Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First Teacher [Moridin]


She had set out on a mission to find someone, he was the only person who could teach her and help her build immunity or a tolerance to the hunger Ashin spoke about. Her hand clutched her robes as she made her way towards the place the former Emperor lived. Here she knew she would learn things, but she could also lose her life here.

Thought taking up Ashin’s advice she venture onward to search for the teachers that she had assigned for her to find. Frowning, Spencer didn’t like this place. It seemed so sad and she could feel the weird relationship they had with the Sith Lord. Spencer of course had never met Moridin, she had heard stories of the man and knew that he had killed the former Grand Jedi Master. Knowing that, Spencer worried about her life.

Fingers played with the necklace Ashin had given her for protection. The necklace scrambled her aura providing some protection as she wandered about the Empire. Spencer wore the Sith Mask that was given to her also by the Empress so that she would further keep her identity a secret. Standing before the place Spencer looked searching for the man they called Moridin.

Using the force, she bellowed out for him.

“Moridin, I come seeking your wisdom and guidance! Show yourself!”
A cloud of black smoke appeared before Spencer, a rush of energy ran through the air and the ozone began to sizzle slightly. A second later the cloud became denser, it formed together and rushed into something. A silhouette appeared, and then seconds later Moridins form shifted into being before the young Dark Jedi. The Dreadlord peered down at her, with an eyebrow raised.

Moridin's aura seethed with despair and darkness. The very air around him seemed to be clutched in pure sadness, it was as if a billion voices simultaneously cried out for help within him only to be silenced by a force of will far greater than their own. The Dreadlord stared down at the young woman, the full weight of his being crashing down on her.

He didn't usually get visitors here on Byss, most of the people that came came to kill him not talk to him. The Former Emperor raised an eyebrow at the young woman, clearly slightly intrigued at the prospect of this whole thing. He peered down at her, studying the mask and attempting to figure out who she was. Her aura was scrambled, slightly seeped in darkness but also light, a curious thing. The Dreadlord gauged her before even replying. Clearly whatever she was she was quite talented...or she had a talented benefactor.

“Wisdom? Guidance?” Moridin parroted her call, staring at her faceless visage. “An odd thing to come to me for.”

The Dreadlord was not known for his students. Sure within the Empire he had brought up some fantastic Sith, Anaya, and Val to name only two but after his departure from them Moridin had hardly expected more to come calling...this was intriguing.
Spencer took a step back as she watched the cloud descend upon her. As it drew closer she felt every emotion that came with the former Dark Lord. The sadness and the despair that cried out from Moridin overwhelmed her. Her eyes watered feeling the purity of the emotions that surged from him, what was odd though is the source of the emotions. Spencer took note that they were not his emotions, it was as if they surrounded him. Her hand pressed against the mask as she did her best to regain her composure. She needed to look strong; she needed to be something if she was going to get what she wanted.

Sharp hazel eyes shot back towards the man as he formed and questioned her. He seemed not as scary as she had assumed him to be. This man was the Emperor before Ashin, but the woman did remove him from his throne. Stepping forward she looked at his figure, he was something of tales. The man was what Spencer would consider to be the true Sith, none of these children running around killing things. He was the essence of the Sith and she figured it was that which made him the Emperor in the first place.

“I was told by the Empress, to come and seek you out if I wanted to learn things. As you can tell I’m neither Jedi or Sith, but what I am is a seeker of knowledge. Darth Moridin you were someone of great power you are one of the true Sith that still exist. Please, guide me and teach me what you know.”

Pausing for a moment she wondered if giving a little bit of herself to him would help sway his decision to teach her.

“Tell me Darth Moridin, why do I feel a sadness from you but it is not your own sadness?”
The Dreadlord stared at her, so she was one of Varanins little pets interesting. From the lack of Lekku and his not being able to sense her it was easy to tell that this woman was not Anaya, nor was she Val so this was a new student. He tried to recall any other people that Varanin had surrounded herself with, and yet found himself lacking in that department. He frowned slightly, not remembering was rather difficult for him. Finally however he shrugged slightly, and then listened to the rest of her words.

