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Approved Lore The Force Rupture Theorem

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She Left Behind A Legacy

Force Ruptures in the World Between Worlds

The Force Rupture Theorem

General Information
  • Various

"Force Ruptures aren't just oddities—they show us how the multiverse is woven together. These rifts create new realities but always lead back to key moments in time. By studying them, we can learn more about the Force and how everything is connected. But be warned: Force Ruptures are powerful and unpredictable. If used improperly, they could have extreme implications, destabilizing the very fabric of our reality."​
― Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem

The Force Rupture Theorem is a comprehensive work written and illustrated by Jedi Master Romi Jade, expanding upon the foundational Chain Worlds Theorem. It introduces the concept and phenomenon of Force Ruptures, exploring their origins, and their broader implications for the universe. The text helps in understanding the complexities that occur through significant disturbances in the Force—whether through time travel, monumental events, or intense emotional upheaval— and how they essentially create tears or 'ruptures' leading to alternate realities in the mystical plane known as the World Between Worlds, a place that links all of time and space together.​


  • Media Name: The Force Rupture Theorem
  • Format: Pages (Book)
  • Distribution: Rare - Only a couple copies ever written, and a handful produced (Also backed up to a memory crystal in her possession.)
  • Length: Long
  • Description:
The Force Rupture Theorem by Jedi Master Romi Jade explores the nature and implications of Force Ruptures, which are forceful disruptions or tears in the World Between Worlds that create or bring about alternate timelines. The theory delves into the causes of these ruptures, their classification, and how they manifest. It also examines the concept of Absolute Points—key events that remain unchanged across all timelines—and the self-repair mechanism of the main timeline, which maintains continuity despite the creation of alternate realities. Romi Jade's work highlights the profound impact of Force Ruptures and emphasizes the critical importance of understanding and managing them to prevent potential catastrophic consequences.​
  • Author: Jedi Master Romi Jade
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception:
The Force Rupture Theorem has garnered some slight acclaim within some small academic and Jedi circles, praised for its depth, clarity, and innovative approach to expanding the work of the Chain Worlds Theorem. Scholars and researchers appreciate its thorough exploration of the World Between Worlds and Force Ruptures, sparking further studies into these phenomena.​
However, the reception of the work is mixed due to ongoing debates about the existence of the World Between Worlds. Some scholars in academia and members of the Jedi Order consider the entire concept a sham, arguing that such a mystical plane never existed. This skepticism has led to a faction that views Romi Jade's work as speculative at best. Among the general public, the theory remains
relatively obscure, with the complexities of the Force and alternate timelines often seen as esoteric. While simplified interpretations occasionally appear in popular culture, the broader implications are mainly appreciated by those deeply connected to the Force. Despite the controversies, the theorem is still regarded as a groundbreaking work that significantly impacts the understanding and teachings of the Force.​


This book reads from left to right on two pages. Handwritten notes, diagrams, equations, and marks outline her thoughts, theories, and her reflections on them, with the bulk of the content being kept to the blocks of text. The backed up information contained in the crystal could only be accessed when placed in a holocron which, in turn, could only be opened with the Force. Once opened, the three-dimensional appearance and cognitive networks of Master Jade, that could sense the ability and level of a Jedi etc, would appear and begin explanation.​

The major event that was used as the catalyst for her research:​
"In the tumultuous Battle of Tython, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis sought to unmake reality at the galaxy's heart and birth a new genesis in his image. His dark ritual, though interrupted by Rurik Fel Rurik Fel and ending with his defeat at the hands of Ryv Ryv , unleashed cataclysmic forces. The convergence of so many Force-sensitives on a verdant, Force-rich, Force-responsive world magnified the ritual's backlash, tearing a massive rupture in the Force. This rupture caused a convergence of alternate timelines within the World Between Worlds, scarring the plane, and forever altering the fabric of reality."​
— Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem

