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Approved Starship The Flying Pineapple

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Intent: To create a pirate ship for Kalinai which is realistic for her resources.
Development Thread: None, but happy to do a thread with the Vagrant Fleet.
Manufacturer: Originally Corellian Engineering Corporation, mucked around by Kalinai.
Model: Corvette C90a
Affiliation: Herself, the Vagrant Fleet
Modularity: Minor; scanners can be changed, cargo can be varied.
Production: Was Mass-Produced, now uniquely customised.
Material: Durasteel.
Description: The Flying Pineapple was once the Torch, a Corellian Corvette (Assassin Class) created shortly after the Battle of Yavin and served with the Rebel Alliance, later the New Republic. Its combat record was distinguished and it was mothballed after the Thrawn Crisis. The Vong War brought it back into use and it served well until long after the end of the war. However, in a skirmish with the Remnant the Torch was badly damaged in action. The crew evacuated and intended to return to salvage the craft, but it never happened. Perhaps because a solar flare rendered the area unbearable or other priorities, but the ship spent nearly 800 years drifting in space.
Fast forward to Kalinai Soluza, self-proclaimed Pirate Queen and Empress of the universe. For reasons best not investigated, Kalinai happened to be in the area scavenging and came across the wreck of the Torch. Using what little funds she had, as well as persuasion by means of a large stick, she had it towed to a nearby dock. There, over the next few years she rebuilt it, using her smaller ship’s profits to pay for the refit. Finally, the newly dubbed Flying Pineapple (best not as why) was ready for its first action.
The FP is a powerful corvette, perfect for piracy and light combat. Against anything larger than a frigate it will be quickly overmastered, and massed star fighters are a serious threat as well.

Classification: Corvette
Role: Scout, raider, pirate.
Height: 17 metres.
Width: 60 metres.
Length: 140 metres.
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2.
Minimum Crew: 25
Optimal Crew: 125
  • 7 x duel turbolaser turrets.
  • 4 x quad laser cannons.
Hangar: 1 small shuttle or launch.
Non-Combative Attachments: Sensors, encrypted holonet transmitter, escape pods.
Passenger Capacity: 50
Cargo Capacity: 1000 tonnes.
Consumables: 1 Year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5


Intent: I don’t like tents.
Development Thread: No, I am constitutionally opposed!
Manufacturer: Some guys
Model: uhh
Affiliation: ME
Modularity: Hot tub can be filled.
Production: UNIQUE
Material: That steel which isn’t steel
Description: So like I found this ship. I fixed it up and now it’s super. Uhh…and it has cannons! CANNONS!

Classification: Ship
Role: Piracy!
Height: 170000000000 angstroms.
Width: 11.9 Rods
Length: 0.0755939524838013 nautical miles
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Engine!
Hyperdrive Rating: A+
Minimum Crew: 25 (not including bar staff)
Optimal Crew: 125 (including drunken sots)
  • Cannons! You know…uhh.
Hangar: Coats only.
Non-Combative Attachments: Hot tub, bar, sundeck.
Passenger Capacity: 50 (Including strippers)
Cargo Capacity: 1000 tonnes (not including liquor)
Consumables: 1 week of buffet
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Pretty good.
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