Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Force Guided Us

A Light Shining in Darkness

Peace had been growing constantly since the meeting - now with a set of dedicated members living within all embracing coil. Wyatt felt a tinge of pride as he strode those halls - felt that pure, calm Force for the first time in years; a perfect place to raise the next generation of Jedi. He exhaled as he entered the main atrium - that area that branched outwards to all the local wings, and to the elevators that led to the outer rings.​
He was expecting a guest today - though not as one usually did. An email was not sent, nor any messenger in lieu, but the Force spoke of a Master he should know; vague as it was. He never denied when the Force had something to speak of, and found himself waiting - though wasn’t sure when he was to appear. He’d actually done this for a week - hoping it’d be any day;​
But he didn’t mind getting away for a moment to meditate regardless.​
His eyes closed, he slowly began to float with hands on knees - and waited.​
His guest would be here soon.​
Tiland wasn’t one for long treks through space, alone in a starship, cold in the vacuum of space save for the cups of tea he meditated over. This was one of the longer and quieter ones he’d taken.

Peace. Or so he’d heard it called. The new haven for the united Jedi order. It amuses him, as he’d always viewed them as united already. Ancient records spoke of older models of the Order, where they were more dispersed. They had thrived then and he carried that perspective with them. What good were tea leaves if they stayed clumped together, after all?

Of everything he had expected, it wasn’t this massive holocron space station. He could tell it was a holocron. It resonates with that particular energy. Hopefully nobody would open it with them inside.

Taking just his staff and satchel, he set out in search of Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga . With the wooden stick clacking,he finally found the other master, floating above the ground.

“Ah, Master Morga,” Tiland said softly. “I can return later.”
A Light Shining in Darkness
On the contrary -”, Wyatt offered as his feet slowly came out from under him to hold the Master’s weight. He took a few steps towards Tiland before taking a low bow, speaking with a warmth to his tone;​
- I was waiting for you. The Force told me you’d be coming.”​
He knew that much to be true - for the Force had told him to wait, and many since had passed him; but only one truly stood out to his senses. Tiland, aged as he was, entered with a peace that echoed in the Force, and Wyatt couldn't ignore it. It only took a moment to figure out he was the one he indeed looking for.​
Wyatt motioned to a table nearby -​
Would you like to sit and talk for a moment, Master…?”, he left it open for Tiland to fill the blank.​
Tiland merely nodded and ambled over to the table, where he lowered himself to one of the seats. He laid the staff down on the floor next to him as he sat. "It is fortunate it told you I was coming then." He settled more comfortably into the seat. "I am Master Tiland Kortun."

He wasn't sure why the Force had brought him here, although it the fact they were on such a massive artificial construct made him slightly uneasy. Despite being strong in the Force, it was still an artificial construct. Fundamentally nonliving. And he'd never cared for space anyway. It's why he didn't fly. He let droid brains and other people fly. He pulled out his usual accoutrements and set them on the table between the two. "May I interest you in some tea?"

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A Light Shining in Darkness
I’d love some.”, Wyatt answered.​
He watched as Tiland began to brew the Tea, preparing it between them with the leaves and water - and carefully crafted bowls and cups that showed years of care. Wyatt enjoyed the display, knew that every Jedi had their own forms of meditation - some focused on mechanical things, some flying, but Tiland enjoyed tea. It was refreshing to see something so calm.​
It’s good to meet you, Master Tiland. As you know - I’m Master Wyatt Morga. I was hoping to speak to you about what I intend - for the Order; if you don’t mind.”​
Wyatt waited until Tiland was finished brewing before taking a cup for himself;​
Predominantly, I hope to unify the Orders once again. To be a true Jedi Order once more.”​
Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

"Likewise, Master Wyatt," Tiland said as he prepared the tea. "Always a pleasure to meet my fellow Jedi." First, he set the water to heat on a small burner and then took a few delicate handfuls of leaves, grinding them in a small bowl before finally adding them to a small pot, just in time for the hot water. He was silent the entire procedure, waiting and listening to get a sense of what was happening around the station. At last, he took his cup of tea and leaned back in the seat.

He raised an eyebrow. "Unify the orders? Mmph." The sound was more thoughtful that confrontational or dismissive. "I had not realized we were ununified. Scattered, yes. Differing on how to interpret the Code and what we expect of ourselves, absolutely. But even with these separations, we still followed the Force, still served those in our care, protected those who couldn't, and stood as bastions of hope against the Sith. That seems unified to me."

Tiland considered the words of them both for several moments as his eyes studied the tea. A hint of mischief sparked in his eyes. "We are like the tea leaves. Separated from each other to drift freely amongst the water. Yet we still manage to make the tea. But perhaps you are speaking of a better-organized form of Jedi Order?"
A Light Shining in Darkness
I am.”, Wyatt offered with a smile. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard those words -​
That the Order, despite its many iterations, was unified - and yet, Wyatt couldn’t believe it. The Grayson Imperium and the Republic had fought - and Jedi killed Jedi for the first time in generations. The Silver's abandoned much of the Galaxy to the Sith, and even ignored the plight of so many others in favour of their own. Many Jedi had abandoned the Order entirely due to its disagreements, to the politics and drama of what came from it all - so much disunity in the face of ‘unity’.​
Wyatt sighed, and didn’t offer these words however - correction was never the path to understanding. Tiland would have to think of these things himself, were he ever to believe Wyatt;​
A more organized Order indeed, Master Tiland.”, Wyatt offered as he took another sip of his tea. It threatened to burn his lip, but Wyatt resisted the urge to pull it away - at least fast enough to notice.​
I believe the Tea could be better - stronger together.”, though he quickly corrected himself.​
Uh, not yours - the Jedi Tea, rather. The Metaphor.”, he chuckled.​
Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

The younger Jedi Master didn’t believe him. That was obvious, from both his words and the ripples of the Force. But that was understandable. The Force guided different Jedi to function in different ways.

