Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fortress World

The green monk stepped down onto the dock, escorted now by Jedi of his own Order. They had arrived to negotiate a truce between the Rebel Leaders of Anaxes, Warlords though they were. The once great jewel of the Core had become a world of constant in-fighting, and the Republic's arrival was meant as a show of force. However, they didn't have the resources to invade the entire planet and put to bed each Rebel Leader - no, they would have to find the strongest and ally with them against the rest. Strong though the initial genesis of the Republic was, overwhelmed by vast galactic conflicts they were. Only days ago were they attacked in their very own Senate by terrorists of the Sith Empire.

Teferi rubbed his leg as it throbbed in pain. "Tread lightly, we must," he said, looking around at the Jedi that escorted him. "Dark is our path on Anaxes. Clouded, my vision is."

Teferi left out the bit that his vision of the future had been clouded ever since the arrival of the two Sith at the Senate building...something evil and malicious stirred at the heart of the Galaxy, but to what end, Teferi knew not.

"To the inner spaceport, to meet our allies, we head."

Hopefully, General Dex's transport had made it okay onto Anaxes.
As the shuttle touched down, Aurelia was aware of a the air. Anaxes was an important world, and bringing it into the sphere of the Republic was vital if they were not to collapse again.

As she stepped out onto the landing platform her grey coated guards stepped out to cover approaches and watch for danger. The guards were well equipped and paid, chosen from those orphans of soldiers killed in war. They were loyal to the extreme, and connected to her family even more than the Republic.

A wind stirred and blew her robes slightly as she headed inside. There, in the inner spaceport they were set to meet the Jedi and Military contingents. They would then go on to meet the government of the planet and begin negotiating an alliance.

As Aurelia stepped inside she saw the Jedi Grandmaster and approached him. "Master Jedi, it is so good to see you recovered. I trust today will not see as much danger and intrigue!" she said warmly. Her politician's tone was in perfect tune, sounding both concerned for the Jedi's health and welcoming of his arrival.

Norman Kingsly

Following behind the Chancellor was Norman Robert Kingsly the IVth, one of the esteemed Generals of the newly formed Republic, born fighting in the slums and with a taste for vengeance against tyranny. He himself was flanked by a duo of his best captains, who stood at attention as Norman joined them on the landing pad. He composed himself and steeled his nerves, he had never met a Jedi before, and as his eyes caught sight of the mysterious small green creature, he knew instantly that this was the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. For who else could hold such a massive aura of leadership and benevolence? He strode up to the creature, and bowed deeply as he let the Chancellor make her opening statements before chiming in, "Indeed, the event at the senate building was a terrible and avoidable crisis that I partly blame myself for. I should have been there to increase the security tenfold, but alas I did not possess the hindsight that I possess now on that fateful night."

Norman's speech was superb, his tone precise and his volume clear and without error. Indeed, the crisis on Coruscant had left him with a gnawing sense of anxiety and failure in the core of his being, but he would overcome this and prove his worth in taking Anaxes. He had to do this, as General of the Republic it was his duty to uphold justice, sovereignty, and peace in Republic space. He waited patiently for the Jedi's response, his form erect and his hands clasped behind his back.

Once a vibrant, shining jewel affixed to the crown that is the Galactic Republic, now reduced to a war-torn realm divided by numerous parties all vying for power. Though most were political in nature, with some agreeing to rally together as one in order to become the majority and join the Republic's midst once again, some were militant. These congregations of aggressive souls were led by Warlords whom each sought one arbitrary thing or another. Some simply wanted money, others were fighting for citizen rights...yet the largest and most dangerous of these militant factions was one that wielded Faith as a weapon. It was a fanatical cell whom warred in the name of their pantheon, convinced that it was the will of their gods to claim dominion over the planet and to cut down anyone or anything that got in their way.

Needless to say, the Republic had arrived to get in their way. Galactic peace, prosperity, and progress was what the coalition of worlds so desperately craved, and Anaxes was crucial to this goal. So, the Army of the Republic hearkened to the call of the majority party of Anaxes, pledging aide in the removal of this militant threat. These leaders were not to be slain, however, for martyrdom would only strengthen the will of their subordinates and spurn them to fight onward. No, they would be given a treaty that would usher in peace between them and the majority; the remaining factions would be dealt with on an individual basis once the large threat had been dealt with. Now, only days after the official emergence of the Galactic Republic, the promised aide had arrived into the planet's orbit: a single, mammoth vessel known simply as a Star Defender. It was a Preservation-Class to be exact: a powerfully equipped, heavily armed vessel that held enough equipment to easily handle a single base that holed up the problematic faction.

