Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion The Frontier War: Material Wealth | Mandalorian Enclave Dominion of Hamra



When it came to intergalactic governance, resources were everything.

The Mandalorian Enclave had taken great strides towards a self-sufficient economic and industrial model, eliminating the need to rely fully on outside trading partners. With a growing portfolio of investors and developers, the Tributary Council on Hefi had begun to distribute the wealth between the systems that made up the nascent power in the Wild Space.

With growth came attention.

Recognising the Mandalorian Enclave’s position as the chief military and economic power in the region, the desert planet Hamra with its recently fortified industrial stockpile and refining capabilities, made overtures towards the Mandalorian state. Their offer: permanent membership and tribute to the Enclave in return for protection from the chaos of Wild Space. For a half-year, the Hamrans have bravely defended their mining platforms, known as the Hub, from attacks from pirates bent on making cheap gains and expensive returns on newly-discovered Rhydonium deposits. As a secure source of both Rhydonium and valuable Phrik ore, the Enclave stood to benefit greatly from the inclusion of Hamra in its territory; thus, its Mandalorian warriors were summoned to fight through the arid terrain, high cliffs, and rocky outcrops to liberate the Hub from the pirate marauders who have taken control of the large facility.

But unbeknownst to all, the planet Hamra held a special calling for those who followed the Way of the Mandalore. Recently-discovered archeological evidence beneath the walled, tiered city of Atirak hints to a Mandalorian Clan that had established roots on the world, dated back to the time of the Galactic Triumvirate of antiquity. Whilst the battle to liberate the planet raged, those with a calling for the history of their people might explore the ruins and see just what lurks beneath the surface of the planet and its buried past.

Symbolically, the key to Hamra’s freedom and the Mandalorian’s heritage was hidden beneath the sands.


Objective I
The Hub, Hamra

The workers of Hamra were forced from the Hub, a sprawling complex located several kilometres north of the capital city of Atirak, when the Pirate Marauders took over. Assist the emboldened local freedom fighters as they plan to recapture the Hub, so that Hamra’s economy can once again be in the control of native Hamri. But remember: Rhydonium is an extremely volatile substance, and there is enough fuel stocked at depots in the Hub to annihilate the entire facility. One wrong move, and everything is vaporized.


Objective II
Atirak City, Hamra

The bedrock of any planet’s sense of identity is its past. Explore the ruins and tunnel-works that sit underneath the mountain Atirak City is built into. Search the Rakez Temple complex for answers to the rumour that Mandalorians may have once lived among the people of Hamra. But be cautious, for up until now entrance into the Temple complex has been permitted to none save city inhabitants; no one knows what secrets, hostile or otherwise, may lie below in the catacombs.



Hamra is an exotic world full of mystery and adventure. Use this as an opportunity to write whatever story you wish, whether it be in the magnificent capital city of Atirak or in the desert badlands beyond. This far out in Wild Space, what you might encounter is anyone’s guess.

Dominion concept and write-up by the brilliant mind of Verin Oldo Verin Oldo .



Workers Rights
Equipment: In Bio
Aerith had never been one for 'workers rights', more so because she frankly didn't understand what workers rights were. All the jobs she had held involved killing, being killed, or avoiding being killed. There weren't alot of rights involved with that, but she did agree that people being taken advantage of was not okay in her books. Which was why she had set aside her armor and frankly rather lacking in the armored department that Mandalorains had come to be known for. The only thing she had for protection was her old flak vest from the Mandalorian Union days, and the few concealed weapons within her cybernetics.

Fortunately for the Freedom fighters, Aerith wasn't an amateur when it came to infiltration. She had been an assassin after all. Which was why she was currently attached to the under carriage of an air speeder, thankful that most of her body was metal, as the sand and dust would have torn the skin off of anyone else trying to do what she was doing at current.

The real plan was to get inside the Hub and dial into their defensive set up, and ideally sow confusion in the ranks until the main strike force got a grip of the city. Of course, nothing ever went to plan, and she was willing to bet things would probably dissolve into chaos within the first ten minutes. It made her wonder what Shai was doing right now, hopefully it was more fun than this.

Location: With the Local Freedom Fighters planning to take back The Hub on Hamra...

