Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Final Steps [Satyana, Matsu Ike]

The force... it was a thing that she could never truly understand fully.

After years of training under her master, Satyana was very close to achieving Knighthood. For a long time, she had trained for a very long time with Matsu, going around the various islands of Acht-to, visiting the ancient Jedi temples of Tython and Yavin IV, as well as visiting Yutan, the site of the former Silver Order. The final trials she must go through, would probably be something of great importance. Satyana, didn’t wanted her final to be that easy, but rather, have it be a challenge. Something that she wouldn’t expect, and something that would help test her extensiveness of the force. Something she can prove to her Echani roots, and how far she had progressed since she was a slave girl full of vengeance, anger and frustration from her time as a slave.

Satyana activated her lightsaber as the sun rose from the shores of the island, and kept training her forms with it, by practicing the various sweeps from the previous forms she had been practicing. In addition, she had been practicing synthweaving, which was pretty integral to her training, as Mastu herself seemed pretty expert in, and she wanted to make sure that she was on top of her own game. Channeling parts of her anger, she began to swing with more aggression in her swings, while trying to keep her mind focused, but got a bit sloppy and nearly tripped. Day and night, she had been training her entire life up to this moment, even at this hour.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Ahch-To was a beautiful place the islands were only a small part of it... well kind of the waters were high on the world, the oceans deep and deeper then many knew. Jedi explorers on the world had found different levels from when the ice caps of the planet had been intact and as they receded it created different ecosystems. The jedi master herself though had found peace on the world and there was much that had been cultivated here. Laying in the room of the temple as she listened to the crashing of the waves. Felt the warmth along the back of her neck and rolled over seeing the tall hapan woman wih her arms around her.

How long had it been? How many years had she been waking up to this and compared to many others she had met... sadly she didn't announce it and make it almost a defining part of her. She stayed there but a moment longer though as it was an important day and the scent of salt on the air as a breeze came off the ocean. She looked at the icy blue eyes cast storm grey in the morning light and shadows before smirking to herself. Tight lipped but moving closer while she kissed her jaw and towards her ear. Nipping for a moment while fingers went through her hair but slowly rolled out of bed.

She slid out amid some protests and stood looking out the window at the ocean and from her room here at the temple she could see many more of the jedi. She hadn't really left the jedi more just parted, they were changing from working with the hutts to focusing more on politics and going against everything the Silver Jedi had once stood for because it did make them more popular in the galaxy. Instead of resolve and ideals it was easier to capitulate and have no real conflict or questioning of morals... She did enjoy the new level of inclusion unless you disagreed. Then you were excluded....

She didn't think about it sliding a kimono onto her shoulders as she walked and wondered if she had been noticed as gone... most likely she didn't speak out as much but her opinions were known and older members were not encouraged to stay. So likely she had been celebrated as gone because now only like minded members of the order would serve at least until they went against. The jedi master walked out of the room and through the halls of the temple here on Ahch-To... the prime jedi had created may things but they had also disappeared and itwas learned there was much down below the surface.

The repository of knowledge collected from each visiting jedi had been collected down within it, centuries and tens of thousands of years of jedi lore. She looked at the caretakers who worked here and the other jedi who were in the temples... they had merely opened and revealed some of them to find parts of it. She came out standing there and wearing her kimono and saber. Satayana was one of her older padawans and skilled compared to who she had seen and worked with before. For years she had worked to try and really focus on her mindset and capabilities.

"Padawan." The jedi master stood there though and let the air touch her long black hair as it blew in the wind. A smile on her face and warmth even from just waking up as the smell of salt was in the air, the coolness of the air even in the twin suns of the world.
The sound of her master coming out shocked her as she stopped her training and turned off her saber, hoping she didn't see her humiliating fall. "Master! I was just uhh... practicing my forms, and meditating out! I made sure that it was specially made for this day today! It's pretty special!" She dusted off her robes and smiled. "Yes, yes. i've been training every day up to this moment. I am only hoping that soon, I will learn the aspects of the force in the ways I can utilize it for my own benefit, and for the sake of helping others in need, and hopefully, bringing peace and justice to this chaos that is among the stars!"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

Looking at her padawan who was surprised as the jedi master walked and raised an eyebrow. "It is alright." A smirk though appearing on her face when she stood there to seeit and looked out upon the seas of Ahch-To. All of the jedi who were around here had worked with the caretakers to really fix parts of it up and change or add in new materials to restore the temples to being something livable compared to just disrepair and only having a few places they would really be able to test it. A small open area as the jedi master stepped towards it. "Training is good but understand there are many aspects to the jedi, if we spend al of our time training you might miss out on something or nothing. I will not lie that this is vague advise but one needs sometime to relax and just read a book or observe the holonet channels."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Even though her master has taught her a bunch, Satyana feels like she haven't been taught enough deep down. Or maybe she has? The force was a strange tool to use, and she had only discovered what her powers could truly hold within. She glanced at her master's face. "But even still, master, why would one even do something like this when we are supposed to be the ones who keep the peace? Every day, there is always someone in major trouble, whether it be through tyranny of a despotic government, or some eager rival factionoid government in the galaxy trying to ambitiously destroy the Galaxy through means that would be too painful to even explain."