At the helm of this vessel was the High General of the Republic: Dex Rostu. For this venture, the veteran soldier had opted to wear his trademark armor of onyx hue. It was a heavier variant of the standard issue Republican Armor, colored to match his preferences. From the bridge, Dex called out various orders to sequentially deploy the militant force that would aide in the taking of Anaxes; and out of the corner of his eye, he could see from the bridge's vast window starfighters flying out from the Star Defender's hangar and heading into the world's atmosphere. With the escort on its way out, Dex strode away from the bridge and headed himself to the hangar, hopping aboard a gunship populated with a number of Republic soldiers. Dex wasn't one of those generals who sat behind a table and gave orders from a distance, he often rode into battle alongside his men; thereby fostering their trust, loyalty, and adoration.

The gunship rocketed off out of the hangar and plummeted down into the atmosphere of the world. From below, it would appear as though an army of insects had launched from the belly of a beast to descend upon the unsuspecting only took a matter of seconds for the vessel to traverse the upper atmosphere and begin its descent to the designated landing pad: the only gunship to do so. After all, the General had a meeting to get to. The vessel came down with a loud hiss and the doors were opened. Out stepped the High General of the Republic, flanked by thirty of the finest infantry the military had to offer. Though a large "guard" in comparison to the number brought by the Chancellor and the Grandmaster, no chances could be taken in light of the recent attack on Coruscant. The remaining sixty members of the gunship's passengers were promptly carried off to the eastern rendezvous point less than a mile away; where they would prepare to collaborate with local Anaxes' forces in order to take the militant base.

With his trademark, confident strides, Dex made his appearance into the presence of the three dignitaries. The veteran gave each a nod of acknowledgement, and promptly spoke in a formal manner ill-befitting the street-born warrior. "Chancellor Saelari, always a pleasure to see you...And General Norman, do not blame yourself for the events of the other day. We were all ill-prepared and it will never happen again." The veteran took another step forward and dropped to a knee before the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. Though his visage was maked from view, an expression of concern as upon his face. He reached out to place a hand upon his shoulder. "Master Tefari, you are well I hope?"

Flint Pherson


Preservation Class Star Defender
Low Orbit

Commander Pherson watched the last of the transports away. He squinted hard at today's operations. This wasn't a drill and many of the Naval Operation's men he knew out there where still a little green. Still. Trial by Fire works just as well. They would come back stronger in the end.

"Thats the last of them Commander. We'll lock it down on this end."
"Good work Serviceman. Carry on."

Flint snapped a return salute and left the flight deck, headed for the bridge. The High General had dismounted and was enroute to the planet now. It was time for Pherson to do what Pherson did best. Stand beside the Holoboard on the Observation Deck and make sure everything went smoothly.

"Okay Coms-men, bring up the local grid. Let's keep the theater surveillance up and running around the clock."
.. "Yes sir. All assets are online and viewable now."
"Hows our link with the Generals? Are they patched in?"
.. "Yes sir. All Generals are patched into the Network. Encryption and Signal are all green. General Rostu has the ball."
"Good. Then we're on stand by. ...May the Force be with us."

With his helmet on his hip, Flint stood on the Observation Deck like a soldierly statue. He was on Rapid Response and Orbital Security duty today. Just watch the ship and respond if anything went wrong. Ahh... Nothing quite like paid time off. But before he could finally relax a message came for him,

"Commander Pherson. This is Doctor Kyle. Can you come to the Medical Deck when your able?"
"This is Pherson. I'm on my way. ...Pilot. You have the bridge."
.. "Aye aye sir."

Ah. Well. No rest for the wicked.
Sitting quietly in the starship as it came touching down to Anaxes, the fortress planet, Cassus had previously found himself deep in meditation. With his eyes closed, and mind focusing on other things, he wouldn't have even been disturbed on the touch-down landing, had it not been for the red lights to alert everyone that they were, indeed, touching down. Letting out a short sigh, the thirty-eight year old Jedi Knight slowly lowered himself to the ground, having been levitating while meditating, and then proceeded to stand up, his body reminding him of his age, and that his lifestyle had taken a toll on his body.