She had come to learn Moridin's techniques...interesting. He had not elected to teach Anaya or Val his more...specialized ability, though Sable carried it. Moridin used a form of force walk, and a combination of his artifacts to entrap the essence of his victims within himself. Then Moridin used this trapped souls to feed himself within the darkside, lessening the strain on his body and increasing his power hundreds fold. Of course he had not used this technique in nearly four centuries, he had not needed to.

Did Varanin not tell you?” Moridin said puzzled to her question. He had figured that the Empress would tell her pet what Moridin had done...seeming as how she would be one of the few to know.

The Dreadlord stared at her, and then with a single hand reached out to touch the mask that was upon her face. It was not an aggressive act, in fact coming from Moridin it was almost...gentle. He sought to touch the mask on her face, and then use his Kiffar heritage to learn who she was and how she had acquired the mask. A simple thing.

As he reached for her face Moridin gave her the answer. “It is the despair of the eighteen billion people that resided here four centuries ago. I have consumed them.”
Spencer closed her eyes as she watched the Sith Lord reach out to her. He seemed curious about the mask for some reason, but she figured the identity of someone who claimed to be guided by the Empress would do such a thing. Her back stiffened as he reached out there was something odd about him, he touched lightly against her mask and she blinked. The sights were something she couldn’t see, but for Moridin he would see almost everything…

The mask lay onto a shelf and a woman walked by, Moridin would know her as the Empress the one that took his throne. The masked moved and was handed off to a blonde girl, her hand delicate against the metal. There were no voices, only the mask being put down onto the bed next to the women. An exchange of a kiss between them showed that the girl in front of him was the Empress’ lover. The mask fell from the bed side…
Another image blurred in its place, this time the woman’s face was in view, she looked at the mask and placed it on her face. It fit, but then another pair of hands went to adjust it, they were rough and calloused different from the blonde girl’s. This time Moridin would be able to hear a voice, which belonged to the Empress.


The mask showed one more image and it was her embarking on this mission, the mask was still fairly new along with the woman’s identity…

“See what you needed to see Darth?”

The masked woman pulled back slightly hoping to break his connection to her. She looked at him with a different look than he would have seen in her eyes in the memories. This woman in front of him had fierceness about her, she wanted to learn, and she was growing up now…

“Moridin please, teach me what you know…I seek balance within the Force.”
She was Varanins pet...interesting. A slight smirk crossed his face though, it was wider than the one usually present as if he knew something she didn't. So Varanin had sent her here to learn from him. It wasn't a move to learn what he knew, the Empress was already well aware of Moridins abilities, and she could hardly learn them herself...especially not from someone like Spencer. Clearly she wanted this girl to grow more powerful, she wanted this girl to be better...much like Moridin and Sable.

“Balance.” Moridin more mouthed the word then said it. The Dreadlord wasn't exactly the key to balance. Even if he would never admit it Moridin was Sith all the way. He had slaughtered countless innocents, killed hundreds of Jedi and Sith. The former Emperor was for many evil incarnate, he was hardly the person to ask for bringing balance...though he suspected she was more interested in bringing that balance herself.

His smirk grew larger as he got another idea, a way to irk Varanin on her new throne. Moridin stood above the girl, and stared down at her. Knowing what he knew now Moridin looked at the girl, he withdrew his hand from her mask and then placed it back on the hilt of his sword, the blade resting at his waist. His eyes seemed to have a slight orange sheen to them as he leaned forward.

“What do you want to learn?” The Dreadlord's voice rang out in the empty room, a sinister chuckle following behind it. Moridin was never one to deny anyone knowledge, but his mind stretched far and what he knew even farther. To teach her everything he knew would take decades Spencer would have to be more specific.
A chill crawled down her spine as he leaned forward, his eyes orange from his corruption…or maybe that was his real eyes. Either way Spencer rested her had on her own blade, she didn’t know what to expect from the Darth. He was strong because of the people he devoured, Spencer wondered if with her empathy and her mental force techniques if she would be able to modify that power. Taking a moment to answer the man she searched through the force with her empathy - the man wanted to teach.

“I want to learn how you devoured so many souls from Byss – teach me that.”

Her fingers flexed over the hilt of her blade as she pondered a little longer. She was standing in front of the great Darth Moridin, former Emperor of the Empire. Not many could say they stood here, but she wanted to make this worth her while.