Loose rock shifted and ground together under the boots of the seven foot tall, armored bi-pedal that strode into the Freedom Fighters' camp. A group of four men and women of various races accompanied Mira a few steps behind. While her height would draw attention, even Mira's very appearance was an exotic visual spectacle. The mad scientists of Titan had hoped to manufacture an entire army of Mira-like soldiers after they'd decided hers was the 'perfect' genetic design -- their masterpiece. Like all good dreams, however, they got a rude awakening when Mira escaped and Dima soon infested the entire facility.

A large rifle was held in both hands with its muzzle pointed up and to the left; it wasn't difficult to avoid sweeping anyone else there. "Which of you is in charge here?" A distinct flanging effect was prominent in Mira's voice; some might hazard a guess as to her biological sex, but with no frame of reference to outsiders it might prove difficult.

"Your facility's fallen into the hands of pirates and you are going to take it back." That was the summation of what Mira had heard of this lot's intention anyway. Whether she'd said that aloud as a question or a demand, however... Her eyes slid over those present. The thick mandibles on either side of her head flared slightly in contemplation. Well, she'd seen worse, Mira thought to herself. "What are you waiting for?"

If the group moved out swiftly, Mira would fight along side them. If they stood around looking clueless for too long, however, she'd start giving orders. Titan hadn't messed with her genetics and tried brainwashing her to be their perfect little soldier for nothing. Even free of their control, fighting was what Mira was good at even against those that used the Force. Standing idle was something she was not good at, especially when most of those present couldn't even be considered fighters let alone soldiers. The galaxy really had set the bar low on that front; at least some factions like the Enclave had people Mira might learn to respect.



Drop in fast, hard, and quietly. That last part was probably the most important facet for the whole thing. Tharia's grin widened as she tucked herself into the drop pod that'd do just that for her and the two others coming along. Lesha Priest and Alberich Wren Alberich Wren , two of Beviin squad. A total of three had been dispatched for this mission. Which was basically keep the pirates and the freedom fighters from karking blowing themselves up inside the facility.

Get in, take out the pirate captain or whatever, don't get blown up. Seemed simple enough. The Chiss woman pulled on her helmet, clicking on the com between her and the other two.

:: A'ight lets get this karkin' done! Ya'll hyped for this? I sure as shit am. ::




Business was good and in season per usual; they were shipping spice like it was running out of fashion. The demand for the stuff was sky-high in the core, and the Sekiko Kaibatsu's shipping lanes were pulling profit by the many tons they sold; such demand brought more significant pressure to expand and develop the business. But his people were adept at that; they'd been fronting as legitimate for years, using the false cover of trade and shipping companies to traffick spice and guns on an epidemic level. And the best part was that the corrupt elite at the top didn't care; hell, they were content to take their money when it suited them. The boss knew how to court them and have them around her finger. But where the bribes failed, and they'd courted a bad reputation for that, especially against law enforcement.

Hayata had a nascent presence on the planet, some warehouses and a corporate office nothing more than a front for the Sekiko Kaibatsu's drug-running operations in the frontier. Shipments came in every morning and night, 10am and 10pm sharpish. Disguised under the pretence of being agricultural goods delivered from the core, upon further inspection, you'd find that many of the crates lining were stuffed with spice bags, and many parts of the transport ships were hollowed out and contained firearms and other illegal paraphernalia.

The corporate guards, if you'd call them that were just boys from the gang, it was common practice for Sekiku Kaibatsu sicarios to masquerade as Hayata employees; the IDs and uniforms allowed them a sense of legitimacy and invisibility that being a visible gang member otherwise wouldn't provide. It also meant that many weren't willing to inspect Hayata sites, especially not local law enforcement, who feared the power of the MegaCorps.

Sayama leant against a railing above the loading bay, smoking a cheap roll-up cigarra, his eyes obscured by his shades as he looked down at the workers unloading spice shipments while his own sicarios patrolled and kept watch. He'd be expecting a call soon from the boss, regarding the new enterprise and pact made with Compnor, which would see the gangs routes used to undermine the senate and law and order in the core

Location: The Hub
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage


Objective I

In the days before the assault...