Straightening out his robes, Cassus checked his lightsaber and utility belt, making sure that everything that was there was still there, and nodded to himself, making mental notes that everything was in fact there. Briskly walking from the secluded area, Cassus saw that the door was open, and quickly made his way out. Looking around, his head spinning to the left and right, Cassus stood quietly behind Teferi, watching the interactions between the Jedi and the Republic. From what Cassus thought, a planet like Anaxes was a necessity, but from everything that Cassus had read on the old Jedi, they were not fighters and soldiers, but peacekeepers.
Though it had only been a few days since the attack on the Republic's Senate Building, during which Ned received a nasty shock to the chest which still pained him, the young Commando disembarked the gunship only a few steps behind his father: the famed Dex Rostu. Much was on the warrior's mind as he trailed behind his sire, coming to a halt only three paces behind the veteran. First and foremost was the virus which he had managed to halt from being uploaded into the Republic's systems. Though, after he had been taken to the Medical Station and treated, he turned over the Sith datapad and made certain that the system was combed through for any sign of the virus, of which he was reassured would be happening, he still worried about the security of the Republic's networks and their susceptibility to cyber warfare.

Next on his plate of worries was...something that wasn't even his to worry about. He just had a feeling that weighed upon his heart that caused him to take a gander at the Jedi who had most recently come to the side of Grandmaster Tefari. With just a glance, Ned was overwhelmed with the same...feeling of deja'vu...which had led him to go looking for the Senator, thereby leading him to halting the virus upload. 'Perhaps this is the Force talking to me?' he mused to himself. Ned had heard stories about his bloodline leading back to a clan of force sensitives, but no Jedi (or Sith) had come out of their household for centuries and there weren't any.

Nonetheless, Ned just had this feeling...the Jedi Knight was uncomfortable about the current situation. Perhaps unsettled that their Order was now on Anaxes to fight when the Jedi were charged with keeping the peace. This line of feelings and thought inspired the Commando to cross the distance between them and come to a halt only two paces from the man. He inclined his head in respect before addressing him. "Excuse me, Master Jedi? I...erm...just have this feeling that I should tell you this...Without our actions here today, there won't be any peace to keep. We soldiers of the Republic are also charged with being peacekeepers, and I'd like nothing more than to just do patrol duty...but there are times when even the farmers must take up arms if peace is to be obtained. I hope see that the relationship between our Orders is for the mutual goal of attaining peace and prosperity for all...And that fighting is necessary to attain it. If there was an alternative, we'd all take it."

With that said, Ned stepped away from the Jedi and back into line before his father. He was grateful that his face was obstructed from view by his helmet, lest those around him see the nervous sweat that had beaded up upon his brow.
Hulnok had never been to Anaxes. He landed his old, rusty starfighter in a hanger and met with his friends from the republic. "Hello master Efreet, how is your leg? And you chancellor, you have recovered from the attack I see?"
Aurelia Saelari said:
"Master Jedi, it is so good to see you recovered. I trust today will not see as much danger and intrigue!"

Teferi bowed in return, humbly. "Let us hope not, Chancellor Saelari." The Jedi Master limped forward, nodding to @[member="Cassus Thorn"] as if he understood something that had not yet been spoken aloud.

The General approached, regal in his appearance, highly esteemed in his mannerisms. Truly a man born to lead.

Dex Rostu said:
"Master Tefari, you are well I hope?"
"Be as fit as I am at five hundred years old, you will not!" The monk joked, his lips stretching thinly in a forced smile. Truly, the leg was terrorizing the old Jedi with pain. He glanced at @[member="Hulnok Yawon"], keeping the forced smile. "Yes, yes, more important business we have at hand, don't we?"

The robed green creature glanced at @[member="Ned Rostu"] for a moment as he engaged Cassus Fett in philosophical conversation before turning to Chancellor Saelari & General Dex.

"A plan we have, I trust?"
This was Aurelia's chance to shine, and she took the opportunity to explain her plan.
"Master Jedi, I have a plan I feel will fit the situation well. We are not here to conquer Anaxes, we are here to bring them over to us. Thus, we must each play our parts in drawing them to our sphere. As head of the government I will formally invite them to join the Republic, give them a position in the Senate and in my cabinet. I will also see that needed subsidies are released to help with administration and reform."
In short, she would bribe them, but in a very tactful way!

"Master Jedi, the Order's respected position will allow you to offer Anaxes a Jedi Enclave to help protect and defend the population. It will also allow you to search and recruit for Force sensitive people easily without dragging them away from their homeworld. Your well known fairness and wisdom will also help advise them in these troubled times."
Flattery for the Jedi, and hopefully it would help convince the leaders of Anaxes to join with them.