Some other major events referenced in her research that likely spawned ruptures:​
  • Event Name: The Bryn'adul Threat, Galactic Genocide 864 ABY
  • Links: Here
  • Participants: Bryn'adul - X
  • Overview:
"The Bryn'adul, driven by their relentless quest for supremacy, sought the extermination of all other life forms. Their catastrophic march through Wild Space left a wake of unparalleled death and destruction, pushing entire species to the brink of extinction. The death toll, too vast to calculate, numbers in the millions. The sheer scale of their atrocities has left indelible scars on the galaxy and the Force, a grim testament to the darkness that can emerge from the pursuit of total domination."​
— Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem

  • Event Name: The First Akala Crisis, 837 ABY
  • Links: Here & Here
  • Participants: Various (Galactic Scale event)
  • Overview:
"An ancient corrupted Kwa princess, driven by vengeance and despair, invaded the galaxy, leaving millions slaughtered in her wake and threatening to unravel the very fabric of Dathomir. Champions of the Galaxy rose to confront her, fighting valiantly to save the planet. In a moment of revelation, upon learning that her timeless celestial lover might still live, Akala abruptly halted her invasion and departed the galaxy. Yet, the damage had already been done, leaving deep scars and a lingering darkness that would haunt the galaxy and the Force for generations."​
— Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem

  • Event Name: The Netherworld Incident or Second Akala Crisis, 844-845 ABY
  • Links: Here
  • Participants: Various (Galactic Scale event)
  • Overview:
"In 844 ABY, billions of people vanished without a trace in what would come to be known as the Netherworld Incident, or the Second Akala Crisis. The sudden disappearance shattered factions across the galaxy, leaving a profound void. In the aftermath, many of those who vanished never returned, and countless worlds were irrevocably lost. This cataclysmic event left an indelible mark on the galaxy, reshaping its very fabric and reminding us of the fragile balance between existence and oblivion."​
— Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem

  • Event Name: The Destruction of Csilla, 867 ABY
  • Links: Here
  • Participants: Various (Galactic Scale event)
  • Overview:
"After the brutal subjugation of Csilla by the Brotherhood of the Maw, the planet's destruction in the wake of a hyperspace anomaly caused by a superweapon marked a tragic end. The war's resolution was soaked in sorrow, as millions of Csillians were suddenly displaced or killed, leaving a scar on the galaxy and the Force itself. The devastation wrought by this event echoes through the World Between Worlds, reminding us of the profound consequences of unchecked power."​
— Jedi Master Romi Jade, The Force Rupture Theorem


1. Introduction to Force Ruptures:
A "Force Rupture" is a disruptive phenomenon that occurs when significant disturbances in the Force—whether through time travel, monumental events, or intense emotional upheaval—create tears or rifts in the mystical plane known as the World Between Worlds. These rifts generate alternate timelines, branching realities that diverge from the main timeline at the point of the disturbance. Alongside this phenomenon are "Absolute Points," events that cannot be altered and exist across all timelines, serving as convergence points where timelines eventually collapse or merge back into the main timeline. This dynamic allows the main timeline to self-repair and eventually maintain continuity despite the creation of alternate realities.​
2. Origins & Causes of Force Ruptures:
Force Ruptures occur due to:​
  • Time Travel: When a Force-sensitive being travels back in time, a rupture forms at the moment of the intervention point, spawning a new timeline.
  • Major Events: Cataclysmic events in the galaxy, such as the destruction of a planet, can create a rupture if the intensity of the event significantly disturbs the Force.
  • Emotional and Psychic Intensity: Powerful emotions and psychic phenomena, like the sudden and unplanned loss of a massive amount of life, can cause ruptures.