Anashja winced as the miner in front of her held the rifle one handed hand and opened up, the gun kicked like a mule and he yelled as his arm dislocated. "OK! Cease fire!" She shouted, marching over to him, he was a big man, mining made you tough, but now whimpered like a baby clutching his elbow. "Hold still, this is going hurt like hell" she grabbed his joint and wrenched it back into position, the man went white with the pain but remained standing, good. She rested her hands on the swelling and arm and said a prayer in Mando'a. Warmth flowed from her hands into the man and soothed his pain, allowing it to heal more rapidly. "Why did you do that? I told you, two hands, butt into the shoulder." She said, calmly but sternly. "thought I could do it" he glanced at Aisha Garon Aisha Garon as he spoke, Chewurra, the 7 foot plus wookie that could certainly handle a gun like that. "I thought it looked cool, and they do it in the games." it was only now they Anashja realised the man she was spoken too must have only been 16 or 17, the tough labour had aged him, but inside he was a scared teenager.

"Listen, my friend. This isn't about looking cool, and it isn't a game, I know you are scared, but if you do what I tell you, you and your friends are much more likely to come out of this successfully." It was true, these men were strong, give them a hammer and they were the match for most soldiers, but they were just young civilian miners, against armed warriors, they needed every edge they had.

Anashja helped the man back to the range, his arm now healed and better, luckily it was just superficial and was an easy job to soothe it. She showed him the correct stance to fire, before walking over to Chewurra. "Hey, big guy, I know you don't need to, but do you mind holding your gun in military stance in front of the miners, if I have one more miner dislocate an arm because they are trying to copy you, I will have to come up there and kick your ass." She laughed at the wookie that had nearly 3 feet in height on her. He was glad to have a warrior like that here, he had really helped hone the miners into what looked like an passable fighting force. It was needed, they would be rolling out tomorrow morning and assaulting the hub. The Mandalorians had supplied several armoured transports and plenty of sonic weaponry to ensure the Rhydonium remained stable, it was all packed and ready to move, the weakest link was the miners. She and Chewurra had come here to train them, they could charge in and knock heads together, probably even win the day with the support of a few of the vod, but she wanted the miners to carry this battle, it was their mine, they should own this fight. She got the impression that Chewurra felt the same, her Shiriwook wasn't brilliant, but what she knew from the wookies is that to fight for yourself was much more noble than to watch others fight for you.

"So what do you think Chewurra? Will they be ready for the morning?"

Last edited:


Workers Rights
Equipment: In Bio
Switching to her infrared vision, Aerith observe her surroundings as the speeder began to enter the city. Traffic wasn't heavy, and there wasn't alot of foot traffic from what she could observe, which made this next part a tad bit easier for her. Waiting for the speeder to take a turn, the cyborg detached herself from the bottom of the speeder, and hit the ground, rolling twice before she caught herself, and swiftly moving to the nearest alleyway.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Aerith began to take in her situation, cycling to her life form scanner, and taking another glance around her surroundings. She was certainly out numbered, out gunned, and in a rather compromised position, but she had been in worse spots. Though, now that she was on the inside, it wouldn't be too difficult to walk this out. She cycled back to her telemetry analyzer, and began to search for the largest input of comm signals, and set a course to find it. Keeping to her low profile, Aerith returned out of the alley, keeping her calm demeanor as she followed the series of flashing icons in her cybernetic sight. With her weapons concealed within the confines of her cybernetics, she looked little more than another one of the deckhands from the starport; ideally, nothing would go wrong with this approach. Least, that was her hope.

Just get there, scramble the comms, and hopefully the strike team didn't turn this place into a crater.

Mira Athrani Mira Athrani

Location : The Hub

The mission was simple enough, take back a Rhydonium fuel depot within a complex north of the planetary capital. Stone had looked over the local freedom fighters from behind his T-visor, and they were as expected, basic. The Mando'ade were going to need to do the proverbial heavy lifting. He spoke little, and when he did it was in Mando'a or Basic with his Corellian accent matching his weathered human features. He walked along, cradling his rifle, ignoring the locals and nodding to the other vode he saw. He wore the emblem of Clan Mereel, and had a standard jetpack/missile launcher combo on his back.

