Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First for the 181st!

[member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alpha"] [member="Lily Rose"] [member="RC 212"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Chupa La'Roi"]

It was time

Captain Alva Calvarona, second Princess of Crina's Royal Family, now an Imperial Officer looking to increase her status through the new system in place over her world, stared down at the flight helmet in her hands as she stood in the hanger awaiting the rest of the 181st to arrive. Not that there was many. She hadn't had time to put together a full squadron, but she was quite pleased at the number of people she was able to convince or put together for the formation of Skull Squadron.

It wouldn't be long before the Crinan Carrier, a new ship designed by Crina's shipyard utilizing Imperial design data, dropped out of hyperspace near Rodica. Or Nicoleta as it was better known by its inhabitants. By Rebels. Nearly all of their forces had been wiped out, captured, or scared underground during the Imperials arrival and deployment of military support on Crina. The outpost on Rodica was truly the last sure and sturdy bastion of the rebellion against Crina's government.

It would not be an obstacle for long though. Rodica belonged to Crina, and Crina was now supported by the Imperial Remnant. The world barely had a population, but it had resources and territory to use in the name of the Royal Family and Emperor. Alva couldn't have hoped for a better assignment for Skull Squadron's first deployment. She would begin their debriefing.

Standing tall as she turned her gaze over the gathered members of the squadron, Alva began. "All of you know what you're doing here. All of you now assembled know who you are. Members of the Imperial 181st Fighter Wing, Skull Squadron. Admittedly we are the first, and only members currently of the 181st. . . . but it will grow! Our successes will gain us members, gain us support! To have success, we have to undergo assignments, and as the reincarnation of the fighting force that was the Imperial Elite starfighter squadron we are the best. We will behave as such! The Republic has their Wraiths, the Alliance their Rogues, we have our Skulls. Today will be the Skulls first mission. We are eliminating the last bastion of rebel hope in the Luminitia system, the last stronghold of the Crinan Rebels. They established this outpost on Rodica a long time ago near the start of the war. The Rebel founder Nicoleta was the one to brave the asteroid belts in our system get through to it and start a long term plan in case her rebellion failed. We're crushing that plan. Rodica may have no population to control essentially, but we must eliminate all resistance, and we must claim the world in its totality along with its land and resources for Crina and the Remnant. There is a single significant Rebel Outpost on Rodica. It houses an unknown number of Infantry and staff, but we do know that at they only have two outdated Crinan Frigates, and at most three or four Crinan Interceptor Squadrons. Now our Carrier here, the Resolute Dreamer will handle the Crinan frigates. Our objective is to crush the Rebel's fighter squadrons, and take a pass at the frigates before landing ground side. Then we begin disabling the base. Our support for this operation will be The Resolute Dreamer and Two Imperial standard TIE Squadrons. We'll also receive some infantry support if we can confirm its safe to land the slower dropships. Does anyone have any questions? We're close to arrival so speak quickly."
Kimaar stayed completely quiet, nodding every once in awhile as she gave her speech, but otherwise staying as still as a statue. Inside, he was preparing himself for the fight ahead; the first time he'd been mobilized, and the first time he'd flown other then in basic training. And if he made the smallest mistake, it could cost his life or the life of one of his team mates... No pressure.

(Sorry for short post, i'm falling asleep)
Killian was a little bit late. Every time he suited up on one of these Crinan vessels, the locals couldn't help but stare at his tattoo. It was like they'd never seen a naked woman before. Granted the naked woman tattooed on his back was rather exotic for Crinan tastes, with long black hair and a feminine figure to dream of. She'd been a damn good pilot, though. Made Killian wonder what he was doing flying ships compared to her. Of course, she was now deceased, killed in the last decisive battle of the former Empire, but that was the way things went. A shame, though. She'd been fun.

With his suit finally on, and his helmet tucked under his arm, he ran down the halls and skidded in amongst the rest of Skull Squadron just before their Crinan captain started talking. He wasn't exactly sure how a local squeezebucket like her had managed to be named their leader, but it was alright. She wasn't exactly hideous. It certainly made briefing and debriefing something he didn't have to hate any longer.

She droned on about this being the last stronghold of the Crinan Rebels, and that their mission was to take it down. He was cool with popping the faces of a few enemies, and adding some numbers to his kills. It didn't bother him that they were some under-equipped rebel group from a people that hadn't really ever dealt with outsiders. Enemies was enemies. Maybe afterwards he'd pop some other things when he was hanging out with the Crinan ladies. They were odd, but they always seemed fascinated with him. Maybe it was the tattoo?

