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Approved Melee Weapon The Fleshrenders

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Manufacturer: Leven Jeyd
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Other
Size: Average
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All images credited to Warframe

Manufacturer: Leven Jeyd.
Affiliation: Leven Jeyd.
Market Status: Closed-Market.
Model: N/A.
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique.
Material: Necrium, Revnanite.

  • Sith alchemized and Force imbued.
  • Thanks to the Revnanite infusion, the Fleshrenders can alter their form at will. They can extend, retract, or shift shape to fit various combat needs—becoming a longer blade, multiple smaller spikes, or even curved weaponry. Leven can trigger the transformation of the blades via an embedded energy field. The field taps into Revnanite's innate ability to grow and change when exposed to the correct stimuli, allowing her to modify the blades mid-combat.
  • The Necrium within the blades remains potent, delivering a deadly necrotic bite to any organic being they touch. The necrosis it causes can slowly spread, destroying tissue and rendering the wound agonizing and difficult to heal.


Versatile Combat Tool: The morphing nature of the Fleshrenders allows Leven to adapt her weapons to any combat situation on the fly, changing size, shape, and even function with just a thought and activation of the energy field.
Necrotic Recoil: The blades were imbued to store some of the toxin they would naturally exude. This ability gives Leven an area-of-effect option during combat, creating a burst of destructive necrotic energy that can decompose or destroy nearby organic materials, providing crowd control or clearing obstacles. It adds a potent dimension to her offensive arsenal, especially in environments filled with organic matter.
Bladelock Resilience: Thanks to the properties of Necrium and Sith alchemical reinforcement, the blades can easily block lightsabers, blaster bolts, and other powerful energy-based attacks without suffering damage. They are also highly resistant to corrosion and wear.
Deadly Poison: Any living target struck by the blade risks the necrotic properties of Necrium, with flesh dying and decaying around the wound, rendering healing difficult. The toxin works faster on certain species, especially humans and near-humans.
Enhanced Control: When Leven activates the energy field, the Revnanite allows the blades to shift their form, making them difficult for opponents to predict and creating opportunities for unconventional strikes or defenses.

Energy Drain: Activating and manipulating the energy field required to induce the Revnanite's shape-shifting abilities draws significant power. Prolonged or repeated transformations during combat can drain Leven's strength and focus, leaving her vulnerable. Additionally, if in the presence of a force-null field Leven depends on outer power sources capable of generating such a field if she wishes to have the blades shift. If there is undue interference with the energy field when active it can cause the shift to become unstable and unpredictable.
Necrotic Recoil Backlash: While the Necrotic Recoil is devastating against organic materials, it can also pose a danger in confined spaces or near allies, potentially causing unintended collateral damage. Leven must be careful not to trigger the shockwave when allies are close by, as the decay affects all organic matter indiscriminately within range. It does not affect inorganic material.
Material Limits: While highly adaptive, the Revnanite infusion can only expand the blades so much. They can grow and morph, but their mass remains limited. This means that, despite the shape-shifting, they can't form massive weapons or structures.
Precision Control Required: Morphing the blades accurately during combat requires intense focus. If Leven's concentration wavers, the blades may not change into the desired form, leading to potential missteps in critical moments.
Energy Vulnerability: The blades can absorb and adapt to certain types of energy-based attacks, but if they are subjected to energy surges beyond their adaptive capacity, such as continuous ion or electromagnetic pulses, they risk malfunctioning or being temporarily neutralized from their special effects.

"To Echo the Soul of the wielder, fluidity and death."

The Fleshrenders were conceived in the depths of Leven Jeyd's hidden workshop, nestled within the mountains of her secluded home. The rare Necrium was painstakingly extracted from the forsaken Aishishhadz'idaks mines, a dangerous and long-forgotten location infamous for its lethal properties. Leven, driven by her insatiable curiosity, saw the potential of combining this necrotic metal with Revnanite—an metal known for its shape-shifting abilities and energy-reactive properties.


The crafting process was a complex and perilous endeavor. Leven employed ancient Sith alchemical techniques to meld the two metals, ensuring that their properties would complement rather than negate each other. The Revnanite's capacity for transformation was synchronized with the Necrium's deadly touch, creating a pair of blades that could not only morph into various forms but also deliver a devastating necrotic effect with each strike.

In battle, the Fleshrenders serve as a natural extension of Leven's abilities. Their capacity to adapt to her needs, combined with their necrotic and shape-shifting properties, makes them a fearsome and unpredictable asset in her arsenal, embodying her relentless pursuit of power and adaptation.

Visually striking, the Fleshrenders feature a sleek, silvery surface with an almost liquid sheen, highlighting the Revnanite embedded within their structure. The metal's inherent patterns—a network of dark, vein-like lines—glow with a subtle red radiance when active, pulsing rhythmically as if alive. These veins are more than mere decoration; they are functional elements, responding to Leven's will by shifting and adapting the blades' form.

Each blade measures about 40 cm when at rest, compact enough to be easily concealed on her form. The small, elegant design allows Leven to keep them hidden beneath her garments or armor, ready to be drawn in an instant. When activated, however, these blades undergo a dramatic transformation. Energized through a specialized field, they can elongate into a variety of shapes, from a longer, more formidable sword to a curved sickle or a serrated dagger. This adaptability makes them a versatile tool in both stealth and open combat.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Sub Leven's personal weapons
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Leven Jeyd
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Necrium, Revnanite
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