Suhara Villow
The Crimson Flower


Aris. A suffocating world of a thousand environments that seemed as if they had been specifically built to be as inhospitable as possible to sentient life. The worst one of them was the rainforests around the equator. It pressed in on all sides like a living, breathing entity that threatened to swallow everything that entered it. Enormous trees with thick, vine-choked, and knotted trunks stretched skyward. Their canopies blotted out the sun and cast the world on the forest floor into a dim green twilight. Fungal growths strangled the trees, leaving some entirely hollow.
The air was so thick with humidity that at times Suhara Villow swore she was more swimming than walking through it. The smell didn't help, either. It reeked of decay; the scent of rotting vegetation and stagnant water clung to everything like a second skin. Everything itched. No matter how tight their uniforms were, it seemed that biting insects always found a way in.
Suhara sighed.
She missed the lavender's blossoming in the summertime. She missed the cooling sea-spray coming off the Great Miroitement Sea during a spring at her family's chateau. Her family... She hadn't thought about them for a while. Her mother and father had been such big supporters of the dictator and his Vanguard Party. It had hurt Suhara deeply to make that declaration calling for a revolution against that bastard Olan. But her conscience could no longer stand by. Still, she wondered, what happened to them? Did they disown her to save their skins? Were they put under house arrest? Might they already be dead?
She loved them dearly. But she had loved freedom more.
Suhara took a look around the camp and scoffed. Yeah, right. This freedom.
The encampment was a patchwork of camouflaged durasteel and repurposed starship hulls forming the skeleton of their base. Everything was damp—supplies molded faster than they could be used, weapons rusted despite endless maintenance, and sleep was a luxury few could afford, given how aggressive the Dark Empire's patrols were getting. Power cables snaked between tree roots, connecting prefabricated barracks, an armory, and a makeshift command center located inside the wreckage of an old Imperial Shuttle. Ragtag soldiers crowded around fires trying their best to dry their soaked uniforms. When Suhara passed, they rose to salute her, but she turned them down with her hand.
I've got to find a way to stop them from doing that, she thought as she entered the command post. A thin, wiry, middle-aged man going bald was waiting for her.
"Report, Pieree?" she asked him.
"Nothing from Anton-group yet. Though Fergal Team reported back a successful raid on the northern Imperial Facility. They made it out with as much gear as they could carry. No casualties," he replied, not looking over the datapad he was pouring over. Her second-in-command was always a man of focus. "Waiting to get another report about what they managed to get when they get out of the comms-jam net."
"Let's hold out hope for Anton," she shook her head. They were probably dead. She had never asked to be made Supreme Commander, saying that Pieree take the role instead. He had been a General within the Chantemer Defence Forces and was far more qualified for the job than a lowly naval rating like her. But the resistance cells had refused and demanded that she take up the mantle. She was the single thing that had united the cells and had given them a chance to overthrow the dictator Olan Poutine.
What chance...
Ever since diplomatic talks with the Galactic Alliance had fallen through, the Liberation Army had been forced to raid Dark Empire listening posts to get the heavy equipment they desperately needed. Though the Imperials were in a more vulnerable state, it didn't mean that this would be easy.
"Ma'am!" one of the soldiers came bursting into the command post. "One of our patrols ambushed someone on the camp's perimeter. Captured them alive. They're not wearing any Imperial uniforms."
Suhara's right eyebrow rose. "Did we take any casualties?"
"No, ma'am," he shook his head, "Not a shot. I think they took him by surprise."
"If he's alive and none of ours are dead, then I doubt you got him by surprise." Pieree finally put down the datapad. "If anything, I expect that he could have killed the entire patrol at any time he wanted."
"Only one reason he'd go to this much trouble. He wants a talk." Suhara glanced at Pieree, folding her arms. She turned back to the soldier, "Bring him in. Don't bother trying to cuff him. I suspect he's already gotten them off."
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