"What are we flying?"

[member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Sitting upon a crate in his Specter Armor Zamza watched the women Alva Calvarona as she spoke, it was weird that she was the one who was the leader of this rag-tag group. They all had different lives yet they all still came together or the empire when the time was needed. Zamza's face was covered so no one knew that he was a alien which was a good thing in the imperial remnant. There were to many xenophobic types for his liking though he truly didn't mind. He just didn't want his race interfering with their mission. Watching the latecomer slide into the room Zamza simply shook his head turning his attention back to Alva as she gave her speech. "Hmm so may I assume that no man or woman be left behind? " That was one thing Zamza believed in, if there was a way to save someone he would no matter the circumstances.
[member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alpha"] [member="Lily Rose"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Chupa La'Roi"]

Alva truly wished she had been able to find more able, willing, and most of all capable, pilots and soldiers to join in the elite fighter and commando unit. Nonetheless she was more than pleased that she had been able to put together a group at all. Certainly it was problematic there was only so few of them for now, but the young Crinan woman fully intended to make this operation a calling card for more true and skilled Imperials and Crinan soldiers to join in the 181st Unit and increase the ranks. They would send a clear signal of their ability and prowess and make it clear their stance. No one could stand against them, rebellion would not be tolerated under their watch, and there was no group out there more ready and willing to fight for order than themselves.

She expected the questions she got. They were dealing with their first operation rather suddenly, but then if they couldn't handle that then there was no point in dealing with the rest of things. "We'll be flying newly developed TIE Fighters put into production by Crina Royal Industries with support from Seinar, TIE Seekers. Elite Starfighters. You've all been issued standard armor, though I see someone else brought their own special toys to the party. Your ships are all armed with four laser cannons, a heavy ion cannon, and a pair of proton torpedo launchers. Those sound like fun to you boys?" It irked her a little the alien of the group wasn't conforming to the Imperial gear, but then she couldn't raise too many complaints. She was wearing Crinan Combat armor herself anyway.
Kimaar just nodded, standing practically at attention in the corner. He was looking forward to flying the new TIE fighters. looking forwards to the battle. Looking forward to killing the last of the rebels. However, he didn't express any of excitement. Rather, the pilot stayed perfectly still, nodding with every question or pause in [member="Alva Calvarona"]'s speech. He did wish, however, that she would hurry along the briefing. This mission was his first chance to prove his worth, and in a faction that strictly looked down on non-humans that was one of the most important things he could do.
"This armor is pretty standard if you asked me. It's just a pilots suit."

He shrugged, and then looked at his fellow pilots. Yes, there was at least one alien in the group and he scowled inside of his helmet as he regarded Zamza. No matter what the thing did, it would never be considered a member of the Empire in Killian's eyes. He detested non-humans. Loathed them, really. He wanted to kill them all as quickly and as efficiently as he could. In fact, if ever a situation arose in which he could see the alien die, he'd make sure to let it happen, and then claim he couldn't stop it later.

Shaking his head, he turned back to Alva, the young Princess that was leading them. He didn't trust her, either. She was a local. The local yokels barely had capable equipment before the Remnant showed up. That and from what he knew, she had been mostly on the ground. He wondered how her flying was? Maybe she was more of the commando than a pilot. Well, he'd make up for it. Piloting was his gig. The commando stuff he'd pick up on, but piloting was second nature for him and he was an ace several times over already. Time to make it happen.

"We done? I'm ready to vape some rebs."

[member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]
[member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Alpha"] [member="Lily Rose"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Chupa La'Roi"]

Alva frowned at the pilot complaining about his armor just being a flight suit. However it wouldn't last long as klaxons sounded and a voice boomed over the internal communications. "All hands we've cleared the danger zone and have made our approach on the planet. Enemy warships have detected our presence and launched to intercept. Squadrons have been deploy, reading four enemy interceptor class signatures. Their launching missile salvos." The rebels were making their move then. Even combined the two Noble class warships couldn't match the new Carrier Analog that CRI had developed with Imperial aid. Heck, they weren't even the same size combined.

This was the moment then, Alva turned towards the TIEs awaiting them and started climbing into her own as the rest of Skull Squadron and their fellows in the supporting squadrons did the same. "We're launching, everyone to your station and get in formation after we exit the hanger. Killian you should have combat armor already stashed in your TIE for when we land. Flight Suits won't be ground op preferred, switch before exiting the craft when we land."

