A promise had been made, and Saeldar finally intended to follow it through. But it would take time, planning, and a little training on the part of @Thyrian Ashbornhttp://starwarsrp.net/user/2139-thyrian-ashborn/. Yes, she had a lot of work to do. Her new robes flourished behind her, propelled by some unseen breeze, as she strode through the Academy on Dromund Kaas, every step precisely placed, her presence limited to the shadows which filled the maze-like hallways. Ideas flooded her mind, each being given the same amount of thought, of dedication to the suggestion, as the one before it. Nothing could be overlooked, nor would it be.
By the time she reached his containment room, which was in truth little more than a cell for his own safety as those who kept him captive claimed, she had a well-formulated plan in mind. Many sleepless nights she had spent on this matter, and part of her wondered whether or not Thyrian thought she would be true to her word. It had been four years since the promise had been made. There had been no point in deceiving the Ashborn, however, he was already a wreck, an empty shell. But perhaps I can put use to him, he simply has to learn how to trust me - of course, that would take time... Which they had little of. She may have only been a child still, but Saeldar would not pass up an opportunity such as this. She knew all the facets of power, and the subjugation of others was part of such...
... Only it wasn't her primary goal. Saeldar worked from the shadows, she always had. To gain power from within was indefinitely better to aspire towards, for one who worked in the dark, from the eyes of others. Maybe we can come to some arrangement, after all I have much to offer him, the likes of which the other Sith would not give... The thought cast a ghostly smile upon her lips, but it was swiftly obliterated. Now was not the time for expressions, any outward sign of plans yet-to-flourish would likely ruin them before they began. No, she had to play this safe... Bide her time.
"Hello, Thyrian the Ashborn" Saeldar said the moment she entered his room. They had not seen one another since their first encounter, so she had no idea how he was doing, how Circe had been treating him. Thus she took the chance to glance him over, check not only his physical state but his expressions, mannerisms, any subtle gestures he might make, to read him like an open book. Such had become habit of hers, since the events on Metalorn. Saeldar was not the same girl he had met, for one she looked completely different... And she was finally about to confide her true identity in another being, save her Master... Provided this went to plan, that is. If not, she would have to dispose of him.
By the time she reached his containment room, which was in truth little more than a cell for his own safety as those who kept him captive claimed, she had a well-formulated plan in mind. Many sleepless nights she had spent on this matter, and part of her wondered whether or not Thyrian thought she would be true to her word. It had been four years since the promise had been made. There had been no point in deceiving the Ashborn, however, he was already a wreck, an empty shell. But perhaps I can put use to him, he simply has to learn how to trust me - of course, that would take time... Which they had little of. She may have only been a child still, but Saeldar would not pass up an opportunity such as this. She knew all the facets of power, and the subjugation of others was part of such...
... Only it wasn't her primary goal. Saeldar worked from the shadows, she always had. To gain power from within was indefinitely better to aspire towards, for one who worked in the dark, from the eyes of others. Maybe we can come to some arrangement, after all I have much to offer him, the likes of which the other Sith would not give... The thought cast a ghostly smile upon her lips, but it was swiftly obliterated. Now was not the time for expressions, any outward sign of plans yet-to-flourish would likely ruin them before they began. No, she had to play this safe... Bide her time.
"Hello, Thyrian the Ashborn" Saeldar said the moment she entered his room. They had not seen one another since their first encounter, so she had no idea how he was doing, how Circe had been treating him. Thus she took the chance to glance him over, check not only his physical state but his expressions, mannerisms, any subtle gestures he might make, to read him like an open book. Such had become habit of hers, since the events on Metalorn. Saeldar was not the same girl he had met, for one she looked completely different... And she was finally about to confide her true identity in another being, save her Master... Provided this went to plan, that is. If not, she would have to dispose of him.