“Also I heard you were a master at Force Lightning…I wish to seek your knowledge there also.”
Moridin peered at the girl with a slight grin, it had been rather obvious of course what she wanted. His technique, the way he devoured people was similar to how the ancient Sith of old had done so. It was a skill called Force walk, and ability that allowed one to devour and take Force Ghosts into one self. Moridin did much the same, except instead of feeding off of already dead Force Ghosts the Dreadlord consumed the life of a living person and then stole their essence, placing it within Moridins own body...essentially entrapping it.

The Dreadlord then of course used the essence of the now consumed victim to feed himself for years, and in the case of Byss centuries. It was something that only he could do, his Psychometry allowed him to share a certain connection with his victims, that connection was what allowed himself to actually consume people.

“To consume a living being. To entrap them within yourself, it is a dark and terrible thing.” As Moridin spoke an energy began to fill the air. The world around them began to shift and change, the very air seemed to tear itself apart. A blue mist began to fill the room, and throughout the haze forms and figures began to form. Hundreds upon hundreds of people began to appear within the mist. Figures of once living people were created throughout the room, each one of them staring at Spencer. “These are their faces. A fraction of what still lives inside me.”

The hundreds of ghost like people within the room seemed to be in absolute despair. Their faces were painted of misery and sorrow. They were disheveled and down trodden, as if their entire existence was a horror. “You were a Jedi once were you not? Could you do it? Trap their lives within your own?”

Suddenly, as quickly as the ghosts had appeared something banished them. A massive bolt of Red Sparking light jumped from Moridins open left palm. The massive bite of lightning bounded through the room, jumping and eroding the blue ghosts. Within a second the crowd of ghosts disappeared, replaced by a massive raging torrent of lightning.

Then the Dreadlord closed his fist. The lightning ceased in an instant, just a spark running up his left arm. He looked down at Spencer, a smirk on his face. “If you can handle it. I will teach you.”
The force ghosts popped around her and her hands quickly touched the hilt of her blade, she was nervous expecting this to be some sort of attack. It was then when they appeared she was once again smacked with a heavy dose of misery. Her head hurt and she reached up and grasped her temples for a moment trying to find her center. It was the only way to combat what she was feeling; they were in horror never being able to become one with the force.

Moridin was a keeper of these souls…a monster...a true honest to the force...Sith Master

“Yes, I was a Jedi…their teachings were rather constricting Darth. Like I’ve told you I seek balance between Light and Dark. If the situation called for I would do anything for what I desire to see happen. So yes, I would be able to trap their lives within myself. “

Spencer looked at each of the face twisted and sickened at their existence. Before she could really understand what the figures were trying to say or do they were struck down by a crimson lightening. Blinking, Spencer showed her shock on her face and looked towards the powerful Sith before her. Nodding, she knew he was something of the old Sith. The ones that you read about in the archives, the ones that lived for centuries feeding their corruption.

A smile spread across Spencer’s face as she nodded once more.

“Yes, I can handle it…I came to you because Moridin you are of the true Sith, not one of these pompous children that think slicing the head off of an innocent villager is what makes them Sith.”
Moridin smirked at the girls answers. She was playing to his ego, a very smart thing to do. He would teach her, he would teacher her everything. It would be interesting to see if she could even handle it. She could feel the feelings of others, she would take in all the pain, all the misery, all the suffering that she caused. It would not bring balance, but perhaps she thought feeling the pain would be some sort of penance for her doings. He had no idea, but he would teach her nonetheless.

“Good.” The Dreadlords voice rang out throughout the hall again as he turned about and began to walk away from Spencer. Teaching her would actually be rather difficult, she had no certain connection to the darkside. She had not seeped deeply into the hate enough to teach her in his normal ways. He would have to change that, at least for a little while.

As he began to walk forward he motioned for her to follow. They were in Byss' capital city, a place free from destruction and fighting. He would not sully this place with her training. They would retire to his mansion first in the country, and there it would all begin.

He walked through the door's of his palace, and then began to speak to her. “First, I will tell you of how I consumed Byss. This is critical to understanding how to replicated the effect.”

"Byss was at its heart connected to the Darkside, thanks to me it still is. At the time i had just returned from Chaos, a place of pure hatred. My connection to the force was powerful, and to the darkside even more powerful. I am at heart a smith, i forge and create Sith Artifacts. I used these Artifacts, spread them all across Byss. I connected them all around Byss. I used them as a network, and when the time came i stood at their center and simultaneously activated them all. The effect was instant, and a torrent of souls fell into me. The connection between myself, the Artifacts, and Byss was so powerful that i managed to consume every living thing on this world, and the only reason i was able to was because of that connection."