"Finally, Supreme Commander, your forces will be invaluable in helping to suppress this criminal insurrection. With our organisation and technology we will be able to aid the local forces, and then train them to our standards. If Anaxes comes to our side we will be greatly strengthened."
A realistic appraisal of the situation, it seemed.

"That is my plan, my friends," she concluded.
Dex had to resist the urge to simply say: "Spoken like a true politician." He knew the Chancellor of the Republic, but he wasn't on good enough terms with her to make such a jab...yet. Nonetheless, her plan, albeit riddled with flattery and veiled bribery, was solid and would most likely win the world of Anaxes over into joining the Republic. The Supreme Commander nodded his head in agreement, a hearty grin gracing his aging face.

"That is a truly solid plan Chancellor. As far as my end goes, my intelligence tells me the leaders of this insurrection are holed up in a base to the east of our current position. I brought along a few friends of mine," he made the point of gesturing to his soldiers, "to liberate that base from their clutches. The plan is to draw their attention with a forward assault, coordinating our forces with those of Anaxes. Then, a handful of strike teams will enter the compound while the enemy is busy defending themselves from the front and capture the heads of the problem. We'll keep them alive and unharmed, of course, don't want any martyrs on our hands...After the heads are captured, we'll give them a treaty of sorts to sign that will absolve the problem. Since you're the politically-minded one of the bunch, I'll let you handle the writing of this agreement, as I'm sure you'll be very thorough."

Dex wasn't without his compliments either. Sure, they weren't as eloquent as those issuing from the lips of his comrade, but a compliment was a compliment.

"That's my plan anyways. Grandmaster, do you have anything in mind?"
Standing behind Master Efreet, Cassus' face was like a stone, his blue eyes staring at Commander, then shifting to the Chancellor. He would be the first jedi to admit his profound dislike of the game known as politics, where the strong survived, and the strong got stronger with each bout of corruption. Of course, Cassus didn't have a reaction until the young Commando had walked up, and referred to Cassus as 'master jedi', keeping a straight face, eyes peering into that of the Commando's, Cassus hadn't even offered the man a glance since he walked off the ship, and now this man was... feeling his emotions?

"So you're saying that by being.. here." Cassus opened the palm of his hand, circling it around, signifying the planet. "That we are ensuring freedom? Invading a planet in hopes that its citizenry will accept us... to force the leaders to sign an agreement..." Cassus simply shrugged, his eyes staring back into the Chancellor and Commander. "Master Efreet, I must say that invading this world is... a bad idea." He said, letting out a sigh as he looked down at the old man. "Building an enclave is not reason to invade, this planet is part of the Perlemian Trade Route, if someone wanted to leave... how would it be difficult?" He sighed again, knowing what he said would fall on deaf ears, he was only a Knight, after all. "Not to mention this isn't some backwater planet you're talking about, this is Anaxes, the fortress world of the Perlemian. Massive guns, walls, and gates. It would be suicide for anything short of heavy armor to punch their way in, and if a small did did manage to get in, if they were caught, well.. good luck getting out." He added on, speaking rather quickly as his eyes went to Master Efreet. "Why can't we just hold peace meetings? Bring the warlords together and see if we can appease them, maybe they are not so thick-headed as we think they are... after all, we are all part of the mighty Republic, what would they have to lose if they joined us? Let them keep their lands, they would gain protection of the Republic, and a seat in the Senate..." He took in one last audible deep breath as he held his arms behind his back, almost as if he was standing at attention, his eyes scanning the Commander, Chancellor, and Grandmaster.

Flint Pherson

The Medical Deck

"You wanted to see me Doctor Kyle?"
"Ah yes. Thank you for coming Commander. I wanted to discuss something with you."
"Go right ahead. What have you got?"
"Well. Its just. We've been preparing extra room for all the wounded we'll be expecting. Now. Thats fine. We have room. But I don't have enough personnel to transport them here from the Shuttle Bay. The medical droids do fine in caring for patients with their automated tasks, but they can't carry soldiers off the shuttles. Especially not in the numbers we are expecting."

"So. You have enough men for care and treatment? But need more hands to help with getting wounded men to the Med Bay. I think I can help."
"Oh good. I need to be busy caring for the wounded. Not running stretches back and forth."
"Well. Most units can bring their wounded here by themselves. Off-loading from the shuttles to deliver their men personally into your care. But they will need the stretchers on stand-by. Can you have the beds ready at the Shuttle Bay?"
"Okay. Yes. We can do that. I'll have the doctors run all the supplies to the Bay right away. Anything else?"

