy of the Sith Code combined with the ultimate goal of Human supremacy serve as the main points of contention and subsequent recruitment into "The Fifth Wing" by it's members.

Although there are some members of the Fifth Wing who are not members of the New Imperial Security Order (holding other prominent positions within the Empire) it is true that most of them are within the ranks of the Empire's premiere security and intelligence gathering force. The identities and therefore mission of the Fifth Wing members have been expertly crafted, obfuscated and doctored by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey through her position as the Staff Director: the highest and most prominent rank within the New Imperial Security Bureau. Therefore the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats is a commonly used piece of technology that the Fifth Wing and therefore it's leader, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , use in their operations within Empire space.

The Fifth Wing was founded by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and Alicia Drey Alicia Drey to secure spies within the territories of Empire of the Lost in order to collect information and data on the enemies of the Sith Order all the while working towards the destabilization of the Empire as war brokered out between both superpowers. Conversely Darth Malum, a cunning man, worked to secure an intelligence resource to benefit his own ulterior plans or motives. To the members of the Fifth Wing and the other Tsis'Kaar this is the primary purpose of the organisation. But this is not why the Fifth Wing was founded. While it's members operate with this idea in mind it is not the reason why Director Drey helped to found the organisation after she revealed herself to be Darth Ayra on Felucia during the Sith-Empire battle.

In secret (even without Darth Malum or the other Tsis'Kaar knowing about it) Director Drey, or Darth Ayra, is a member of The Order of the Sith Lords. As the Sith Master in the Rule of Two it is the goal of Darth Ayra to destroy the Sith Order and re-organize the dichotomy of Sith just as Darth Bane did before her. Through organisations such as the Tsis'Kaar, or, in this case, "The Fifth Wing", Darth Ayra seeks the deaths of all Sith across the Galaxy by bringing them into conflict that will result in numerous lives lost through war. Conflicts, such as the Siege of Tion, are examples of Ayra setting about this goal. Through an organisation such as "The Fifth Wing" Darth Ayra aims to use it's goals and objectives to achieve her ulterior motives through carefully planned and executed acts of contagion obfuscated through the methodology and tactics of it's members and hierarchy as well as her own powers in The Dark Side of the Force.

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Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

This is a pretty detailed Lore submission. There is one small change I’d like to request.

Under description you say:

the purpose of this cult is to serve Darth Malum and his agenda within the territories of the Empire of the Lost and the wider Tion Cluster while simultaneously working on behalf of The Order of the Sith Lords without them even being aware of it.

While I have no issue with NPC members being controlled that does cause an issue for PC members. Maybe say something like… without the likelihood of them being aware of it. This would allow a playable character to determine what they might know.

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