Moridin spoke softly, explaining that the connection one shared with the Darkside was key in using this technique, it was central.
Spencer quickly followed Moridin; she was quite surprised he agreed to teach her. The man seemed to have fallen off the face of the galaxy when he left his throne to Ashin, either way she was beyond excited. When he explained the way the connection with the darkside was needed, Spencer knew that she needed to follow that path a bit more and to allow herself to be consumed by it. Looking at her hand she remembered the curse that flowed through her connection. The curse was pure darkness, evil residing inside of her. She would have to meditate on that to see if that was enough power to fuel Moridin’s special talents.

“Master, how do you not allow yourself to be consumed by what you’ve consumed? I know you’re powerful in the dark side of the Force? You’re in control and not the dark side…correct me if I’m wrong Master.”

The masked girl didn’t understood the concept and on how everything occurred. Though how was his body capable of absorbing so many? Folding her arms she focused on everything he was saying, this was going to be a lot harder than she had expected…despite her aptitude with the Force.

“Does it always have to be done with artifacts?”
Moridin walked slower, allowing her to catch up with him. As she asked her question he couldn't help but smirk. What he had omitted from his little tale was that at the time of his consumption of Byss he hadn't exactly been...whole. Prior to absorbing the denizens of Byss the Dreadlord had been dead for some time, stuck in Chaos and using dead bodies to move around in the real world. As he walked he smiled, again thinking of control. Control was the greatest thing to him, it was what drove him, what pushed him, it was what he was.

Many Sith said they had to surrender to the Darkside to gain its full power, that they completely and totally had to give themselves over to the feel of dread and despair that came with the force. Moridin was entirely of a different mind. He controlled the Darkside, he took it, subjugated it, and used it for his own will. He had become one with it, but not by surrendering to it, by conquering it.

“This body, was born of darkness.” Moridin said simply before answering her about the artifacts. “Before I consumed Byss I was nothing, a ghost, a shadow of a man. I mean that quite literally. Using the power of the denizens of Byss I forged a new body, this one. This body was specifically created to hold the power of the denizens of Byss, much like a prison.”

That was entirely an over simplification, but there was no need to go into details just yet. It was through sheer force of will that Moridin managed to maintain control. “No, the artifacts were simply a way of enhancing the effect, they are not required or needed.”

“The only true thing you need, is the force of will to over power your opponent. This was easy on Byss because the citizens were already subjugated to my will. Their minds were plaster and when I called their souls to myself they gladly came. When you attempt to use this technique it will become a battle of wills, yours must be stronger.” This was easy for Moridin to say, he probably had the most powerful force of will in the galaxy. He dominated entire worlds, Empires, and even the darkside itself. For Spencer this would be a little bit more difficult.
“Could these artifacts be crafted into weapons or other things to help enhance one’s force of will?”

Spencer had never heard anything like this; she was being introduced to a whole new world. When Moridin mentioned the artifacts, she remembered the necklace around her neck. Her fingers played with the small charm, she knew it was crafted with Sith Magic something that was a little beyond her reach. Spencer knew if she wanted to walk down that path she would eventually have to allow the darkness to consume her. Her hand fell from her chest as she continued to walk with Moridin, the man was filled with endless knowledge and she was already learning so much from him.

The force of will was the key to all of this. She knew she needed hers to become stronger; she needed to make things happen for her. Her mind remembered the other apprentice, the one who was going after what she wanted also. A flare of anger spread through her as she remembered the woman’s face, the desire to destroy it intensified her anger. She needed to make people flock to her, support her in her mission. She was the first apprentice; she had to play this political game.

“Master, how does one improve or increase their Force of Will, it’s a necessity that I do so – I want to do so.”
Moridin stopped for a few seconds and looked down at Spencer with a slight frown on his face. Of course Artifacts were capable of enhancing ones willpower, but it was a shortcut...and not a very good one. The willpower was nothing if not your own, it had to come from yourself or something very bad could happen. If your willpower was enhanced by an artifact and you entrap a soul within yourself things could flip entirely for you. The Artifact could break, or could be destroyed by another means and then you would find yourself without the means to control the essence within yourself.