Stone found himself a decent vantage point on a rocky outcropping that allowed cover from below, while he had a clear view across much of the facility, including the storage facilities. Rhydonium showed up on the scans as his HUD flicked through display modes. Thermal scans picked out the guards, while electromagnetic scans showed defensive fields. Identifying weak points in any perimiter was his specialty, and he saw one now, a fueling station isolated from the rest of the facility. An explosion there wouldn't spread to the entire place, but it would blow nicely. "Let's wake them up, shall we?" He focused in with his targeting systems, and let go with his backpack missile, which shot skyward.

Seconds passed for the missile to cover the distance to its target, while the old warrior got down and into what cover he could find on the high ground. Then the ground shook, and the horizon lit up bright white for a moment, as the fueling station blew up, detonating with a deafening boom, and taking out anything in the area in a fiery explosive shockwave, blasting outward from the annihilated section to burn and flatten the surrounding area. Stone didn't wait around, moving to the edge of the hill and raising his rifle, looking through the sight, picking out targets, and blasting away at the surviving guard force.

"Get in there!" He called over the open comm. He'd provide covering fire until the attack force could penetrate the security and get inside the facility. Taking control of the entire area would take time, and he was well placed to support the attack, and deal with any unexpected reinforcements or other surprises that might show up.

Location: Rushing the Hub, a band of Freedom Fighters advancing in her wake...

Tch. Mira lowered the scope from her eye as a fireball erupted into the air ( Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua ). They were lucky the bandits hadn't stored any cargo around there that would have set off a chain reaction. Better to assume your opponent was utterly incompetent at safety and at least somewhat competent in battle.

Her yellow eyes shifted back to the half of the so-called 'Freedom' fighters that she'd picked up along the way. "Move up like I told you. Those not advancing provide covering fire to keep the enemy occupied. I see you standing idle I'll shoot you myself." It might garner her any friendship points, but Mira didn't care to make friends in a war zone. If by action or inaction these recruits got their fellows killed Mira wouldn't coddle them and tell them they'd do better next time. She'd excise the negligent waste from the ranks. Some mistakes you learned from; some you died from.

Mira slipped out of the cover and began to charge forward as the pirates were stirred up by the explosion that rocked their newly acquired stronghold. Said everything that needed saying about the pirates, however, in how they thought they could hold such a site. The seven foot tall warrior had seen mightier sand castles than this mining facility.

Each squeeze of the trigger brought down a greedy member of the enemy forces as Mira moved. Many of the locals had sonic weapons evidently provided by someone else ahead of time ( Anashja Tal Anashja Tal ). They would be good enough and would be less likely to set the entire place up like a powder keg, so Mira didn't make any comment.

With just a few leaps, Mira climbed over the makeshift barricades and punched the cards of two fools that'd been trying to hold the perimeter. When her feet hit the ground, she darted deeper into the compound. The freedom fighters had their orders to slowly and methodically retake the outer region and move up from there. Mira, however, wasn't going to loiter to supervise; the other four that'd accompanied her would be more than adequate to that task. After all, most of them hadn't even finished crossing the arid expanse to reach the outer edge let alone had any hope of keeping up with the outsider.

Much fun as it would be to hunt the pirates down one by one, Mira slipped between buildings and began swiftly, but deliberately, moving ever further into enemy territory. There'd have to be a command center of some kind setup. Control room for the facility, most likely. Should be an otherwise standard looking building with comm towers nearby. Whether these people had reinforcements they could call upon it'd be better to sever their uplink and maybe learn a thing or two about their foe.

Tag: Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt | Open
Workers Rights Equipment: In Bio​
Managing to reach the comm center, a quick glance made it clear that there was no merely sneaking in. The front of the building had at least three armed maraders, with another two inside. Even if they were all playing cards, there just wasn't enough cover to move on by. No problem, that's why Aerith had tools. Slipping through an alley way, Aerith braced herself against a set of buildings, and scaled her way up. It was a common trick she had learned when she was mucy younger, but it hadn't worked quite as well with her Mandalorian get up. With her current loadout though, it wasn't an issue at all. Working her way to the top of the two buildings, she had about a four meter jump to make to reach the roof of the comm outpost. Be a bit of a stretch, but hey, she could make it work.

