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The Force Awakens Trailer 2- Why We Cry

I realized that a lot of people, myself included, cried during the trailer for The Force Awakens. The second trailer which, spoilers in case you haven't seen it even though EVERYONE HAS SEEN IT, features the return of Luke, Leia, R2, the introduction of our new cast, and the moment that broke us all "Chewie, we're home". Now we can all agree that this trailer was so powerful. It was what a trailer should be. It didn't show any plot, all it did was hype us for the movie. They had some lines to give us an idea and then showed off some epic shots that leave us wondering "What is happening!" and getting us hyped.

My grandpa, who has been a fan since the first movie came out, asked me a question a few days ago regarding me crying over the new trailer. "Why did you cry? It's just a movie."

The question has actually got me thinking and finally I thought I'd right my conclusion here. <spoiler>Please note that this is opinion. This is why I cried during the trailer and it may be different than why you cried.</spoiler>

The truth is, it isn't just a movie. Star Wars started as a movie. It did for all of us. It started as a science fiction fantasy film that was created by a small director out of Modesto California. But it's only a movie until you watch it. The first viewing of A New Hope, which I saw when I was six years old, was the most incredible moment of my childhood. No movie ever blew me away like A New Hope did. Nothing left me wanting more as much as it did and nothing made me want to fantasize and play like Star Wars did. From that moment on it wasn't a movie. Star Wars, in my life, was apart of who I was. It wasn't just about the Skywalker family and their adventures, it wasn't just about good vs evil, and it wasn't just about the movie. It was about everything. It was about the world and lore it created and spawned. It was about the characters and their connections with one another that mattered. Star Wars had since been apart of my life and I had always watched it, yes including the prequels, from a young child to my young adulthood now.

It was this fact that lead me to my conclusion as to why I cried during the trailer: I missed it. The only problem I have with the prequel trilogy isn't the writing, in fact I love Episode II and III, but in fact my biggest problem is that there isn't any magic. It didn't feel like a Star Wars trilogy. It felt like a spin off trilogy that was trying to capture us like the original trilogy did. But it didn't work. It didn't make us want to live it. There was a short time after Episode I where I didn't want Star Wars anymore. It made that big an impact on me.

That was until I saw Episode II and eventually III. The tragedy of II and III, especially during my early years as a writing and filmmaker, really drove me back into the Star Wars brand. Still though, those two episodes didn't have the magical feeling episodes IV though VI gave me. It felt good, knowing that they weren't bad, but it still didn't feel completely right.

Skip ahead years, Star Wars Episode VII is confirmed and we are waiting for any news. We get our first bit from a nostalgic-like photo, that is it is taken in black and white, of the cast of the movie with JJ Abrams. It felt amazing knowing they were back, the original cast. And it felt even better knowing that JJ wasn't afraid of taking risks. The original trilogy took a major risk by taking on all relatively no name actors and actresses, which is what JJ was doing with the new cast of the movie.

Skip skip skip. Now we have our first teaser trailer. It was awesome. It was so amazing to see the Falcon flying around and fighting the Tie Fighters, even if we didn't get any real vision of our heroes.

Skip. Now we have this. The second teaser trailer. The trailer that made everyone cry. It's now, at the end of this, that I realize why. It isn't only because we are excited to see Star Wars again. It's because it has the magic back. It feels like a Star Wars movie. It feels like a grand epic like the original trilogy did. From the voice over of Luke, the Darth Vader helmet in ruin, the crashed Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren, the new Stormtroopers, our new heroes, and R2D2, everything about this trailer felt like Star Wars and every bit of it felt like it was epic. The thing that really sets this as a Star Wars film is the mind shaking moment at the end with Han Solo. The minute you hear him say his one line, you know that you are back. They are back. Star Wars is back.

The magic of the original trilogy feels like it is back and this trailer is the reason why. That is why I cried during this trailer. It's the passion I have for the original trilogy resurfacing after so long because, now, it has a reason to resurface.

