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Approved Starship The Freebird 2.0 | Asteroid Corvette

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Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards, Moddified by Tingel Arm Coalition
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: High
Width: Low
Height: Average
Size: Large



  • Force crystal allows for heightened battle meditation from the chamber that it's stored within.
  • High defences.
  • Unique hangar space uncommon in vessels of it's size.
  • Being made from a hollowed out asteroid, the vessel can be confusing in combat. It may be unclear to the naked eye where the top and bottom of the vessel is, causing disorientation.
  • The vessel, being constructed in out of an asteroid, can blend in well with space debrees when the internal systems are shut down.
  • Highly manuverable.
  • Sensor jamming capability.
  • Hidden from mass detectors.
  • Manda Battlenet: Onboard analytical and predictive capabilities.
  • 'Sarutaya' Engine SLAM: "Negating the need for a separate repulsor engine while integrating a scramjet booster and a SLAM system as well as stealth features, the engine is incredibly versatile. Small craft it is mounted on need not install secondary repulsor systems, and the scramjet booster and SLAM give them the ability for sudden bursts of speed in atmosphere or in space."
  • Lower on-board armament to allocate for hanger space.
  • Slower due to the outer shell being constructed from a hollowed out asteroid, only gaining a momentary boost from SLAM.
  • Force-nullifying tech may dampen the or completely stop the effects of the force crystral.
  • On board sensor jammer is indiscriminate, confusing friend and foe alike.
The Freebird was once an unnamed experimental vessel developed by Kuat Drive Yards with the intention of being a stealth oriented corvette constructed within an asteroid. The idea was that the vessel would have a natural outer shell over the hull proper, making it more difficult to spot by the naked eye. The ship has increased defenses and manuverability, with systems installed to make it more hidden to enemy sensors. It's slower speed would be counteracted by its capacity to transport starfighters behind enemy lines, having an onboard hanger capacity unique to the size of vessel. The vessel would never see any large production, as a rogue employee stole the vessel with the intention of selling it to the Dark Empire. The vessel would be intercepted by Jedi Wayseeker Shem Spinner, who would take the vessel for himself. A notable later addition to the vessel was a Force Crystal, which gives the vessel some unique properties with the drawback of detection by force sensitives.

When taken into the Tingel Arm Coalition, the ship's outdated systems were given an overhaul to increase it's effectiveness in the field. Shem has overseen it's upgrades with prolonged naval combat in mind should they be detected.

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Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update Shem's Corvette
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Permission in TAC War Manifest

Technical Information

Affiliation: Tingel Arm Coalition
Model: N/A
Starship Class: Corvette (50-200m)
Starship Role: Stealth
Modular: No
Material: CP90 Durasteel, Durasteel, Impervium, Glasteel, Gemon 4 - Ion Drive (x3), Class 1 Hyperdrive, Maneuvering Jets (x10), Asteroid stone
Armaments: Armament: Low
Point Defense Cannon x 10
Heavy Ion Cannon x 2
MS-1 Ion Cannon x 5
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Low
Maneuverability Rating:: Very High
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):

Sonic/EMP: Average

Minimum Crew: 10
Optimal Crew: 25
Passenger Capacity: 30
Cargo Capacity: Average
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Shem Spinner Shem Spinner

Nicely made!
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