Starting with a run, she reached the edge of the roof and leapt, her body curling up into a tight tuck, as she somersaulted herself through the air. Mid way, Aerith uncoiled herself, catching a glimpse of the building as she neared it, and began to extend her limbs. Her mind mentally mapped out her landing, and seconds later, she touched down. It wasn't her most graceful landing, though she caught herself, and stumbled forward only slightly.

Now she could go to work. Finding the relay system wasn't difficult, the morons never learned that putting massive dishes on your building was a dead give away to slicers. It was a lesson they wouldn't live to learn from, not if Aerith could help it. Moving to the service panel, her left arm opened up, deploying several of her tools from where her fingers and wrist had been.

There was next to no real security on the systems, which made the work real childs play. Having set everything up, Aerith gave her work one last look before she flipped the switch.

Then the world around her trembled.
Well, she tried.

Aerith whirled about, and spotted the smoke stack in the sky. It towered upwards, and with it, alarms all about the facility began to slowly be raised. Still plugged into the system, Aerith could feel the pings going off, and quickly she moved to scramble the system. The damage however, was done. Least their opponents wouldn't have working comms for a bit. Though the stabilizers in her cybernetic legs keep her upright against the shock of the explosion, it didn't keep Aerith from trembling in anger. "Are you fething kidding me?" She muttered, as an uproar rose up around her, making the Mandalorian none too pleased. She missed working with professionals. She was in the midst of retrieving her side arm from her arm when a voice behind her caught her attention. "Hey, who the hell are you?"

Seemed she found her first victim of the day. "Oh buddy, you really got unlucky today."

Slowly turning around, Aerith's arm closed up, which clearly made the man uncomfortable as he backed away; though his rifle was still aimed at her. She'd try and make it quick. Wasn't his fault she was in a sour mood.
Mira Athrani Mira Athrani | open

Location : The Hub

Though the detonation of the refueling station Stone had blown up had sent a pall of thick black smoke across the Hub, with his optics and targeting systems online, the old warrior was well able to pick out targets even through the haze. Blasts from his well worn pulse cannon rifle took down target after target from his high position on a hilltop overlooking The Hub. Soon enough, he began to run out of perimiter targets, as the surviving enemy found better cover inside. Faced with the choice of waiting in place or continuing the fight from up close, Stone made his choice, magclamping his rifle to his back, drawing his twin Westar-34s, and jetting through the smoke into the Hub.

His short flight ended on the other side of the destruction and flames, taking him over the devastated area and the blazing fire, and onto a rooftop. More targets presented themselves, firing up at the Mandalorian as he landed. They missed, but Stone did not, blasting away and dropping targets to his left and his right, firing down on them from above, pinning the enemy in the narrow alleyways between buildings, using the rooftops to best advantage, keeping the high ground.
"That the best you've got?"

Scans of the immediate area showed Enclave forces moving to the comm center. That was smart, cut off the enemy's communications, and they couldn't call for help. Which would be good, because he was out of position to interdict any reinforcements right now. Clearing out the complex and keeping the heat off the other Mando'ade was the task he'd set himself. So far, the local freedom fighters were still yet to enter the fight, as far as he could see. As expected, the Mando'ade had to do all the shabla hard work.

Mira Athrani Mira Athrani Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt Anashja Tal Anashja Tal



Squeezing into the drop pod alongside Tharil Tharil , Alberich couldn't keep from letting out a tired sigh as he fell into one of the seats opposite. He had known the Chiss for what felt like all of five minutes, and already her enthusiasm was beginning to wear on him. Locking and stowing his Verpine, the big Jorir made himself as comfortable as he could as Tharia's voice reverberated around the drop pod. Comfortable wasn't a word often associated with drop pods, alas. More's the pity.

Looking across at his Jikar squadmate, Alberich nodded once in reply to what he assumed was a rhetorical question.

Yeah, he was ready. To jump feet first into battle. And to be free of this damn coffin, too.

"What about you, Lesh? (Lesha Priest) Feeling the urge to introduce Beviin squad to those di'kutla Marauders?"