Did you cry when you saw it? You can be honest. I haven't found one person, even my grandpa who was questioning me about it ended up crying, who hasn't cried during it. My marine uncle cried, my heartless friend cried, even my non-Star Wars fan friend ended up crying. So. Why did you cry when you saw it?

TL;DR- I cried over the trailer because I felt the magic from the original trilogy inside it. Why, if you did, did you cry?
Only the end do you begin to understand...

I agree completely, the emotion of excitement became a crazy whirlwind upon seeing that trailer.
I live in Australia, I made sure I was up at 3am to watch the panel at celebration and I was devastated when they didn't show the trailer again when I went and saw the Avenger's at the cinema.
Star Wars is such a part of my life that seeing the familiar things again made me realise, much like you said, that I missed it. I love the Jedi and the Sith, the raise to power of the Emperor and the fall of Darth Vader, but I missed the Alliance, I missed X-Wings and I missed the Empire.

For another angle you can talk to my Fiancee, a girl who had never watched Star Wars and thought it to be a 'nerd' thing.
Now I requested she watched it with me. She agreed.

Episode 1 only seemed to fuel her opinions, yet she seemed devastated by Qui-Gon's death and fell in love with Obi-Wan.

Episode 2 changed everything for her, she started to get attached to character's, asking about things that had happened between and even said that the story between Anakin and Padme was rather powerful.

Episode 3 Increased her want for it, she became distraught at the turn of Order 66, she claimed to hate Anakin as he started to turn into Darth Vader and the fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan had her on the edge of her seat.

By Episode 4 I was the one coming home and having her begging to start watching.
Empire Strikes back came along and the story really had her mind, we were having conversations about it and increasingly she started wanting to buy the games, buy the roleplaying systems and even read the books (Considering all these things were what 'nerds' did)

The best part was RotJ, where upon the end as Darth Vader redeemed himself she burst into actual tears, tears that continued through and intensified as he reformed next to Obi-Wan and Yoda. I asked why she was crying and she said it was simple, Anakin, who loved Padme so much and the idea of his kids even more finally got to see them both at the very end, and that the whole story came to a tidy closing package as everything the Rebellion had been fighting for succeeded. I was blown away by this reaction considering she had said only a week before that Star Wars was for kids and old fat people who lived in their basements (Opinions she definitely does not share now)

Anyway to get back to the point, I showed her the new trailer and she flipped, she got excited that the Tie's were back, that Stormtroopers were back and that Han and Chewie were back. She cried as Luke re-quoted his family force lines and now she already seems to know more than me about it all.

Star Wars excites people, it brings out that inner-child while also pulling at the heart strings.
If it can turn the biggest "I can't do that, it's for kids." Into the craziest "LETS PLAY STAR WARZ NOWZ" Then I think it shows the power of the franchise. It also makes me wish I had watched it all in order without already having seen the OT as having witnessed the emotional effect on someone who hadn't, it really, really interests me how my opinions would have changed.

That is what makes me happy, that we are all about to see something new, something none of us know about. A continuation of the story, much like my Fiancee was experiencing every time we watched the next episode. That is why I DID cry, because this is Star Wars and I shamelessly ADORE IT!

Connor Harrison

While I didn't cry, I certainly had a surge of emotion that hadn't been there since probably hearing the teaser music in 1999 for 'The Phantom Menace'.

While I'm only 29 and didn't see the originals in cinemas, I had explored them over VHS, DVD and since then Blu-ray and embraced everything the original trilogy represents and means to SW and film fans. So seeing something that looked and sounded like a real, faithful continuation of the OT was nothing short of amazing.

I think these two trailer reactions for 'TFA' are wonderful, showing how nothing more than visual and audio cues can bring out so much emotion for fans. You just see it swelling in their eyes, and certain music and words, mostly the Han & Chewie revel, just hit the points that reduces them to tears:


When I first saw it I turned it off at the Darth Vader helmet, went home (I literally left work, with permission of course), got on my XBox One, turned to YouTube, and watched the trailer on with surround sound.

I lost it at "This Christmas" and fully lost it at Han and Chewie at the end.

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