RC 212

Kathlan station: Unknown Regions
Space stations were far and wide. There were plenty of them and with the wake of the apocalypse and the uneneding wars countless stations had been lost to the void. But not one station. Kathlan station ahd been lost long ago to pirates. Word had it a corsair fleet had assaulted her whilst the ACA collapsed and whiskered her away into the void.
For a while the location of the mysteriously missing station was unknown. Until now. A message had come across the underground networks and criminal job boards across the galaxy. Kathlan had been sighted by a shipping merchant whom had disappeared shortly thereafter. Known for her riches and her heavy load of medical supplies, freelancer crews descended upon her at once. Each crew intent on claiming their prize. The crew to take the station would have her and all her riches!
But there was a warning in the message as well....
Beware, for here there be Pirates!
Objective 1: Secure the command center at the center of the station to disable automated defenses and control incoming ships.
Objective 2: Capture the pirate commander before he escapes in his fighter.
Objective 3: Find the control codes for the pirate mothership
Objective 4: Clear the pirates from the engineering bay!
[member="Veino Garn"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Ark Tallen"]
Location: Deep space near the Unknown Regions.Vassara cleaned her shotgun idly as Silas piloted the Gypsy Caravan through the void. There was a solitude here she had long missed. Far away from the troubles of the galaxy and its major governments. The wars and the inquisition drained her. Vassara was an explorer, and a brutal one at that.
Any whom crossed her soon felt the wrath of the young and upcoming woman. Her an Silas had created a condition where they were wanted across twenty two known systems, and most likely a handful more. Gunrunning, Spice Smuggling, Piracy and a myriad of other crimes had put a mark on their heads.
But hey a spacer had to do what a spacer had to do right. The allure of credits to the young woman’s eyes was like bees to a honey-pot.
She longed for them, craved them.....
"Alright we're coming in."
Vassara spun around in her chair, squinting through the view-port of the small semi circle cargo freighter.
"I dont see anything!"
"Relax, these are the exact coordinates."
Vassara licked her lips in anticipation and closed her Czerka combat shotgun with a click, locking the two halves together.
"Alright lets see what we got! Burst the shortwave scanners, see if we can pick her up!"