Republic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Everything between;
I've gotten a tad bored working on other submissions of mine, and as our fundraiser event had come to the halfway point (Which I believe is sufficient enough to argue we've collected enough funds and donations from interested parties to garner the possession of a Flagship) I believe it's fitting that we'll shift gears and work on fleshing the massive vessel out both in the IC thread itself, as well as here in this communal development thread.
While the listing will be under my original post, it will be edited as new updates are thrown into this thread. Be it pictures, description paragraphs, or additional items of note that will be tossed into their relevant sections. While the IC thread itself is open to any and all comers, I ask that only those whom consider the Galactic Alliance as an ally, friend, or distant acquaintance post in this thread with their contributions.
There will be a secondary thread in the OOC forum that will be tied to this one, so please keep the relevant discussion to the appropriate topics.
And without further adieu, I give you the framework of our Flagship. (It'll look prettier once it gets through development - I swear! )
Image Source: Insert Links Here.
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance, Galactic Alliance Defense Force, Alliance Navy.
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation, SoroSuub Corporation, Corellian Engineering Corporation, Firemane Industries and Technologies, Republic Engineering Corporation (Insert more links here for Interested Alliance friendly Companies.)
Modularity: Yes; Detailed Below.
Production: Unique.
Material: Titanium reinforced Alusteel Frame, Quadanium Steel Hull Plating, Durasteel Interior Decks, Electronic Components, Etc.
Classification: Command Ship, Star Defender, System-Assault Carrier, Battlecruiser.
Length: Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty Meters. (Including forward mounted Antenna's and Ramming spikes.)
Width: Nine Hundred and Five Meters (Including externally mounted modules.)
Height/Depth: One Thousand and Seventy-Three Meters (Including externally mounted modules.)
Power Source: Hypermatter Reactor, Solar Ionization Reactor, Solar Ionization Reactor (Backup), Reserve Power Cells.
Skeleton Crew: TBD
Optimum Crew: TBD
Troop Complement: TBD
Non-Combatant Passenger Capacity: Seven Thousand (Including Prisoners.)
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Tonnes
Consumables: Six Years (Including Perishables.)
Armament Rating: Seventeen
Defensive Rating: Sixteen
Hangar Complement:
Special Features:
Maneuverability: 15
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 2.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 10
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Description: Insert photos and paragraphs describing the ship and the multitude of decks.
Development Thread: Insert Link to the Fundraiser Gala, and Various Faction and Dominion Threads relevant to the Flagship.
Intent: To create a Flagship for the Galactic Alliance.
Who Can Use This: Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander, Flag Admiral.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.
I've gotten a tad bored working on other submissions of mine, and as our fundraiser event had come to the halfway point (Which I believe is sufficient enough to argue we've collected enough funds and donations from interested parties to garner the possession of a Flagship) I believe it's fitting that we'll shift gears and work on fleshing the massive vessel out both in the IC thread itself, as well as here in this communal development thread.
While the listing will be under my original post, it will be edited as new updates are thrown into this thread. Be it pictures, description paragraphs, or additional items of note that will be tossed into their relevant sections. While the IC thread itself is open to any and all comers, I ask that only those whom consider the Galactic Alliance as an ally, friend, or distant acquaintance post in this thread with their contributions.
There will be a secondary thread in the OOC forum that will be tied to this one, so please keep the relevant discussion to the appropriate topics.
And without further adieu, I give you the framework of our Flagship. (It'll look prettier once it gets through development - I swear! )
Image Source: Insert Links Here.
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance, Galactic Alliance Defense Force, Alliance Navy.
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation, SoroSuub Corporation, Corellian Engineering Corporation, Firemane Industries and Technologies, Republic Engineering Corporation (Insert more links here for Interested Alliance friendly Companies.)
Modularity: Yes; Detailed Below.
Production: Unique.
Material: Titanium reinforced Alusteel Frame, Quadanium Steel Hull Plating, Durasteel Interior Decks, Electronic Components, Etc.
Classification: Command Ship, Star Defender, System-Assault Carrier, Battlecruiser.
Length: Four Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty Meters. (Including forward mounted Antenna's and Ramming spikes.)
Width: Nine Hundred and Five Meters (Including externally mounted modules.)
