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Approved Lore The First Purge of the Fifth Wing

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The First Purge of the Fifth Wing


A Tsis'Kaar assassin prepares to eliminate members of the seditious Fifth Wing on the orders of their master.


During a battle between the EMPIRE OF THE LOST and the SITH ORDER an organisation called the FIFTH WING is founded by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and Alicia Drey Alicia Drey on the planet FELUCIA. The goal of this organisation is to reform the Empire into a SITH EMPIRE aligned to the Sith Order based on the planet of JUTRAND. Together Drey and Malum supposedly collude in secret to influence the internal politicks, economics and policies of the Empire in order to gradually weaken it over time. Whether it be through a coup d'état leading to a political revolution on the capital planet of LIANNA; a full-scale invasion of the Empire of the Lost by the Sith Order launched from the realms of the STYGIAN CALDERA; or putting in place a double-agent positioned in a prominent position within the Empire, the subsequent conspiracy which found its way into the Imperial Remnant founded within the TION CLUSTER had numerous options in how they wanted to accomplish their end goals.

Without her co-conspirator in the form of Darth Malum being aware of it, Alicia Drey was a clone created by Velran Kilran Velran Kilran in collusion with Her Her as part of their scheme to solidify Kilran's new position as the defacto head-of-state and subsequent proclamation of the title, 'HIS MAJESTY OF ALL IMPERIAL KIND', following a coup d'état against Aculia Voland Aculia Voland after she disappeared from the Empire of the Lost at the turn of the ninth century. The clone itself was a copy of a fallen Jedi Knight called ELLA NOVA: a hero from the days of the OLD REPUBLIC who fought in the ONE SITH WARS in the 840s who was turned to the dark side by Darth Ayra Darth Ayra . After an incident on NEW ALDERAAN, Nova was captured by Vulpesen Vulpesen and turned over to the NEW JEDI ORDER where she was subsequently imprisoned in cryostasis until the JEDI HIGH COUNCIL figured out a way to turn her back to the light side.

Due to propaganda and lies spread by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex it became believed by some that Nova had been the victim of the transfer essence ritual: a Sith spell that allowed a Sith Lord to move their consciousness from their body into another. With the belief that Darth Ayra Darth Ayra had taken Nova's body as her new host (in order to survive an infection that was killing her following a separate incident on DXUN) a Sith Master called DARTH MENDACIUM infiltrated a prison facility based on CORUSCANT (alongside his Sith apprentice Her Her ) in order to eliminate the imprisoned Jedi in order to destroy a potential rival in the dichotomy of the RULE OF TWO: an ideology created by DARTH BANE which stipulated that there could only be two Sith Lords at a time.

Uncertain that the captured Jedi was either the Dark Jedi, Ella Nova, or the Sith Lord, Darth Ayra, Mendacium consequentially stabbed her with a Lightsaber after freeing her from cryostasis and subsequently murdered her. In this way he completed the rite of the Rule of Two after he stole Ayra's Sith Holocron from the real Alicia Drey Alicia Drey (in a CITY LOST TO TIME) decades ago and became a follower of the ideology after being taught it by the artefacts gatekeeper. After murdering Nova, Mendacium replaced her with a clone as part of a scheme to destroy the Jedi Order in collusion with Velran Kilran Velran Kilran who created the cloned copy of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey after Her Her assisted in the early stages of his coup against Aculia Voland Aculia Voland at the turn of the ninth century.

Before the rise of the DARK EMPIRE, Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan launched OPERATION ABSOLUTION: a clandestine attack on an prison facility in Coruscant to free dissidents that would later join him on CARLAC as he founded the Dark Empire with Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . During the attack the cloned version of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was subsequently freed and would join the Dark Imperials as they gathered their strength to invade the GALACTIC ALLIANCE. Adopting the alias of Darth Ayra Darth Ayra and calling herself Alicia Drey, the clone impersonated Ayra among the Dark Imperials (and later as a member of the Tsis'Kaar) in order to infiltrate them to gather information and intelligence for Her Her . Working as a spy for Her Her it was ascertained that the Dark Empire could not be influenced enough to attack the Sith Order, and so Drey was recalled to Lianna to join Velran Kilran Velran Kilran in his coup d'état where she would later be elevated to the position of Staff Director in the New Imperial Security Bureau: the internal security, peacekeeping and intelligence gathering organisation responsible for securing the Empire from internal, or external threats.

After eliminating the Old Imperial Ruling Council and replacing it with a brand new one, Kilran sought to expand the Empire of the Lost by invading other star systems and their planets to add to his new domain. While the new Emperor focused on expansion his collaborator in Her Her devised a scheme that would weaken his rivals and eliminate threats that might oppose his new rule such as the TIONESE: the local populace of Humans found in the TION CLUSTER (where the Empire of the Lost is predominantly positioned) who possessed pockets of opposition to their new ruler. Here Alicia Drey Alicia Drey was sent to Felucia to create the Fifth Wing with Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr in order to orchestrate a planned crisis within the Empire of the Lost that would result in the removal of opposition to Kilran's rule as Emperor under the disguise of a conspiracy to reform his Empire into one aligned to the Sith Order on Jutrand.

In order to orchestrate this planned crisis Alicia Drey Alicia Drey infiltrated a war council convened by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean so as to spy on the meeting and reported back on it to Her Her . However, the clone became defective during the meeting, and unexpectedly tried to influence it by trying to move Empyrean and his assembly away from targeting the Empire of the Lost as a target for their next invasion. Instead of accomplishing her goal to divert an invasion away from the Imperials, the clone invited the wrath of the dreaded CORPSE EMPEROR and was subsequently exposed as a spy who had infiltrated his meeting by an envoy to the Trade Federation of Planets and the Arsiatijza.

Therefore Empyrean initiated an invasion of the Imperial occupied world of Tion in retaliation for the battle on Felucia (which saw it temporarily occupied by the Empire of the Lost) and their apparent attempt to divert the forces of the Sith Order away from them. The subsequent crisis which came about following the conclusion of the Sith Siege of Tion was far more devastating than initially planned resulting in severe economic damage to the Empire and the spread of refugees among its many star systems who managed to escape the Tion system before it was destroyed by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . However, despite the damaged caused to the Empire of the Lost, the crisis itself did eliminate the Tionese dissidents who were against Kilran's rule as Emperor and thereby solidified his position as it's defacto head-of-state later leading to his titles being passed onto Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran Kaanni Ugaiya Kilran after she was coronated as the so called 'PHANTOM EMPRESS' after Kilran was killed-in-action following a space battle in the Lothal system.

The aftermath of the SIEGE OF TION also had severe ramifications for Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Her co-conspirator in the Fifth Wing-- Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr -- believed that her actions during Empyrean's war council meeting (and the subsequent destruction of the planet Tion) put him at risk in the Sith Order as it potentially exposed him as a dissident to the powers that be on Jutrand. Therefore he captured Drey (with the assistance of Darth Strosius Darth Strosius ) and presented her to the Corpse Emperor during his Rubicon. After showing proof that he had dealt with the spy who had infiltrated the war council meeting, Malum strangled Drey to death and left her body to be discovered on Lianna by the New Imperial Security Bureau. Afterwards the Staff Director was exposed as a former Jedi in the Trigonus Report: an explanation provided by Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor (a member of the Fifth Wing) to the hierarchy within the Empire of the Lost to elaborate on a Jedi plot to destroy Imperialism across the Galaxy.

With the creation of the Trigonus Report, the existence of the Fifth Wing conspiracy was temporarily obfuscated despite Alicia Drey Alicia Drey 's actions which threatened to expose the organisation. Meanwhile, the former expats of the Tenth Sith Empire; disgruntled Imperials recruited from the Empire of the Lost who were unhappy with the Kilran regime; and even agents belonging to the Tsis'Kaar (who were all members of the Fifth Wing itself) were subsequently purged by loyalists to Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr who sought to eliminate anyone left in the organisation who prove to be a threat to the conspiracy after his co-founder put everything at risk during the war council meeting held by Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and her subsequent exposure as a spy within the Dark Empire by an envoy sent by the Trade Federation of Planets.

Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor -- despite being a recruit by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey in the earlier days of the Fifth Wing's creation-- was spared by the first purge of the organisation due to her position within the IMPERIAL IMMORTALS and her use in the creation of the Trigonus Report. The purge itself was carried out by direct members of the TSIS'KAAR of which the Fifth Wing was a branch off of the secular sect of Sith whom serve Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr as part of his powerbase within the Sith Order. The elimination of targets within the Fifth Wing was carried out in a clandestine fashion, and because the organisation itself was compartmentalized, the surviving members of the conspiracy were largely unaware that a purge had even occurred, or that their lives had been potentially put at risk by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .

Curiously Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti was also spared from the purge despite being the alleged Sith Apprentice of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and his subsequent involvement in the conspiracy. Mecetti, who was an unwitting collaborator in the Fifth Wing plot-- a victim of manipulation by Her Her -- was an obvious risk of exposure to the conspiracy after Drey was assassinated. Despite being listed as a target by the Tsis'Kaar assassins sent by Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr to clean up the Fifth Wing of it's corruption, Mecetti was saved from them by Her Her who murdered those who had been sent to kill him and therefore saved his life.

The FIRST PURGE OF THE FIFTH WING also had an intended affect by resetting the conspiracy back into it's original paradigm to weaken the Empire of the Lost so that it could be reformed into a Sith Empire. With the organisation itself no longer being affected by the machinations of Her Her (who was using Alicia Drey Alicia Drey to discreetly affect the Fifth Wing to bring the Empire of the Lost to invade the Stygian Caldera) the Fifth Wing created a new crisis for the Empire in the Bastion system by framing members of THE DIARCHY and a delegation sent by the Empire to BASTION into acts of war which resulted in the SARTINAYNIAN CRISIS. In spite of the purge Her Her continued to find ways of influencing it to a certain degree by impersonating Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and using a slicer handle called 'LAETOR' to manipulate Sieliel Dimegor Sieliel Dimegor and other bad actors sent as part of the delegation to Bastion into exposing the Fifth Wing once again thereby affecting the conspiracy and it's original goals to change the Empire of the Lost.

During the crisis Her Her murdered several members of the Fifth Wing who had infiltrated the Imperial Immortals tasked with guarding Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn while the Imperial delegation negotiated with representatives of The Diarchy to turn over Bastion to the Empire of the Lost as part of the latters mission to restore the GALACTIC EMPIRE. Thrynn, who was captured by the New Imperial Security Bureau, was supposed to be used as a bargaining chip during the negotiations, but was subsequently freed by Her Her during the Sartinaynian Crisis. Her Her 's involvement in the crisis, while thought to be the mastermind of the Fifth Wing and it's influence in the Empire, infact affected OPERATION POWDERKEG in a negative way as the botched operation (while successful in bringing the Empire of the Lost and The Diarchy into war) exposed the DIRECT SURVEILLANCE OF DOMESTIC THREATS and archive, '09-14-25-15-21-18-23-01-12-12-19' which contained files pertaining to the Fifth Wing conspiracy and the Sith influence inside the Empire of the Lost.

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