He chuckled softly. “Tea can always be both stronger and better, when stronger is the same as better.” He tapped his own with his fingers. “It is a possibility, certainly, and like all families, we are better when we remain connected and engaged with each other. Even about disagreements.”

Tiland laced his fingers around the mug. “Tell me more of these plans you have. I will assist where I can and for as long as the Force permits me before sending me wandering again.”

That was the hardest thing for many Jedi and where Tiland diverged from the more orthodox Jedi, such as Master Morga. He could make no lasting commitment to any temple, any order, any government, simply because the Force did not permit him to stay in one place for long. He had his little outposts and camps. The tea shoppe on Sanctuary. The camp on Bogano. But those all needed to function without him, perhaps indefinitely. It was like a compulsion when it came. He didn’t know where he was going or why, just that he needed to go where the Force was guiding his instincts.
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt nodded as he took a moment to lean back, considering his words -​
Well, my plans…”, he said inquisitively. Unlike the other Jedi, Tiland was the first to ask more directly what he intended; things he hadn’t truly discussed out loud prior. So he shrugged and spoke as he needed - hoped to accomplish;​
I’d like to set up a Council of Masters, made up of every Master across the Galaxy - so long as they’re willing. Major decisions would be decided from that, I imagine…”, he said with a shrug as he moved to hold his tea - perhaps for the warmth alone.​
Among them, an elected High Council; just for the day to day runnings of the Order. ‘Too Many Cooks’ would stop us from running efficiently, so I suppose that would work for the ease of it all.”, he said with a small sip of the tea.​
Every Praxeum and Temple would still have its right to governance, teach as it chooses to teach - the new Jedi Order would never stop them from seeking their own interpretation or path. We can’t return to such restrictive practices.”, he sighed.​
Yet, I think truly the greatest hope I have; is to stop the wars between our Orders, the fights, bring those that went rogue back to the fold. Many already do so.”, he said with a quiet smile, glancing to the surface of his tea.​
I’d like for us to make a deal with The Republic, serve as a bulwark against the Sith. So that the Jedi no longer reign over planets, but serve along side them; to protect whats good.”​
He stopped after a bit, and took another long sip of his tea, now cool enough to drink.​
I hope that wasn’t too much, Master Tiland.”​
Tiland raised an eyebrow as he considered, tapping one finger on the mug as he listened. Ambitious plans, to be certain. Well-reasoned, achievable. He wasn't sure how functional it was. A council of all the Jedi masters? That must have been dozens, if not a hundred or two. He wasn't sure how well that would work, let alone get them together. Even in this case, the two of them were vocalizing drastically different philosophies of what the Jedi were and supposed to be. Adding more masters would undoubtedly lead to even more.

But, he supported the idea of an order of Jedi that work together. End the conflict between them. Seek peace above being right. There were those who didn't think Jedi should compromise, but Tiland was never one of them. Not on their principles, but on what they want. To seek the greater good above one's own needs and desires.

"I like what you're trying to achieve. It is something the galaxy needs. That I can support. More importantly," he leaned forward again, "how do you intend on achieving all of these things?"

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
A Light Shining in Darkness
As we are now, Master Tiland.”, he offered with a smile.​
By speaking to the Masters that still identify with the Order. Men like you have more say than you give yourself credit for - and if you support the idea, others will follow.”​
Wyatt sipped his tea once more, letting its warmth run down his throat. He focused on that sensation for a moment, felt the calmness that came with it - and enjoyed that peacefulness ontop of the passive nature of the station. There was a reason it was called ‘Peace’ afterall.​
Eventually, I would like to call a Security Council together with the various goverments as well; have an organized response to the Sith. That would be the first step in working together - with the various Jedi Orders, and the Factions of the Core.”​
"After I help set out peace agreements between the Republic and Imperium, that is.", he sighed.​
Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

"Hmm," Tiland said, leaning forward again. "I do always question who take my opinions and thoughts too seriously. Better to trust the movements of the Force than the thoughts of the old folks like myself." A gentle smile flickered across his face. "But I am flattered by your belief in the weight of my opinion. Warms an old Jedi's spirit."

He inspected the development of the tea now that time had passed. Not only did the tea need to be excellent at the time of brewing, but it needed to maintain that quality for the duration of the time it took to drink as well. "A security council would be wise, I agree. And peace between the Republic and Imperium may be easier than you think. I might be able to assist with that."
A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt blew on his tea before taking a sip, surprisingly sensitive to the heat of it; despite his status as one of the primo Jedi combatants of the Order. He smiled at the thought of that - to think one of the more feared duelists had a tendency to burn his lip when he drank tea. His eyes glanced back up to Tiland and his wisdom, nodding -​
If you believe it is easy, then I’m all ears Master Tiland.”, he offered generously.​
I listen to the Force when able, but when the Light fights the Light it… gets all too jumbled.”, he sighed.​
Tiland merely nodded as Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga spoke. “Perhaps not easy, but there may be something I can do. I have lived long and known many Jedi. Differences in methods occur frequently. It is natural. We are a large order, after all, and one prone to mysticism that at times can frustrates those of our fellows with a more practical view of the galaxy. Our codes aren’t exactly very clear. Different methods, same goal. It is the nature of the Imperium that breeds mistrust, I suspect. Again, natural. But there are ways for each compromise and concession to build trust between the two.”
A Light Shining in Darkness
And what sort of compromises and concession would you hope for?”, Wyatt asked.​
Cedric is a good man - but when his mind is set on something, it is often set in stone. He doesn’t budge easy from his path, even if its the worst kind of path to be on.”​

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