Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The force and the Vong


Active Member
Ok so we all know the Yuuzhan Vong are "immune" to the force due to having no connection to it. My question and issue is however we saw force gods like skywalker and lesser but no less powerful force users knock them around with the force and I;ve seen vong armor in Chaos here itself able to do similar effects against the force [eg granting immunity]. So What is the case? Immunity or just high resistance to it.
Can't wait to hear this discussion.

Ummm. Restate the question? like make it clearer please? It might just be me but I wanna answer but my brain is like... Lol [member="Tellos"]

The Force does not directly impact the Vong and Vong tech not because the Vong are cut-off from the Force, but because they're on a different "frequency" of it. It's like trying to play Street Fighter II for Sega Genesis on your Super Nintendo. It's the same game, but the input is different. The controls (and the response to the controls -- SNES having 4 other buttons, for example) are different.

In instances where the Jedi have "hit the Vong with the Force," it's because they interacted with the environment, and hit the Vong with the environment which the Vong were not immune to.

That's how I've always understood it, anyway.


Active Member
[member="Trenchcoat Man"] it states in the books and such they are IMMUNE to the force and not connected at all ever.

The books also indicate that there's nothing outside the Force.

Anyway, yeah, they're 'immune' to direct Force-based attacks as the conventional Star Wars Universe understands and interacts with the Force.


Active Member
So it's immune unless you just throw enough power to blow apart a city or by pass it by hurling physical crap around them.
Vong are immune to the Force... Period. Only way to hurt them is if you augment your strength, use force lightning or use the force to throw a rock at them and crush them. But the Force its self cannot touch them [member="Tellos"]
Tellos said:
Ok so we all know the Yuuzhan Vong are "immune" to the force due to having no connection to it. My question and issue is however we saw force gods like skywalker and lesser but no less powerful force users knock them around with the force and I;ve seen vong armor in Chaos here itself able to do similar effects against the force [eg granting immunity]. So What is the case? Immunity or just high resistance to it.
Kezeroth the Malevolent said:
Vong are immune to the Force... Period. Only way to hurt them is if you augment your strength, use force lightning or use the force to throw a rock at them and crush them. But the Force its self cannot touch them [member="Tellos"]
Yuuzhan Vong are not immune to the force. They are hardly affected by vast portions of its application, but force net, force lightning, darkshear, dark side tendrils, and I can go on and on with what the force does that effects them. Even force Push and Pull can be used against them, simply indirectly. The force does not always need to be a direct application of A on B, it can be A on C to hit B.

Also, if you use Yuuzhan Vong armor to grant yourself some sort of resistance to the force, you better be using it to limit your own use of it - just like they won't be feeling your presence as easily, you should not be feeling theirs, and more.

The wavelength idea is plausible, and has been proposed as a theory in canon, but for all intents and purposes they were cut off from the force in a manner similar to a wound in the force.


Active Member
Some of the comics has him hurling force waves that knock divisions around like so many bowling pins. But by this point luke was on the force deity side of stuff.

[member="Silara Kuhn"]
Tellos said:
Some of the comics has him hurling force waves that knock divisions around like so many bowling pins. But by this point luke was on the force deity side of stuff.

[member="Silara Kuhn"]
That is more because he was affecting the air pressure and the ground beneath the vong, not quite because he was literally pushing on them.
Silara made a great post on the applications of the Force and the Vong.

As Artemis Obauldi and I once discussed, there's a general misconception that the Vong can't be affected by the Force AT ALL. If a Sith shot lighting at a Vong, many people think that it won't do anything, that it'll somehow just bound off.

However, they can be, to a small extent. Powers like malacia or morichro would have no affect, seeing it effects the internal system of the body. Powers that also affect tricking a Vong or somehow influencing their mind would also have no effect.

However, they're not "immune" to the Force in its entirety.


Active Member
[member="Mak Manto"] This I think makes more sense, the idea it's more high level resistance and immunity to certain things. I suspect those like luke can force push them into paste but only cause hell Lukes way past the 10 almost on the tropes super scale of insanity by this time.
Tellos said:
[member="Mak Manto"] This I think makes more sense, the idea it's more high level resistance and immunity to certain things. I suspect those like luke can force push them into paste but only cause hell Lukes way past the 10 almost on the tropes super scale of insanity by this time.
It's not a resistance, not like Watto or Jabba the Hutt. It's not an immunity, not like the ysalamiri. The Yuuzhan Vong are described as entirely absent from the Force, or on another wavelength of the Force.

Those who are still cut off from the Force are described as "no different than rocks" in the Force and to try and sense them in the Force is to sense the space between stars in the night's sky.

Those on the other wavelength of the Force, like Jacen touched, must be accessed via Vongsense - which I interpret to "Vongsense" to be the wavelength of the Force that the Yuuzhan Vong reside on. To acquire Vongsense, you must somehow assimilate with the Yuuzhan Vong technology, such as the lambent lightsaber crystal Anakin uses or the amphistaff farm Jacen lands in.

Zonama Sekot is theorized to be seed of Yuuzhan'tar and capable of restoring the Yuuzhan Vong to the Force, so it's plausible that those that left with him at the end of the Unifying Force would have restored their connection to the Force through subsequent generations. However, there were several factions of renegade Yuuzhan Vong generals who did not follow Nas Choka at the end of the Unifying Force, and therefore there should be several Yuuzhan Vong still residing within the galaxy who are still cut off from the Force.

It's all about how you, as the writer, want to play them.

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