Satyana can't get that out of her head, on how such terrible things could even happen under some of these governments. This grew frustrating within her grasp of reality. She didn't want to let down her master after she had become a knight, but she had to do what she can. "What can we do on our part, Master? I know you're planning something... well, here. This ancient Jedi temple you tell me that was the first, which confuses me, since I always thought Tython was the very first Jedi Temple. Was this temple founded by the very very Jedi? You know, the ones who had swords and those ancient lightsabers that needed a battery?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

The jedi master looked at the girl and listened as she remained there... it was hard to explain Tython and Ahch-To... even worlds like Ossus and some of the older ones because they had found things like the Kooroo or the bedlam across the galaxy. Her padawan frustration if you wanted to call it that over governments and what they did or would allow... the state of the galaxy. "I always have a plan, it is important to have a purpose and in most cases others will only make their purpose acquiring political points or people who will advance them. I stopped worrying about that a long time ago and found much greater purpose in this... in the force and teaching it as few can really match knowledge or even power and control to myself." And that wasn't pride or arrogance it was just a fact.... few took the time instead proclaiming themselves a master of a skill within a day and never practicing it while she knew it would take several lifetimes to really understand and use a skill to its fullest.

"But this world it is the home of the First Jedi temple.... what you speak of were the Je'daii. There is a difference." She said it and moved with her hands clasped behind her back as the small of it and motioned while she was moving. "The je'daii were on tython, they trained for thousands upon thousands of years before they were even known to the galaxy. They had changed from force sensitives around the galaxy brought together by great temple ships into a group that had splintered a handful of times. Spreading out across the Tython systems and facing threats. When they finally became the first jedi after the force wars and expelling the followers of the darkside they spread to several worlds. Ahch-To was the closest to them and it is strong in the force. So they expanded and this was the first temple of the jedi built but the first je'daii and it is here that the caretakers work to maintain and present to us seclusion and connection to the force."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Satyana glanced at her lightsaber as she was being taught about the history of the two planets. The Je'daii Order... Hmm... she was somewhat getting it. "Ohh... the way you put it master, it makes sense now." she said to her. "I always was figuring out on why so many Jedi usually dispute the location of the origins. It's just that both planets are extremely old, especially how old the Jedi are. Given how many times the Jedi was almost destroyed, and much of their history being wiped off the record, namely throughout the whole Age of the First Galactic Empire."

Moving with her master as she walked, Satyana also heard her words about the political nature of the galaxy and such. "But how can one be so sure? The fact still remains that there is still much to be done in the galaxy. I don't know what my true purpose is even here. The Jedi Journey always sounds like it's something about destiny. But I feel there is more to that. What I'm more curious about is not just about destiny, but about the heroes' journey. This whole Galaxy, for years, there has really been no other faction I could choose... everyone has their own ambitions, goals and mindsets. I can't even say if they even need the Jedi anymore, or if they just... reject the Jedi all together. Even the Sith I feel, probably sided with some Jedi, and they just created some strange enclave. What I want, is to see the Jedi once more rise to what they should of been, like back then... but you master, you don't really seem keen on doing so. Didn't you said you were apart of some order before leaving it?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Satyana Rameshai"]

"Sadly I have been part of severalorders and some I left willingly, some I was exiled from with the internal politics and some simply disappeared. Sadly there is unlikely going to be a jedi order that stands the test of time... eventually all will fade and falter because the galaxy has changed as it always will. It has gone towards flash in the pan governments that are designed to last as long as one or two people are in power and then once they are gone go away. No long er is there centuries spanning republics or empires.. no longer is there a singular order that unifies. It is about the individual and their wants over helping others."

She said it and waited for a moment with a shrug. "Which is why now in my older age.. I much prefer the quiet life... few can fight me, fewer can find me and I have some of the finest jedi who follow me. Artisans and shadows, guardians and sentinels with more knowledge then ambition. I might not be a grandmaster but I can't really name many that I would respect." She shrugged again while walking along the stones that went around the island and interwove between the temple showing the different artisans milling about. With work they were testing force equipment essential to the newer breeds of jedi.

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