"No. Just get your people ready for the rapid influx. Make sure you know where everything is."
"Not to worry Commander. We are fully stocked and prepared. My people are not new to this. We have a hand-picked team for this vessel."
"Good. Excellent. I'll task a Security Team to the Bay to help with with the wounded. Just make sure we have the stretchers ready to be loaded up as soon as our birds touch down."
"Thank you so much Commander. I believe we are ready now. I have no more concerns."

"Very good Doctor. Let's get to work then."

Pherson nodded to the Doctor as they all began to hustle towards their duties. He would insure a Security Team was on-site and the Doctor would get the required beds to the Shuttle Bay. It would be a system of seamless care. Force willing, this Star Defender was ready for the worst.

It was then that Ned Rostu succumbed to aggravation and addressed him with a slight edge in his tone. He took a step closer to the Jedi Knight who bore his heart-felt opinion in their midst. The young Commando reached out and placed a hand upon the man's shouler, an a solemn sigh escaped his lips.

"That's is exactly what I'm saying! Do you know what these Warlords are like? Do you know the terrors they inflict upon the people? Appeasing these leaders will do nothing to protect the denizens of this world! It matters not that this world is apart of the Perlemian, not one denizen could escape if they wanted to!" Ned's voice elevated past that of a calm level, but he had to get the point across, "So why would we aim to appease those who do nothing but torment those they rule? The answer is: we cannot. We cannot sit by and let the innocent be trampled upon by these Warlords! So we will step in. We will dethrone the most heinous of the Warlords and collaborate with the rest for the sake of the people. They won't abuse the citizens any longer, and as such there will be PEACE!" He took a breath, before continuing.

"Are you not a guardian of galactic peace? Are you not charged to defend and to protect? Are you not expected to respect all life, in any form, including those under the heel of tyranny? Are you not called to serve rather than rule, for the good of the galaxy?!" With that said, the young Commando removed his hand from the Jedi's shoulder and stepped closer to the "Big Three", standing next to his father. "Forgive my outburst..."
Dex Rostu said:
"That's my plan anyways. Grandmaster, do you have anything in mind?"
"Here to serve the Republic, we are." Teferi bowed his head in submission to the orders of the Chancellor and General Dex.

Cassus Thorn said:
"Master Efreet, I must say that invading this world is... a bad idea."
"Agree with you I do, Jedi Thorn." Teferi shook his head. "Have the luxury of good ideas during these dark times, we do not."

Cassus Thorn said:
"Why can't we just hold peace meetings? Bring the warlords together

"Hm! An interesting proposal, young Jedi." Teferi interrupted, poking at the sides of the Jedi Knight with his cane while limping around him. His eyes shot to @[member="Ned Rostu"] as the man began to shout.

"Calm we must remain, united in purpose," his eyes growing deadly serious at the young Commando before veering back towards the Chancellor.

"Loyalty to the Republic, the Jedi will show. Heading to the old Enclave, I am."

Teferi bowed again to the Chancellor and General Dex, and began trotting off slowly in the direction of the Jedi Enclave, guided by the Force.
The Supreme Commander's eyebrows shot up in surprise as his son raised his voice. It was uncharacteristic of his boy to let his emotions take the reins, and to be honest it was a tad out of line. Upon returning to his side, Dex raised his hand and gently slapped the side of his son's helmet, a gentle smile upon his lips. "Easy m'boy, we'll figure something out." He stepped forward and dropped to a knee once more, placing a hand upon the Grandmaster's shoulder.

"Teferi. Wait." He began. "A meeting amongst the Warlords just may work...if we can draft a treaty that alleviates the tyranny imposed upon the people and welcomes them into the Republic, then perhaps we can solve this without firing a single shot. In all honesty, I don't want to lose any men today and it doesn't truly sit right with me to be laying siege to a base populated by civilian radicals. Teferi, tell me, do you think this will work?"

To the Chancellor, he added, "Once more, I'll leave the treaty writing to you."
Aurelia watched the confrontations impassively. This Jedi conscience had no place in a situation like this. While Teferi hobbled off to who knows where, Aurelia was left with Dex. She at least regarded him as more reliable than the others.
"Thank you, General Rostu. We are not invading Anaxes, and anyone who claims so is mistaken. We are here on invitation of the ruling government to help suppress anarchists and rebels. We must therefore meet with their leaders and quickly arrive at a solution which benefits both parties. General Rostu and I will meet their leaders, and once we are assured of their support we will help root out the traitors. Once that is done they will be welcomed to the Republic swiftly. That is the plan."