Objective II: Buried Treasure


:: Atirak City, Hamra

A tiered citadel on dusty shores. The Shaman of the Mandokarla stood atop a rocky outcropping with her gaze upon the horizon from within that sanctuary on Hamra -- Atirak City. A small gathering of workers, soldiers, and scholars milled about behind Runi in preparation. Before matters of ancient temples and untouched tunnels filled their senses, she sought to survey the land above and understand the present of those that toiled upon it. Understanding the past without knowing the present was worthless, and observing the present without uncovering the past was futile. Fortunately, there'd been a little time for Runi to have wandered the city before the expedition was to begin, which she'd made use of earlier.

It was time. Runi turned away from the expanse around the city and strode toward the uncovered entrance to the ruins. Despite being on friendly terms with those of the city, the Shaman wore her helmet as she drew near. What might reside within the temple may be less amicable to being disturbed than most would believe. Many ruins were naught but barren stone, but others hosted great and terrible powers. Even someone not able to bend the world to their whims could leave a lasting impression over the ages.

"Is everything ready?" Runi turned to regard the one in charge of organizing materials and people. They needed to be prepared to carefully examine, and if necessary transport, whatever they found. Of course, the bulk of the group would follow at a distance allowing the forward scouts -- including the Shaman -- to ensure it was safe. They knew nothing of the condition of any walkways or passages that may still exist.

With a nod, the Shaman faced the entryway which they had been given leave to pass through and advance on the previously closely-guarded ruins of Hamra. Then it was time for them to take the first step in uncovering whether a clan of Mandalorians had once settled on this world so long ago.



Location: The Hub

Mira leaped forward. Her right foot planted on the wall where she launched across to the opposite wall; a blaster bolt seared the wall further down the alleyway as it went wide from its mark. Her left foot made contact with the wall, her knee bent, and immediately the soldier shot back the way they'd come; only this time Mira somersaulted over the next bolt as the thugs tried to adapt to her strategy. Another kick with her right foot, Mira's rifle cracked down atop the nearest enemy's to knock it aside before her knee plowed straight into the Pirate's face. When she landed on one knee, her rifle was already brought up to fire a projectile straight into the second pirate's forehead.

Afterward, the seven foot tall soldier lifted her head to regard the nearby rooftops.

As Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt worked out their aggression, however, a second figure had taken notice of the intruder that'd tampered with the comm array. They slowly lowered themselves to one knee, shoulder their rifle, took a long look down their scope, and waited... waited for the wind to be right, for their body to still... then slowly slid their finger within the guard and--

Through her own scope, Mira watched the pirate 'sniper' topple backward from the headshot. The tall woman had mounted a building sixty degrees off center from the opposition, and noticed who they'd been aiming at. Fortunately, Mira didn't require nearly as long to drop her mark. Wind? Account for it. Took too long or couldn't be sure it'd shift? Probably needed a lot more experience in the field then. Also some grossly over-spliced genetics wouldn't hurt.

Aerith could probably hear the slugthrower rifle fling the projectile into the pirate. Mira tapped into the allied frequency as her eyes shifted back toward the cyborg. <"We need to secure Rhydonium."> Simple statement of fact, which Mira waited to see if one of the closest allies in the theater agreed to fulfill. Much as Mira was used to working alone, it'd be better to know where all these Mandalorians were while she worked. Last thing they needed to do was shoot one another.

Tag: Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua

Location : The Hub

Stone kept up the rate of fire as the guards and other enemy forces tried desperately to hold off the Mandalorian assault. The old warrior swung around at a shout behind him, and only years of experience kept him from pulling the trigger of his Westar-34 on a pair of civilians in worker coveralls who didn't appear armed and did appear scared as hell. Stone shouted to them to 'get clear!' and pointed in the direction from which the local friendly freedom fighters were due to appear. He hoped they listened, but didn't have time to supervise, as more guards appeared, a whole pisspot full, and at the back of the group they were toting an E-Web.

"They've got a kriffing E-web!" Stone spun and fired into the crowd of guards with both hands blasting away, expertly picking off the two troops carrying the E-Web, which they dropped, along with its power generator. A quick blast from his jetpack took the Mereel Mandalorian into the air where he could fire down at an angle, always moving, always shifting fire to keep the guards from setting up the Kad-damned E-web, which if activated could and would murder anything in its way. He wasn't going to let that happen, dodging blasterfire as he rained down death upon the guards.

