Yuroic was finally at peace. His life had been a mess of a rollercoaster ride, where his highest moments touched the sky and his lowest lows would hit the ground hard. Starting life as a slave and dealing with the fact he was abandoned by his parents from a very young age, Yuroic did not start life easy. He never thought he would amount to anything in his life, likely to die on Nar Shaddaa without anyone knowing the name he had given himself and never feeling the strength that love and family can give a person. It was only due to his at the time, very limited connection to the Force that Yuroic had been able to become something else, someone of meaning. He fought hard to prove himself worthy of being a Jedi, focused on training his body though when he first joined the Order, his mistrust and uncertainty of what a Jedi was meant that he was often found crawling through vents. He transformed from a underweight, half starved, scarred from being beaten boy into a proficient Jedi who was capable of fighting back and was eager to learn of the Force and what he could do with it. The Silver Jedi Order also allowed him to feel love and express it in return, Yuroic bonded with his Master like she was his mother and held her in the highest respect, he also was able to connect with others and make friends that he would always hold dear to his heart and close to him. Finally, he allowed himself to love on an intimate level that he could not express before joining the SJO, able to fall in love with Jairdain and develop a relationship that became a marriage.
However, he struggled with his anger in his early years as a Jedi and was know to lash out and kill those he deemed wrong. His loss on Mirial, where his duel with a Sith Lord lead him to losing an arm and discovering after the SJO had to retreat from the world that his Master had passed, Yuroic spiralled into a deep depression that would take years for him to recover from. He found himself working in the Archives, wishing nothing to do with combat and despising the person he had become, eventually he stepped out of his hiding place and started to train Padawans in the Force. His connection with Asaraa Vaashe had been one strong from the start, their training while at times extreme were exciting and he had hoped instructive. Eventually he would adopt Asaraa as his own child, having been so proud of her progress as a Jedi and a person. Even in death, he would always be proud of his children. After he discovered his parents were slavers and vicious, evil people, Yuroic slipped to the Dark Side and gave into his hate, torturing and eventually murdering his parents. While Yuroic could never fully admitted what had transpired between his parents and himself, he knew what he had done was something he could not forget or forgive himself for. Denying himself a Jedi for a long period in his life, instead he silently dealt with his pain and the guilt, fearing that inside there was a monster like his parents were, waiting to leap out and hurt the ones that he held dear. Pushing those that he cared about back so that he didn't hurt them.
This isolation lead him to drugs and an addiction to forgetting his horrors that he could not break. He had to forget all that he had been, all that he had suffered and replaced it with happier memories, memories of times where he didn't suffer the losses or give into the anger and hate within him. For a time, he was stronger both mentally and physically, though his friends were lost to him during all this. When he recovered his memories, Yuroic focused hard on becoming a Jedi once more, though he knew he would never be fully dedicated to the Light, he also knew he would serve to fight for those that were. Eventually, Yuroic earned the title of Jedi Master, something he never felt fully sure he deserved. He worked hard to be the best Jedi he could, and he worked hard to be the best husband, father and friend he could to everyone he cared about. Though he still had demons and doubts about himself, he knew he could deal with them as well, Yuroic was dedicated to showing the SJO how much they meant to him. In the end, he had fallen ill to a disease that he could not fight nor could it be cured. It struck him early, much earlier than it should have and robbed him of memories and even his sense of self. From a strong wise Jedi Master, there were times that Yuroic was nothing more than a scared, frail old man, which was something he hated to see himself become.
Today, today there was no frail, scared old man. Just a Jedi with his Lightsaber and dressed in robes. His body tidied and the injuries he suffered in his final fight were cleaned so he looked more like the Jedi Master that most knew him as. The funeral for Yuroic Xeraic had begun for those who wished a final goodbye with him.
This is open to anyone who wishes to attend Yuroic's funeral and say goodbye to him if they wished.