3. Classification of Force Ruptures:
Romi Jade introduces a classification system for Force Ruptures based on their stability, impact, and origin:​
  • Type I: Temporal Interference Ruptures: Caused by direct time travel actions.
  • Type II: Cataclysmic Event Ruptures: Resulting from major galactic events.
  • Type III: Psychic Resonance Ruptures: Created by intense emotional or psychic disturbances.
4. Nature of the World Between Worlds:
The World Between Worlds is a mystical plane that exists outside linear time and space, linking all moments in the universe. It contains countless pathways and doors that connect different points in time. When a Force Rupture occurs, it creates a tear in the fabric of the plane, essentially "a new doorway" leading to an alternate timeline that branches from the point of disturbance.​

5. Mechanics of Force Ruptures:
The theorem elaborates on how Force Ruptures manifest and function:​
  • Creation: Force Ruptures appear as shimmering cracks filled with swirling energy, resembling tears in the fabric of the World Between Worlds.
  • Stability: Newly created timelines are inherently unstable and prone to collapse if the original timeline undergoes further significant changes or if the source of the rupture is resolved.
  • Interaction: Characters can interact with alternate versions of themselves and events, but such interactions can lead to paradoxes and further destabilize the timelines.
6. Absolute Points and Temporal Convergence:
Building on the Chain Worlds Theorem, Romi Jade introduces the concept of Absolute Points—events that cannot be altered across all timelines; things that were meant to happen and always will. These points serve as convergence anchors where timelines eventually collapse or merge back into the main timeline. Absolute Points ensure the stability and self-repair of the main timeline, drawing divergent paths back to critical events to maintain continuity.​

7. The Self-Repair Mechanism of the Main Timeline:
Romi Jade explores the nuanced effects of the main timeline's self-repair mechanism:​
  • Convergence at Absolute Points: All alternate timelines converge at Absolute Points, ensuring key events remain consistent.
  • Temporal Resonance: The Force emits a temporal resonance that harmonizes discrepancies between timelines, subtly influencing events and decisions to align closer to the main timeline's course.
  • Memory Imprints: Characters often retain residual memories from their original timeline, guiding their actions to correct deviations.
  • Force Echoes: Significant events resonate through the Force, serving as reminders and guides to realign alternate timelines with the main timeline.

8. Pros and Cons of Self-Repair Mechanism:
  • Stability: Ensures the overall stability of the universe by preventing chaotic fragmentation of realities.
  • Consistency: Maintains the coherence of key historical events, ensuring a consistent narrative and character development across timelines.
  • Predictability: Provides a level of predictability and security, knowing that major events will eventually occur as intended.
  • Resistance: Characters might experience resistance when trying to make significant changes, leading to personal conflict and frustration.
  • Unintended Consequences: The self-repair mechanism can lead to unintended consequences, such as abrupt shifts in reality when timelines converge, causing confusion and disorientation.
  • Loss of Freedom: Limits the freedom to create entirely new destinies, as the Force constantly nudges events towards Absolute Points.
  • Temporal Stress: The process of realignment can create temporal stress, leading to phenomena such as time loops, déjà vu, or anomalies that can be hazardous.

9. Travel Mechanics Between Timelines:
Romi Jade explores the nuances of traveling between timelines.​
  • Preparation: Entering a Force Rupture requires intense focus and meditation.
  • Journey: Travelers experience a disorienting passage through the World Between Worlds, where they must navigate through the myriad pathways without getting lost or trapped.
  • Arrival: Upon reaching an alternate timeline, travelers often find themselves at the point of divergence, with memories of both their original and the new timeline flooding their consciousness.
  • Return: Returning to the original timeline involves locating the corresponding rupture and enduring the physical and mental strain of realignment.