Time was running out fast, he hoped the Mandos got the comm out of action, or else enemy reinforcements could be called in, swarm the Mandos, and ruin everyone's day. While he fought, and killed, and fought and killed some more, the experienced commando kept one ear out for the telltale sound of thrusters and repulsorlifts that would signal imminent enemy backup had arrived.

Tags: Mira Athrani Mira Athrani Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Alberich Wren Alberich Wren
Objective II: Buried Treasure


Nei stood to the side of the group of forward scouts, armored head to toe in the recent trophies taken from the hunt of the beskar wyrm slain in the icy depths. As they waited, he took care to take the smeared ash and grease from his belt pouch, slowly tracing mando'a runes in a precise if untidy hand across all the armor he could reach, including the current markings, jaig eyes on the back of the helmet to help ward off and warn him of danger. The Force faintly swirled and thrummed with vitality, a faint green light and mist circling his fingertips and forearms and hands as he performed the proper pre-battle rituals.

Finally done he slipped the helmet on with a hiss of sealing and pressurizing, turning to regard Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida with a respectful if questioning tilt of helmet and head. He would wait otherwise, towering over almost everyone except a wookie, and even then a few of those fell short of his almost eight feet of height. Slanting a concussion rifle across his shoulders like a stave for carrying water buckets, he stretched and a rumbling sigh came from deep in his throat. The young Witch-a-lorian was definitely not used to this methodical methodology.

Objective II: Buried Treasure


:: Atirak City, Hamra

The Advanced Party set off toward the temple at once. Runi's helm turned to regard the very tall and broad man that was a member of that group as they moved forward. She could sense the Manda in him. If he were of the Mandokarla Runi could see him becoming a proficient Shaman; it was apparent the man had already obtained some skill in communing with the Manda from his aura alone.

"The Unknown invigorates the Soul, but a careless step topples one from the Path,"
Runi intoned. "I do not believe we have met in this life. I am Runi Kuryida." She kept her attention on the man hoping he would introduce himself in turn.

There was no ancient spirit that lashed out from the doorway through which they passed; they had time to speak. It had seemed unlikely a guardian would oppose them so quickly (if anything spiritual remain in this place) as the locals had not thrown themselves before the Mandalorians begging them not to disturb the ruins. That did not mean the place was safe, however. Well, the Manda would provide them challenges worthy of their Souls if it deemed it necessary.

:: OPEN | Nei Nei

Objective II: Buried Treasure
Atirak City, Hamra
With a nod, Nei replied just as ritualised, though not as somber.

"The tide rises and falls. What was may come again... Maybe this is a reconnecting. I am Neigalomeatiga Waikatu. You may call me Nei."

As they spoke, the grease and ash smeared thumb swabbed a crude eye with a flamed pupil, a warding symbol that hummed faintly in the Force. Nothing incredible, but one of the few Force abilities he knew beyond self-enhancement. It would warn him of malignant approaches and hurt those such presences. And Runi would feel the temperature become more comfortable, an odd side effect. Malignant approaches would make it feel sharply hotter, and friends would feel as if a cool breeze.

"By your leave, I will cover us as we delve further. It is not a strong ward, but it will let us know of any trespassers..."

Stretching, he proceeded forward into the ruins, concussion rifle in one hand, veshok wood clube banded in beskar in the other. Even his footsteps sounded heavy and ponderous, definitely not one for stealth, though he could certainly deal with most opponents if needed.

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida

Workers Rights Equipment: In Bio​
Her first man had been easy enough to take out. She rushed him, leapt, and with her right arm, smashed his blaster to pieces. The Ripperdoc had always been great at causing collateral, and this was only proven when she drove the hard cybernetic elbow into the man's neck. She felt it give way, his body dropping to the floor, and then the unmistakable 'crack' of a sniper rifle caught her attention. She motioned her left hand, and deployed her SR pistol, taking it into her palm, she was at least armed now for combat.