Height/Depth: One Thousand and Seventy-Three Meters (Including externally mounted modules.)
Power Source: Hypermatter Reactor, Solar Ionization Reactor, Solar Ionization Reactor (Backup), Reserve Power Cells.
Skeleton Crew: TBD
Optimum Crew: TBD
Troop Complement: TBD
Non-Combatant Passenger Capacity: Seven Thousand (Including Prisoners.)
Cargo Capacity: 25,000 Tonnes
Consumables: Six Years (Including Perishables.)
Firing Arc: Bow.
- Javelin Hypervelocity Cannon(s) [x]
- Heavy Turbolaser(s) [x]
- Heavy Ion Cannon(s) [x]
- Concussion Missile Pod(s) [x]
- Quad-Laser Turret(s) (Fire-linked, Point Defense Weaponry.) [x]
- Antimissile Octet(s) [x]
Firing Arc: Starboard.
- Heavy Sustained Turbolaser Turret(s) [x]
- Heavy Turbolaser(s) [x]
- Heavy Ion Cannon(s) [x]
- Assault Concussion Missile Tube(s) [x]
- Concussion Missile Pod(s) [x]
- Quad-Laser Turret(s) (Fire-linked, Point Defense Weaponry.) [x]
- Antimissile Octet(s) [x]
Firing Arc: Port.
- Heavy Sustained Turbolaser Turret(s) [x]
- Heavy Turbolaser(s) [x]
- Heavy Ion Cannon(s) [x]
- Assault Concussion Missile Tube(s) [x]
- Concussion Missile Pod(s) [x]
- Quad-Laser Turret(s) (Fire-linked, Point Defense Weaponry.) [x]
- Antimissile Octet(s) [x]
Firing Arc: Stern.
- Heavy Turbolaser(s) [x]
- Heavy Ion Cannon(s) [x]
- Assault Concussion Missile Tube(s) [x]
- Concussion Missile Pod(s) [x]
- Quad-Laser Turret(s) (Fire-linked, Point Defense Weaponry.) [x]
- Antimissile Octet(s) [x]
Armament Rating: Seventeen
- Point Defense Weaponry
- Multiple Shield Generators (Overlapping.)
- Backup Shield Generators (Overlapping.)
- Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
- Thick Armour [500 Centimeters Thick.] (197 Inches)
- Automated Internal Defenses.
- Emergency Lockdown Protocols.
Defensive Rating: Sixteen
Hangar Complement:
- Capital Ships: Four Escort Corvettes/ Frigates
- Starfighters: Four Wings (One Hundred and Forty-Four Starfighters and Bombers.)
- Troop Transports: X Approx
- Boarding Shuttles: X Approx
- Dropships: X Approx
- Landing Barges: X Approx
- (Eight Port and Starboard Hangar Bays, Two Ventral.)
Special Features:
- Internal Command Bridge
- Internal Secondary Command Bridge.
- Secured Observation Deck (With Holographic Tactical Terminals.)
- HoloNet Transceiver.
- External Capital Ship Docking Clamps.
- Starfighter Repair Bays.
- Emergency Repair Drones.
- Advanced Targeting Systems.
- Encrypted Long-range Communications Array.
- Detention and Containment Deck (Can Contain Five Thousand Detainees.)
- Alliance Encryption Network.
- Escape Pods.
- Internal Heavy Deflector Shield Generators.
- Internal Redundant Shield Generators.
- Reinforced Hull Plating.
- Life Support Systems (Military Grade.)
- Navigational Systems (Military Grade.)
- Sensor Array [Passive and Active Systems.] (Military Grade.)
- Tractor Beam Emitters [x]
- Emergency Maneuvering Thrusters.
- Modular New Jedi Order Training Facilities.
- Meditation Garden.
- Modular Alliance Defense Force Training Facilities.
- Luxury Ambassadorial Suites.
Maneuverability: 15
Speed Rating: 17
Hyperdrive Class: 2.0
Backup Hyperdrive Class: 10
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD
Description: Insert photos and paragraphs describing the ship and the multitude of decks.
Development Thread: Insert Link to the Fundraiser Gala, and Various Faction and Dominion Threads relevant to the Flagship.
Intent: To create a Flagship for the Galactic Alliance.
Who Can Use This: Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander, Flag Admiral.
Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles.