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The Force Awakens: The Man on the Podium

Well-Known Member
So yesterday I was outside working when I decided to think about whether or not my boss was a Star Wars fan and whether or not he had seen the trailer. I didn't end up asking him because my train of thought soon gave way to newer, more interesting thoughts. The first thing to come to mind was this image:

For whatever reason, I do not know why, I somehow felt that this particular incarnation of the Empire we know and love, was actually taking its roots in a more Empire of Japan theme, as opposed to the Roman Empire theme that was seen in the originals. Not sure if anyone else got those vibes, but this is the image that got me thinking that.

Then, upon actually seeing this image up close just now, I noticed something in the image the peaks my interest a little more:

Who is that man on the podium I wonder? Probably good old Kylo, but what if it's not? Who else could it be? Additionally, not sure if the rest of you notice this, but to me there looks like there is a silver head popping out next to the figure, so maybe it's that badass Chrometrooper? Additionally, he is flanked by a swarm of black figures followed by two stormtroopers. Are these Shadow troopers, or maybe perhaps they are some kind of Inquisitorial Guard?

Maybe that figure on the Podium is not actually Kylo, but Kylo's boss/master, and Mr. Ren is actually just the one in charge of some kind of Inquisition. I feel like it would really fit J.J.'s secrecy thing that's done to surprise us when the movie comes out, you know, everyone thinking Kylo's the main bad but turns out he's just a part of something bigger. I don't have a lot of experience with Abrams, however, so what do I know?

What do you guys think?

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] Like your thinking - heavy use of the Roman legions, and dare I say the Nazi Party in that imagery of tyranny and one fluid army.

I think the chap on the podium is a man akin to Tarkin in the OT. Not sure what the hierarchy is as yet between this new Imperial troupe and Kylo, but if Kylo is a new Vader, then I think this may be the "Tarkin" overseeing the Troopers giving the speech to go forth an conquer, so to speak.

Glad it caught your eye too. And there's certainly a lot of activity on that podium too.
Thing is there are quite a few people who didn't show up in the new trailer, who are in the movie.

Remember the dark and brooding voice in the teaser that spoke of "the darkside and the light"? That was Andy Serkis, who is rumored to be playing a bad guy. I wouldn't be surprised in Andy Serkis is Kylo Ren's master and the bureaucratic/darksider that runs the First Order.
Well-Known Member
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] Quite alright :p

[member="Connor Harrison"] I definitely see the nazi symbolism here. It makes me wonder exactly what sources of real life symbolism he's using to build this new lore.

[member="Darth Hauntruss"] That's a very valid point, which is just one other reason why I don't think Ren is actually the main bad. For one thing, if he's some bureaucratic chap, why is out in the middle of a wintery forest all activating his blade like a badass, like he's preparing for a personal confrontation? Doesn't seem likely that the same guy would give speeches to legions of stormtroopers to fight in the name of the First Order.

That's why I feel like he's some kind of Head Inquisitor or something, who becomes the Vader to the First Order as the Empire's enforcer, only this time around with the Force awakening and all, he's using a swarm of other Inquisitors to help him, which is what I think those other black figures are.

Also, has anyone noticed that this looks like a pretty cold planet? Maybe perhaps the same one we saw Kylo in, in the first Trailer? I'm guessing it isn't actually Hoth, because apparently that desert planet we saw? Ya nope, not actually Tatooine, but a planet called 'Jakku'.

So a lot of interesting things going on so far to say the least :p

Exactly. And it works with the rumor that Kylo Ren is hunting down Sith Artefacts. If I was trying to preserve and cultivate the Imperial-Sith remnants and legitimize the claims as inheritors of the Empire, I would go about collecting the relics of Sidious and Vader. And all this is something a Imperial Official would do. Who knows perhaps Serkis is this universe's Thrawn. A powerful and clever threat beyond the purview of the Core Pro-Republic worlds.

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] One of the good things about the OT was they had that underlying tone to real life imagery and symbols, I know it's old hat now, but like the Imperial uniforms were very much inspired by that Nazi SS look, and a very clear good and evil line, nothing as complicated as the PT.

I feel the ST will build on this real life style of good and bad which made the story so enjoyable and easy to get into. Good vs Evil, that's it.

And I love a good snow planet. I seems Kylo was up to no good in the first teaser on a snow planet too, so likely to be the same.

And good point [member="Darth Hauntruss"] - I forgot about Serkis! He must be in league with Kylo, again, the Sith / Imperial unification out to crush the Resistance / Jedi but in a whole new ballpark.

A very sexy looking and beautifully created ballpark.


Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
So will I. But I also riot if the dark sider goes to the light side.

I like Riots.

But... all the scholars on youtube are talking about how Revan is going to break the bounds of alternate universes and stuff.

Because #OMGRevan

[member="Fatty"] I've heard a rumor that each new character is essentially based one from the old series. Plus its absurd that Kylo Ren became a sith all by himself. Remember master Yoda in Episode One. "Always two there are, a master and an apprentice." Anywho, the man on the podium is likely the new Palpatine figure. I hear he is called 'The Vicar'.
Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Kentarch"] that was with the old order before it was destroyed in RotJ with palps and Vader. But as we see in the Rebels show, they weren't the only two being trained. I don't find it inconceivable that men like Kylo could start learning the darkside alone, much in the same way that Luke must learn the lightside now that his masters are gone (albeit, I gather they might give him some wisdom as ghosts occasional).

I just looked up Vicar: A vicar is a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior. Linguistically, vicar is cognate with the English prefix "vice", similarly meaning "deputy"

Maybe Palpatine had a running mate? :p

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Well, learning the Dark Side is one thing, cuz thats 'i don't like you, let me kill you with my super powers.'

There could be rogue Sith holocrons (if they're a thing still) out there. Kind of how Krath was learned?

Or maybe we just have a murderous Dark Jedi sect on our hands that want to control the galaxy and don't have a religion aside from 'subjugate and unite'

Running mate sounds plausable.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Part of me thinks that Palpatines book might of ended up with someone though. The two Sith (Vader/Sidius) were destroyed, but Sidius's book might not of been. Someone who got their hands on it could use it to become 'sith' or what they think Sith is.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, part of me thinks Luke would've hunted artifacts down, and with Imperial Center possibly being changed hands, as indicated by the toppling of the Empire, he probably could have found vaults. Plus a lightsaber against stormtroopers might make them run and scream. Two sabers if he taught his sister how to play. Granted I'm the first for someone else to find it, because evil.

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