The essence could then take control of your body, and then tear you to shreds from the inside out. The Willpower had to come from yourself, and beyond that it had to stay there. Loosing focus was disastrous when it came to this technique.

“Its possible, thought not advisable.” The Dreadlord said quietly, he paused for a few more seconds then finally kept on walking down the hallway until they eventually reached a small docking bay. There they found a transport shuttle which Moridin immediately entered. Once they entered it Moridin kept on speaking, this was the easiest part of the ordeal. “You increase your force of will the same you would increase any other attribute...practice. You already have the will to subjugate ordinary beings, that much is apparent by your use of the Force. However if you wish to subjugate a Jedi, or a will have to grow far more powerful.”

“Before you even attempt any of this however, I will show you something different. Before you can take an essence from a living person I will teach you to take one from the dead. Once you learn to control and already dead spirit, taking in a living one will be far simpler.” Moridin spoke plainly, as he always did.
Spencer nodded; she had a feeling he wasn’t going to enjoy the idea of her asking about the amulets. There were no short cuts with the man, which she should have assumed from the beginning. From her understanding of how the Sith of old were, there was no short cuts. You were either consumed by the darkness or remained nothing. Spencer wondered how it was to live in that type of Empire, to learn and eventually become consumed. Crossing her arms in front of her she continued to follow Moridin onto the shuttle; she didn’t take a seat, but waited for the man to do so.

It was a respect thing, he was her elder.

“If I increase my force of will I would be able to overcome those who try and use amulets to increase their force of will.”

The dead. He spoke of taking control of a dead spirit which in turn will allow her to take control of the living. The concept made her cringe slightly, but it intrigued her more. Looking towards Moridin, she wondered where they would first off get a dead body to get a dead spirit. Raising an eyebrow she quietly questioned.

“The dead? You’re speaking of Force Ghost correct? I heard of being able to control them, but in your case you consume them?”
Moridin looked down at the young woman as she questioned what he meant by consuming a force ghost. He simply stayed silent, and gave her a mysterious look. The shuttle below them began to shake as it took off from the ground. They were heading towards the outskirts of Byss, a place wher ethey could practice what Moridin wanted to show Spencer without anything interfering. The only other living being there was Quietus, and he very much doubted that she would show her face when Spencer was around...the Beastia was a fickle one.

The thought of Quietus made him smirk slightly, if not inwardly.

“I recommend you get some sleep. We begin when we get there.” The trip would take several hours, Moridin liked to keep his manor secret and thus the shuttle needed to stay low to the ground. After telling her to get some sleep Moridin turned around and took a seat, closing his eyes he began to meditate.


The Next day Moridin found himself standing in the courtyard of his manor, a massive lake standing behind him and the house standing to his right. He smiled slightly as he listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the soft sand. Slowly he opened his eyes as he heard footsteps approach. He could sense Spencer approaching and the man frowned slightly. As of yet Moridin had not assessed Spencer's true capabilities, that would come in a few moments.

The Dreadlord opened his eyes and watched as the blonde approached him. He noticed she was still wearing her mask and he raised and eyebrow. There was nothing to conceal here, he knew very well who and what she was. “Take off the mask. You won't be needing it here.”

Moridin spoke with a very strong authoritative tone, as he always did. After ordering her to remove her mask The Dreadlord pulled his Sith Sword from the sheath on his hip and almost immediately stabbed it into the ground before him. It wasn't to serve as a threat, but it was the beginning of an instruction.

“Chaos, Have you heard of it?” Moridin asked the young girl almost immediately after stabbing the blade into the ground.
Spencer stopped and nodded. Her hand raised and removed the mask from her face a chilled air blew against her exposed skin. He was right there was no need for the mask. The Sith knew who she was, what she was, and her importance to the Empress. She used the force to push the mask aside setting in one a ledge in the courtyard. She headed towards Moridin and then took a step back once he stabbed his sith saber into the ground.

Fear suddenly washed over Spencer as her eyes fell upon the Sith sword which was now in the ground. Wary of his intent, Spencer kept her distance from the Sith and listened to the question he posed. Chaos, she had heard of the place before. Her mind remembered the moments in Corellian history where they mentioned Chaos as Hell. Looking towards Moridin, she spoke quietly the information she remembered.