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I stood at the bridge’s observation port my mind elsewhere as I stared off into whirlwind that was hyperspace. Old myths spoke how one could go mad doing so. The ether didn’t seem to affect me but perhaps that was the madness in itself was believing into the superstition. I was still getting used to the Crinan carrier’s bridge, with its subtle blend of Imperial and Crinan design. I was impressed with the weapon capabilities but most importantly the equipment on board.
I turned my thoughts to the chaos still subsiding back on Crina this operation needed to happen quickly. Years at the academy on Ferrhast taught him well in the art of decisive action. When the situation was look at as whole for the Imperial Remnant this had to happen swiftly and without overlooking any detail. Rebellion, sedition, and dissent were all things that could easily unravel the peace and order the Imperials hoped to instill. A petty officer approached me eager to pass a message, I waved my hand for him to spit it out.
“Sir we are preparing to drop out of hyperspace!”

General Quarters, All hands to their battle stations prepare for combat” I barked startling the petty officer. Klaxons began to wail in a ghostly manner as the bridge changed to a red hue. Would soon engulf the whole ship. I had been taught to always leave hyperspace as though a fire fight was awaiting you on the other side.

The Resolute Dreamer exited hyperspace along with its two escorts. Turning from the view port and strode over to the primary holoprojector glancing back and forth between it and the screens on the port bulkhead.

I peered at the opposing rebel ships. Only two of their destroyer class ships…. ‘Hmmm interesting. Looks like we will be in firing range within four minutes’.
“Comms, signal the escorts tell them to cut sublight speed and hold their positions.”

Sir?” The Ensign looked at me as though I had told him to dance wookiee bungalow.
“You heard me ensign. The Resolute Dreamer is more than capable of dealing with these rebel destroyers and it is her first trial of fire. In fact it’s a trial of fire for all of us so there is a lot to prove here.” The notion seemed to have sunk in with the junior officer.

I pursed a smirk ‘In fact this is especially a trial for the 181st. I can only imagine how this will go

Sir the enemy have fighters!
Sir incoming missiles

“Flight Officer, signal the squadrons to launch when ready.” Again I barked. I hoped to put a sense of urgency into these voidsmen. That during a real combat situation there was no room for hesitation.

"Squadrons to launch when ready aye," another lieutenant that he would have to learn the name of at some point smartly snapped to attention clicking his heels together and spoke into a commlink. "All hands we've cleared the danger zone and have made our approach on the planet. Enemy warships have detected our presence and launched to intercept. Squadrons have been deploy, reading four enemy interceptor class signatures. Their launching missile salvos."

“Lieutenant, next time send the message directly to the flight operations chief. Rather than over the ship's 1MC” I scolded. The Lt snapped again to attention as a wordless apology. My thoughts on the matter was fleeting as I focused on what orders I should make next. 'There is time, plenty of it still, I'll play caution with our approach.'
“Helm bring our speed to half. Lower the launch bay shields”

"Half speed aye, lowering shields"

'Well now let us lose our green horns...'

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"] [member="Alexander Nester"] [member="Alpha"] [member="Lily Rose"]
Killian just shrugged. He'd fight naked if he needed to. Would be a good way to show off his tattoo. It would probably confuse the hell out of the enemy, which wasn't the worst idea in the world as far as he was concerned. But he was pretty sure the pretty Crinan wouldn't want to stare at him in the middle of a fight. Oh, and yes, she would be staring. Wink wink to himself. Alright, though. Under fire, can't sit around and daydream all day long, even though he wanted to. Would be a heck of a lot easier than duking it out with these has been enemy pilots.

Running to his fighter, he jumped inside and started the engines up. As per usual, the TIE's were hanging in racks. Once the engines were up, shields were online, and weapons were ready to go, he detached from the rack and dropped down before punching it. Oh how the engines purred beneath him. Now this was a fighter like none other. And so many delightfully delicious weapons at his disposal. He felt like he could take on an enemy cruiser and win in the thing.

"Now this is my kind of fighter. She's totally stacked with gear. Let's vape some enemies, shall we?"

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Cauis Flavian"] [member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]
It had been well over 800 years since he had sat in the cockpit of a TIE fighter of any design. Maybe 500 since he had ridden one into battle. Five weeks since he had ripped one apart for spares. But that was as a Mandalorian. How quickly time changes...

Flicking his cockpit lights on as he stepped inside, Chupa looked around him at his new, fellow pilots. Pilots? Pirates? Pilots. He slipped his skull handkerchief around his mouth, displaying its fangs to the space outside the hangar. The noise drowned out as he closed the cockpit off to the outside world and pulled his adapted comm system around his head. Helmets were for novices, and who needs a breathing mask when you have the Force?

