Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Force

Hiya :)

I have a few quick questions about how Force training works on Chaos, if anyone could help me?

I've read everything I can find but that wasn't very much so I decided to just come and ask anyway - if anyone can post links to guides I may have missed, that would also be appreciated. I know you need a master to train, but my questions are as follows:-

1. How does training actually work? Is it just a case of posting threads with a master to show the learning process, or is there some sort of submission to 'officially' get the power? Is there any limit on word/post count or is it more to do with the quality of the posts?
2. A lot of people seem to have specialised in certain areas/aspects/powers - does this mean you can only learn powers from people who already know them and so you have to jump around different masters, or are they able to teach the theory of powers they don't know? How do you learn more complex things like stasis, battle meditation, force lightning, etc? (Obviously these are master level - I'm thinking long term ;))
3. How do you go about building a lightsaber? Does this have to be created in the factory or similar? What about crystals?
4. Do you have to be the same faction as the person who is training you?
5. Are training threads/whatever the answer to number 1 is moderated by a moderator or judge, or just the master?

Um, basically any information on how the Force works on here would be welcome! I want to be sure I don't do anything too unrealistic or break any rules, although since my main rule with the Force is 'don't be a jerk' I think I'm off to a good start :) Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thank you :)
All good questions.

I can try to answer based on my knowledge and hopefully what I neglect to answer, someone can fill in. These are my opinions of course and don't reflect official answers, however this is what I have gathered since I've been here and knowledge of development in Chaos.

1. Training works or can work based on in-character cooperation between Padawan and Master. The more time I'd like to say is spent involved between Master and Padawan is a good thing. It's not really the quantity, more so the quality. Anyone can type up a dozen threads with their Master so to speak, but is it quality writing that determines if the individual is suited to go to the next level of writing as a Jedi? I guess? In measures of power and ability, it's similar to the way an individual would look at a submission for a technology request, there has to be some quality development behind it. If it's a significant power, I'd say decent amount of work would need to be done behind it before you can really say someone has learned it, let alone mastered it. Shatterpoint for example, it's a complex Force power that relies on the delicate ley-lines which connect everything in the Force. To be able to pick out which one is the weakest and exploit it, is the trick to the Force power itself, thus requires alot of training. I wouldn't say again, there is a word limit. It's quality.

2. My character specifically is very diverse and well-trained because of years of writing this specific character and years spent literally writing training. More so, I never wanted to specialize in anything in particular like some people have chosen to. I wouldn't say there is a limit to how much one can learn but I'd say there is a limit to how much one can do or master in a broad spectrum? Not sure? You find someone who knows them well, and utilizes them frequently and request them to train you on those items. Again, training is about quality, not quantity.

3. Write! Hell, that is the most fun part about making a Jedi or Force based character is building a saber! Get a list of components together and go write it up? :D Best thing I can tell you. As far as crystals go, it depends on the quality of the crystal. I believe there is a great guide for Lightsaber Crystals on rare ones but if it's something that is common, you can always just go for it. Heck, you can even make a story behind it.

4. I'd like to say Yes to that.

5. Master. RPJs and such don't get involved unless a post is reported or is in question. The Council will look at things (I believe so) when the Padawan is recommended for Knight, Knight to Master. They look at the quality again, as opposed to quantity. In-Character development is critical.

Hopefully, that helps.
[member="Anya Kalos"]

1) There's no formal way to "learn" a power. Typically, you'll enlist a master to train your character, and you would then RP the apprenticeship. That would mean basically RPing a story of your character learning whatever you're trying to learn. It could be adventures with the master and "RL" applications, or it could be lectures by the master and your character picking up those lessons theoretically. There's no checklist or grading system or leveling system.

Please note that in order to become a Master-level Force User (FU), there is a formal method that you must undertake.

2) Again, since there's no technical formal way, the answer to your question is sorta ambiguous. Yes, you'd want to train under a master that actually has mastered whatever technique you want to learn. However, you should also look at it that you're trying to learn the basics of that Force "school" instead of that technique specifically. Once you've gotten the school/class of Force skill down (i.e., telekinesis, healing, etc.), then you can focus on RPing the learning process of specific "spells".

For example, let's say my Jedi healer Cyrilla Ky'lik is trying to become a master-level healer. There are a million different healing spells, so I wouldn't be focusing on any specific spells. Rather, I would focus on healing in general, find a master who will take Cyrilla under her wing, and master the arts of healing. Then, once that is complete, I'd start looking on a few spells that I'd really want Cyrilla to specialize in. Then I'd find someone who really, really knows that spell well, and have him teach her. (Or, if I can't find anyone, I'd do some big RP development/story thread.)

3) Creating a lightsaber is usually a story/RP you do with your master/teacher. If your lightsaber is fairly standard, as in it doesn't incorporate any strange materials (i.e., beskar or cortosis), a Tech Submission is not necessary. If you are using something different, I'd recommend a Tech Submission. When in doubt, submit a Tech Submission, and a Factory Judge will pass judgment. If it's truly a fairly normal item, it'll be approved without issue.

4) I don't think you have to be the same Faction, but it might help. It needs to be logical IC-wise. You wouldn't have your Republic Jedi character be trained by a Sith Master, obviously.

5) Training threads are not technically moderated. A Roleplay Judge (RPJ) is not going to monitor a training thread, unless the thread is brought to our attention/reported for some reason.

When in doubt, ask, as you've done here. You'll find that a lot of people here are quite friendly and willing to answer questions that new people have.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy your stay, and that I've been able to clarify some of your questions. Please feel free to let me know if you have further questions. :)

(The best way to let me know is to either PM me or tag me in your post using the
command, such as
@Asemir Lor'kora
[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

Thank you both! That does help a lot, I understand things a lot better now and have a clearer idea of a) how it works and b) the path I want Anya to take. Thank you for your time and patience with a clear noob!

Now I can't wait to get a master and dive in! :)

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