10. Pros and Cons of Traveling Between Timelines:
  • Knowledge and Insight: Travelers gain unique perspectives and knowledge from alternate realities, which can be used to make informed decisions in their original timeline.
  • Strategic Advantage: Access to alternate timelines can provide strategic advantages, such as forewarning of potential threats or the discovery of new allies and technologies.
  • Personal Growth: Characters may experience personal growth by confronting alternate versions of themselves, leading to greater self-awareness and development.
  • Psychic Strain: The process of navigating and existing in multiple timelines can cause severe psychic strain, leading to confusion, identity crises, or even madness.
  • Temporal Paradoxes: Interacting with alternate realities can create temporal paradoxes that destabilize both the new and original timelines, potentially causing catastrophic events.
  • Unintended Consequences: Actions taken in alternate timelines can have unforeseen repercussions, including the emergence of new threats or the amplification of existing conflicts.
  • Instability: Frequent travel between timelines can weaken the fabric of the World Between Worlds, increasing the risk of further ruptures and destabilizing the entire multiverse.

11. Ethical and Moral Implications:
Romi Jade discusses the ethical dilemmas faced when dealing with alternate timelines. She emphasizes the responsibility of those who traverse these realms to consider the consequences of their actions and the potential impact on both their original and alternate realities.​
12. Illustrations and Case Studies:
The book is richly illustrated with depictions of Force Ruptures, the World Between Worlds, and significant events in various timelines. Romi Jade includes case studies of known Force Ruptures to provide practical examples of her theories. (See events)​
The Force Rupture Theorem, provides a detailed exploration of Force Ruptures and their implications. It serves as an essential guide for understanding the mechanics of alternate timelines, the role of Absolute Points, and the self-repair mechanism of the main timeline. This theory offers profound insights into the nature of the Force and the multiverse,​

The Force Rupture Theorem was conceived and meticulously authored by Jedi Master Romi Jade. Known for her deep curiosity and unparalleled understanding of the Force, she embarked on this ambitious project to expand upon the foundational work of the Chain Worlds Theorem. Inspired by the mysteries of the World Between Worlds and the enigmatic nature of Force Ruptures, she aimed to shed light on these phenomena and their profound implications.​
The inspiration for the project came from Romi Jade's extensive studies and her profound experiences with the Force. Witnessing firsthand the convergence of alternate timelines and the cataclysmic effects of Force Ruptures -- first during a vision while in a coma -- after various significant events, she felt compelled to document and analyze these occurrences. Her encounters with the residual echoes of pivotal battles, like the Battle of Tython and the Netherworld Incident, provided critical insights and fueled her determination to explore the intricate tapestry of the multiverse.​
Several key events influenced the creation of The Force Rupture Theorem:​
  • Battle of Tython: The massive rupture in the Force caused by Solipsis's ritual, despite being halted by Rurik Fel and culminating in Solipsis's death, left a lasting impact on the galaxy. The convergence of alternate timelines in the World Between Worlds during this event served as a crucial case study for Romi Jade.
  • Destruction of Csilla: The hyperspace anomaly caused by a superweapon, resulting in the planet's destruction and the death or displacement of millions, highlighted the catastrophic potential of Force disturbances.
  • Bryn'adul's Rampage: The relentless extermination campaign by the Bryn'adul, which pushed species to the brink of extinction, underscored the dire consequences of unchecked power and the profound scars left on the Force.
  • Akala's Invasion: The invasion by the ancient corrupted Kwa princess and the subsequent damage to Dathomir provided insights into the motivations and repercussions of such powerful Force entities.
  • Netherworld Incident: The sudden disappearance of billions in 844 ABY, known as the Netherworld Incident or the Second Akala Crisis, and the subsequent shattering of galactic factions, emphasized the importance of understanding the delicate balance between reality and the Force.
Romi Jade's process involved years of rigorous research, meditation, and consultation with fellow Jedi scholars and historians. She meticulously compiled data, documented personal experiences, and analyzed historical records and holocrons. Romi Jade's dedication to uncovering the truth about Force Ruptures and their impact on the galaxy drove her to create a comprehensive and accessible text. The book was enriched with detailed illustrations, case studies, and theoretical frameworks to ensure it served as both an academic resource and a practical guide.​
Upon completion, The Force Rupture Theorem was published and disseminated within the Jedi Order and academic circles.​

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