And so, he waited for the call in silence, relaxing into his seat and staring out into space. Breath in, breath out.

Breath in, breath out.
[member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Chupa La'Roi"] [member="Cauis Flavian"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]
Wasting no time, Alva climbed up to get within her TIE Seeker as it hung from its rack with the rest of the carriers supplement of Imperial Fighters. Performing her pre-flight check quickly, as she had repeatedly prepared the systems ahead of time to ensure speed and efficiency when the time came, the young Crinan and now squadron leader of the 181st activated her comm system as her engines began to spring to life and the hanger bay's shields could be seen visibly dropping once all pilots were within their craft. "All squadrons this is Captain Calvarona of the 181st, launch and eliminate all enemy Interceptors! Keep your frequencies tuned into your squadron's channel for your flight leader's orders and don't stray from your wingmates. Deploy now!"

Releasing her ship from its holdings, Alva gripped the yoke of the fighter and pressed her throttle forward as she sped out into space, quickly flanked by two wingmates from the 181st as she turned her ship quickly to scream towards the swarm of rebel interceptors heading their way. It honestly shamed her to see Crinan Interceptors be shot down, but these rebels using stolen arms would perish today. The rebel craft was vastly inferior: slower, fewer arms, weaker defenses, but they did have numbers on their side.

It was time to cut some of that down then she supposed. The Carrier could handle the enemy missile fire, the point defense guns were definitely the weapon of choice to shoot such down. So the enemy squadrons then. . . . .belonged to the 181st! So it was with a grin that Alva pulled her ship up and about to dive under the fire of the front wave of enemy interceptors, only to bring herself back up hard with a spin, thankful so much work had been put into the TIE Seekers' design, and squeezed down on the trigger to bring her four laser cannons to life, laser fire spitting out and lancing into the swarm, joined by her wingmates attacks as well.

It was satisfying to watch the results as the rebel squadrons pulled out to reform formations, scattering after four of their fighters had been destroyed.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
“Concentrate forward Point defense cannons to intercept those missiles, put all port and starboard PDCs to put up a flak field in our immediate forward direction. Keep it in a tight conical field please”

Aye aye” The fire control officers responded in unison. I watched as the dark void erupted into multiple plums of fire before dissipating into debris. The Initial salvo was sloppy but they had plenty more missiles to fire. In fact a second salvo was already being launched.
I studied the fighters for a moment, ‘Ah good it appears the 181st achieved first blood, doing well right out of the gates. This operation isn't over though so one step at a time’ I strode to the navigation station. Looking over the shoulder of the petty officer manning a console. The petty officer tensed up as I rested my arm on his shoulder to get a better look at the data.

“Relax, now tell me with the current formation these two destroyers have are we able to discern the where about of their base” I knew there wouldn't be anything but I liked to test the crew. In fact When we arrived these rebels were already out here on picket with no course corrections or data to go off really the answer was going to be a no.
Struggling to relax with the CO’s arm the petty officer pored back over the information “No sir it would appear not

“Figures as much…” I sighed and moved away, to the relief of the noncom. “Fire control, new objective, rather than obliterating these crinan rebels well be disabling their ships. Keep our Ion cannon batteries and turrets on stand by.”

Aye aye” Again in unison from fire control, ‘I wonder if they are twins… or share some sort of telepathic sync… oh no matter I’ll have ISB look into it later

“Helm 45 degrees to starboard and drop bow by 15 degrees, we’ll bring our port side batteries to bear.”

45 to starboard, 15 to bow Aye Sir

“Concentrate all turret fire, with the exception of the Ion cannons, on the Destroyer marked Bantha 1, when batteries are in fully brought to bear unleash a full broadside save the ion cannons. I wouldn’t want to reveal our intentions to soon…”

Aye Aye” Their voices replied as one. I sighed again ‘I think they must be young and short because I can’t see them pass their computer terminals… I’ll just assume for now they are twins. I really need to get to know my crew at some point.

"Flight officer, relay to the squadrons the current objectives"

"Aye aye sir!" The crack and whine of heat resistant coils could be heard on the bridge as the turrets began to pummel the target designated Bantha 1. “Sir Bantha 2 is changing course” Helm shouted up. I glanced to our flak field which seemed to be holding, when suddenly a blitz of missiles appeared to break through unscathed “Fire control!” I barked but it was too late… I tugged the comm link and shouted


[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Chupa La'Roi"] [member="Killian Holmes"] [member="Kimaar Tol'Jako"] [member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

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