The hands of power continued to work and dispatched to Commenor the Secretary of State, the Foreign Minister. Valessia Creed, now aboard the Consul-class, diplomatic ship the FIV Advocate. Inside its hull, and within the corridors and deep in her own personal quarters. The Baroness watched the live holovids on one screen as she waited for [member="Natasi Fortan"]'s reply on the other. She turned, motioning for the holovid to go down in tone - news had broke regarding Yutan and the CSA. "And, Minister, do extend to the Queen a state visit to Dosuun, that's all."Her screen went blank, left only with the image of their government's emblem. The brunette turned her attention back to the newsfeeds and then her attention was drawn to the surface of her desk. Wherein sat the datapads, and a personal handwritten note regarding the day's visit. She had written it awhile ago, when she had been awaiting the order to head to Commenor. It seemed like ages but really had only been weeks, the Minister briefly checked in with her Nanny on Dosuun. Young Gunther had just woke from his nap, and Valessia adored her son's little smile and the way his eyes seemed to dance in the light. He gave her a reason to live, as did her husband who seemed to be more and more involved with the military with every week that passed. Her attention was back to her notes soon enough.
"Minister, we're to revert back to realspace within the hour."
A diplomatic aide had been assigned but it had not been her usual aide, and Valessia suspected that was because the Counsellor had been needed elsewhere. Leaving the Foreign Minister to her own devices, in an almost Jeffersonian manner. The soft ocean blues of hyperspace brought her some manner comfort to know that she had somehow if only by Natasi's graciousness been restored to some semblance of power. She knew now that she would have to play the hand dealt to her, and as her eyes drifted back to the scribbled notes in Brentaalan. She pressed down on her communications button, "Amina, please send word to the Queen of our arrival."
[member="Lady Kay"]