“Chaos, its hell for the dark spirits of the force. A place for dark souls of Sith and….Dark Jedi alike.”
“Good. Youre not completely useless.” Moridin said with a sort of teasing smirk. Suddenly a massive amount of energy began to pour from him. The air around him seemed to thicken, his skin began to darken, and a black circle began to appear around his feet. The Darkside of the force ran from Moridin, absolutely flowing from every pore in his body. His eyes seemed to take on a dark tone as he looked at the girl. His smirk turned into a slight frown as he concentrated. A black tendril of shadow erupted from the ground before Moridin.

The tendril moved forward, wrapping itself around Moridin and then slowly lashing out towards the blade before him. The Tendril touched the hilt of the Sith Sword, and then slowly moved into the blade itself. The Sith Sword began to glow, the runic carvings within the blade shinning brightly.

“Chaos is the realm of dead Sith. It is where we go when we die.” Moridin spoke simply as the air around them kept on changing and shifting. The darkside was absolutely thick within the air. Slowly he stepped around his sword, walking closer to Spencer and eventually ending up besides her. “Six gates. Six impenetrable gates hold back Chaos from the real world.”

Suddenly as he stood behind her Moridin closed his fist. The Air around them moved and shifted about, then suddenly it grew solid. The Sith Sword before the two of them shifted and changed, and suddenly it formed into the first of six gates that lead to Chaos. In almost an instant the gates became solid, warping onto the physical plane. Dread fell from them more than it had from Moridin. The Dreadlord looked upon the gates, and then looked at Spenser again. “Chaos is where I learned to consume. After my death at the hands of a Jedi I was sent there, supposedly for all eternity. It was there however that I learned to consume the Essence of others. I consumed the Essence of dozens of other Sith. I stole their power, and used it to pry open the gates to return to this world.”

Moridin didn't mention that he had help in the form of his artifacts. He had still been linked to the real world by the Artifacts which had helped him open the gates to Chaos. Now he could do it at will, though it pained him each time. The Dreadlord peered at the six gates before him, and then looked down at Spencer.

“I will teach you the same way I was taught.” Moridin said with a smile on his face.
Spencer smiled with Moridin claimed she wasn’t useless; it was something she was growing used to hearing. To everyone she was useful because of her ability with the force or for other reasons. She paid close attention to the sith as he spoke. His words imprinting on her memory for her to be able to recall when she needed it, this realm of dead Sith could prove useful if she ever needed it. Spencer’s eyes focused on the Sith Sword, was that Moridin’s key to this realm? She looked up towards the sky watching everything shift at the man’s will. She wondered at times if this was how it was to be a god.

Finally the gates appeared, the first one being the sword of course. Spencer looked at it curious at the symbols and how the sword itself was the gate. Moridin continued to talk, giving her a brief history lesson about him. An eye brow rose as he mentioned is death from the Jedi, they seemed to have sent him to the Chaos realm. He learned to eat and escape.

“So in this realm the Sith wait till they can escape? Only the more powerful and determined are able to do so.”

Continuing to listen she nodded at his words.

“So you’re going to throw me to Chaos?”
Moridin looked at the gates at then back towards Spencer, when she asked if he was going to throw her in he scoffed slightly. With her empathetic abilities that would be very, very bad. Chaos was just that, a fluctuating haven of Death, hate, despair, and a massive mix of emotions. It was difficult not to lose oneself within Chaos, Moridin had had trouble with it in fact. Many Sith became one with Chaos, not even realizing what was happening. They would rant and rave for all eternity, and then they would be entirely trapped.

No.” The Dreadlord said simply before looking at the gate again. Suddenly once again the air began to shift, darkness rolled off of Moridin in waves. The skin on his right arm began to peel, something beneath it began to wave and move about, the shadows beneath his skin seemed to rise and poke out between the cracks.

His arm peeled off turning into a massive ravishingly blackness. The skin that was once there fell to the ground with a slight squishing thud, making a disgusting noise. Moridin lifted his hand, there seemed to be a ghostly appendage where his arm once had been. Moving the appendage he pointed it towards gates. “Let me ask you a question. How much of yourself are you willing to lose to gain balance?”

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