She found the victim of the sniper's attack, as pirates body toppled to the ground, and the voice of a comrade reached her comms. Right, they needed to secure the Rhydonium now. Giving a quick hand salute, Aerith moved towards the side of the rooftop and flipped of, landing infront of a startled pirate that she soon dropped with a round to the chest. She had snagged a list of security codes for the Rhydonium storing facility during her time in the comms unit, something handy that having a cybernetic augmented brain allowed, which meant that she'd have a bit easier time getting through security.

With the outbreak of weapons fire, she had a bit easier time working through the streets. Given she didn't look like an armored Mandalorian, most pirates assumed she was with their group, and the few that didn't often died before they could get the words out. "Moving to first facility, try and draw the marauders closer to the outskirts, use hit and run tactics if you need to. I'll start eliminating their people inward and work outwards." It was something of a coherent plan. Nearing the first facility, the two pirates on watch noticed her approach, and moved to try and flag her down. Raising her SR and her concealed arm cannon, she fired two shots, and was left with no one to slow her progress.

Moving to the sealed bulkhead, Aerith plugged herself into the control panel and merged her mind with that of the facility. The productions for the plant were halted at current, but there was something she found in the system that was very much alarming. The pirates had installed a fail-safe to the factory's power generator. If a command was put in remotely, it'd put the generator into a feedback look, which with enough time would cause it to explode. Even something that small would be enough to set the whole facility off. Scowling, Aerith was able to undo the rather clumsy programing of the gang, and finalized her work by engaging it in a full on lock-down, set with her very personal code. "First facility is secure. Moving to second facility. They've tampered with the power generators, so try and move fast, otherwise there won't be much of a city left." Moving as fast as her cybernetic legs could carry her, Aerith continued on her objective, hoping that her little com stunt might have bought them enough time to pull this raid off.
Mira Athrani Mira Athrani | Stone Gra'tua Stone Gra'tua | open

Location : The Hub

Stone fought his losing battle against the two squads worth of troopers, taking a hail of fire and several hits to his Beskar plates as he fired back with his two weapons against more than twenty enemy, all with rifles. More troopers came on to replace the few that fell, still working desperately to get their E-Web online. Finally, their overwhelming fire began to tell, and Stone was forced into cover just long enough for the enemy to power up and train the E-Web toward the Mandalorian. In his earpiece, the voice of another Enclave member came through in the clear.

"First facility is secure. Moving to second facility. They've tampered with the power generators, so try and move fast, otherwise there won't be much of a city left."

With everything now on a death clock, Stone no longer had the luxury of concealing his abilities, because he needed a shortcut. "Copy that, i'll try and keep them too busy for any more surprises." There couldn't be any witnesses, he knew. All these troopers would have to die. There were no other mandos within sight, so he could get away with revealing his true nature. Just this once, he told himself, because the facility was going to blow. The Shi'ido went into his BattleMind, dropping his walls, his facade, and releasing his true potential, physically, and with the Force.

Lowering his physical mass, and allowing the Force to augment his speed, the Shi'ido struck with lightning speed. Stone's pistols were replaced with his heavy beskar vibrosword, and he leapt over the parapet into the midst of the enemy troops, who were still firing up at where he had been. As he struck, Stone increased his mass to several times normal, keeping up the speed, each blow of the sword cleaving through armour and body, sending parts of dead troopers in all directions, in a flurry of swings, the Mandalorian warrior was covered head to toe in blood, as wild blaster fire kicked off, and the enemy panicked.

Not letting up, Stone kept the slaughter up, taking several seconds to work his way through all the enemies, taking heads and torsos with heavy swings of his blade, moving among the troops like a blur, a wraith bringing swift death too fast to see coming. He'd made a hell of a mess, but he'd tied up enough of the enemy, even if he'd left plenty of work for the cleanup crew. He looked around, ensuring no civilians or Mando'ade had seen anything, before walking some distance from the pile of bodies, and firing one shot into the E-Web's power generator. "E-Web is down."

The explosion would hide the evidence, or so he hoped. Resuming his hunt through the facility for any further resistance, bloody blade in hand, the Mereel Mando kept his sensors sweeping for enemies.

Tags: Mira Athrani Mira Athrani Aerith Krayt Aerith Krayt Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Alberich Wren Alberich Wren

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