Objective: Prepare for arrival.Allies: [member=Taeli Raaf]
Over the often-overlooked planet of Amaltanna, an Iota-Class Heavy Shuttle dropped out of hyperspace, beginning its descent to the planet. The shuttle's crew was overjoyed to see the planet, relieved that their stressful journey was almost over. A pungent, heavy miasma coated the entire vessel interior, creeping out from the cargo hold and into every other aspect of the ship's hull. The entire vessel reeked of death and decay. It had everyone on edge and ill-at-ease.
The contents of the cargo hold were twofold. First and most obvious, was the rotting corpse of a Felucian Bull Rancor, with only the bare minimum effort going into preserving it. It was the primary source of the stench. But at the same time, there was another, more malicious figure in the hold. It was the Sith Acolyte Tehkyram, a massive, hulking mass of a Karkarodon. It was Tehkyram who had slain the beast, tearing off its tusk and jamming it through the eye and into the brain. Now, en route to Amaltanna, the killer had spent the entire voyage pensively meditating, absorbing the miasma and focusing on it. He had a macabre fixation on violent and gruesome death that bordered on obsession, and so he wanted to intimately feel the breakdown of a dead body. It was a maddening ordeal, and periodically large thuds could be heard from the hold as Tehkyram's meditation transitioned into a maniac state, past traumas coming to light. And indeed, the crew strongly suspected that Tehkyram's meditation was somehow amplifying and empowering the smell, as well as messing with their emotions in some way.
As the ship prepared to enter the atmosphere, Tehkyram took a brief moment to remember his master's edict, his last command before Tehkyram formally advanced into becoming a Sith Knight.
"Go and take your kill to the planet Amaltanna, where Darth Arcanix, the Lady of Secrets, resides. Present yourself and your prey to her as a gift from me. Obey her every command and study under her well. Under her hand, show your worth by creating a set of armor from the corpse's skin and a blade from its bone. Do all this, and you shall be worthy of knighthood."
Tehkyram's body reflexively twitched with nervous anticipation. This was the final trial before he would become a Knight of the Sith, a blade of the Emperor's will. He had accomplished great and terrible things so far, but after this, he would accomplish even greater horrors for sure. As the shuttle entered the atmosphere, he resumed his meditation and observation. He could feel that familiar dark void surrounding him, taking hold of him. He tried to orient himself to the darkness, attune himself to death. This was the struggle he had spent hours upon hours with, sometimes lashing out when he felt the void try to grip him in the wrong way. And he returned to this struggle, passing the time as the ship made its way towards the dominion of Darth Arcanix.