She looked around, waiting for anyone to comment. If no one did she would leave with Dex immediately for the leaders of Anaxes.
Standing there in silence once more, Cassus all but ignored the trooper, if he thought that Anaxes was a big deal; what about the outer rim worlds, where slavery was prominent? Was living under a warlord so bad? At least these people weren't bought and sold, and never lived a free life. Taking in a deep breath, Cassus only gave the commando a stare, not worrying to even open his own mouth, knowing that the boy would bight his own words eventually.

Seeing the Grandmaster begin to walk away, Cassus, still not speaking a word, begin to follow him, his arms still folded behind him in a military-like fashion. "Master Efreet, do you think this conflict can be solved without the use of weapons, or the loss of lives?" He said, looking down at the little green man, before promptly looking forward once more, following a step and a half behind Efreet.

Norman Kingsly

Norman breathed a bit easier with Dex's reinforcement, and stood off to attention, patiently observing as the three leaders of the Republic Triumvirate talked over plans and ideas for ways to take Anaxes... peacefully. Now, Norman had nothing against peaceful transgressions, oh no, but his urge to topple these tyrants with sheer military strength was gnawing at him, but he swallowed it down. Once the Jedi had departed did he finally speak up, "I do not think a peace summit would help. If these Warlords are like any Warlords I know, they don't want to give up their positions of power. There may be a trap or an assassination attempt..." He trailed off, his mind whirring through seemingly countless scenarios in which things could go terribly wrong, but he calmed himself. "But I suppose we could give it a try, if it'l make the Jedi happy..." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Plus, I really do hope peace works out in the end... the Jedi was right, if we needed to use marshal power it would be one hell of a fight..."

Flint Pherson

The Star Defender

"All set here Commander. Everything is in place."
"Good work Lee. ...How about you Decker?"
"We are a go Commander. All set over here."

Pherson nodded to himself and looked about the Bay. Everything had fallen into place rather nicely. The blessings of a new ship I suppose. All of the medical equipment had been rallied into position and the Bay's team was keeping the area clear. As long as the artificial gravity held? They were golden. Flint returned to the bridge and found the holoboard right where he left it. None of pieces had moved on the board as of yet. And that was relief. No need to rush things along. They could take their time with this one. Although, Pherson did take a moment to check the ships long range sensors. Speed of Light was showing all green. There was traffic in the system to be sure, but none of the ID signatures seemed out of place. It seemed the Anaxes Inner flight-patterns were very much secure and expertly linear. Centuries of sub-space organization at work. Marvelous.

"How are we doing Pilot?" Flint asked as he returned to the observation post.
"All green up here sir. Nothing moving in the water except for us."
"Ah. ...Heh. Ya know. I don't know how you handle the calm. It's too quiet for me sometimes."
"Ah. You get used it sir. You find ways to overlook the hours spent just hanging in orbit."

"Oh? Like what? I'm not sure I follow."
"Well. For one, there is the planet itself. The land and the oceans. The clouds and the storms. It's all really quite beautiful from up here. Here. Take a look."
"Ha. I don't usually picture Pilot's for the scenic type. ...Well. I'll be. But what are those. The little lines and arrows."
"Weather patterns. Just a hobby of mine. I'll erase them from the screen. Sorry sir."

"No no. Don't bother. We're on stand by and recovery. ...We all need our hobbies."
"Of course sir. Thank you sir."
"Actually. Let me have a look at that screen there."
"Ah. Well. Thats the constellations sir. Not the weather."

"But the stars move in three dimensions out here. They vary by location and perspective. Surely your not suggesting we still have constellations all the way out here on Anaxes?"
"Well. No sir. I just like to make them up as I go."
"Ah. I see. ...And this one?"
"Yes sir. I call that one the Running Man. It's just like you said, sometimes we find ways to entertain ourselves during the down-time."

"Haha. Running Man indeed. Excellent idea Pilot. Well. Enough of my musings. I'll leave you to your work."
"Thank you sir."

Pherson shook his head and returned to the Holoboard. Now, some might find his behavior unorthodox or less professional than most career officers. But this wasn't Flint's boat. He could let that pass. For now, Pherson peered down at the blue holographic planet before him. Anxious to see what wild turn came next.


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