Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply The Future’s Past

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

The Future’s Past
Tag(s): @Any Mandalorian Neo-Crusader
Objective(s): Track


The calm forest moon of Endor was a place of tranquility. It was a place of calm. The quiet peace was disrupted by boots stepping hard onto the ground. The brush and twigs snapping beneath the red boots as the large Mandalorian, Sig Dryggo, made his way forward.

The Crusade had begun. Across several worlds, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were letting the galaxy know of their existence. Sig was all to eager to be one of the voices that shouted back at the chaotic galaxy; one of the voices that carried the weight of the Mandalorian people with it. He had finally found those of like mind.

Yet he had spent so long alone- so long finding others who didn’t understand his warlike ways- that he didn’t know how to make those connections. The lone hunter finally found a tribe, but who would hunt with him?

To that end he sent out a small call among the Neo-Crusader channels. Nothing fancy or elaborate. It was simply a call to aid him in a hunt on Endor. Although he knew he didn’t need the help, or rather he believed he didn’t, he was anxious to meet the others of the Crusade.

As he moved through the forest he kept one hand near his blaster holster. His target was just over two miles away still, and the sun would likely be setting before then. Still, Sig pressed on and was ready for anything; be it his target, or a Mandalorian brother or sister responding to his call. Regardless, another fight was coming.

And the fight is what it’s always about.

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From above, a massive shadow descended with terrifying speed—a Condor Dragon, its wings outstretched, cutting through the air like a dark phantom. The dragon's scaly, charcoal-gray hide glistened in the diminishing sunlight as it swooped down, its wings creating gusts of wind that sent leaves and debris swirling in its wake. Its piercing yellow eyes locked onto the ground, and with a powerful flap of its wings, it twisted its body in mid-air.

The dragon rolled to the side with the grace of a predator born for the skies, its enormous wings folding in as it prepared to land. The impact was awful, sending slight tremors through the forest floor as it touched down, its talons digging into the soft earth. The force of the landing caused a cloud of dirt and leaves to billow up around the beast, momentarily obscuring it from Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo 's view.

From above the dust cloud, the silhouette of a figure emerged atop the Condor Dragon's back. A figure clad in bone armor and all familiar T visor.

It was Ninurta.

"Gar kotep at kemir par sta'hr solus." He said softly in Mando'a.
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig, while initially tense upon the sudden appearance of a creature as mighty as a Condor Dragon, he didn’t flinch upon seeing the rider through the dirt and dust thrown into the air. It was none other than Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r . As was the case with the other Neo-Crusaders, Sig had only encountered Ninurta while in the heat of battle or the Great Hunt; cases where conversation couldn’t occur.

Yet despite the lack of personal connection, Sig would fight and die for Ninurta, as he would for any of his fellow Crusaders. Though, a connection of any kind was a welcomed one.

As his Mandalorian brother greeted him with concern- or rather as much concern as a true Mandalorian could muster. He smirked beneath his t-visor, knowing his body language would do all the talking as he shifted to a more relaxed stance.
“Dar, vod be akaan,” he responded in his usual gruff tone.

He was pleased to see one of the Crusaders had answered the call. A hunt with a brother or sister is always a way to showcase one another’s skills, separate from the chaos of open warfare. And this was no ordinary target they were hunting.

“Jetii,” he added, nodding off to the east. “Tracking him since Manaan, the master of the knight I killed.” He started walking east, fully expecting Ninurta to follow. “Gotta finish the job I started; figured I’d invite a vod be haar Crusade.”

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“Jetii,” he added, nodding off to the east. “Tracking him since Manaan, the master of the knight I killed.” He started walking east, fully expecting Ninurta to follow. “Gotta finish the job I started; figured I’d invite a vod be haar Crusade.”

Ah so there was a reason he was out here. Tracking prey and a Jedi at that.

Ninurta sighed through his nostrils and smiled behind his visor. Hunting Jedi was not something he normally went for, not without preparation and planning. As Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo began to continue on, Ninurta pondered the task ahead and his fellow vod's knowledge of Endor. The planet was by no means a walk though a cityscape. Endor was as primal as they came and was home to many dangerous creatures and species.

Dismounting the Condor Dragon, Ninurta landed in a crouch and waited for the creature to fly off before walking behind and eventually catching up to his vode. He was sure the two had some ground to cover and so Ninurta would do something he normally opted out of doing. Converse. " A question for you then my hound, Why is it that you conduct your self in battle with such rage? You are akin to a mother rancor in her fury. But what has provoked you, this jetii?" His words came out like a stream, almost poetic, a gift and hint of a higher way of living once long ago.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig smirked as Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r commented on his rage. While his clan was no longer around, when they were he was regarded as one of their strongest. Not the strongest, but he was too arrogant to admit that. He didn’t answer the question right away, however.

In fact his hatred for the Jedi was a secret he had never divulged to anyone. He kept moving forward and contemplated whether he was going to truly respond with an answer. It’s true, he was finally among those who understood his drive for the fight. It seemed, to him from the few engagements had had with them thus far, many had the same drive as him. Those such as Hakon Fett Hakon Fett , who had both inspired Sig and then engaged him in old-fashioned Mandalorian training, had the same desire to see the true Mandalorians glory restored across the stars.

Was he ready, however, to reveal his hatred? Before he could answer, Sig raised a hand to halt their movements. He got down on a knee and examined the soil, his heads up display scanning it. After a moment he stood up and looked to the east once more. The forest here was starting to open up, with the trees growing further apart and the brush becoming less dominating on the ground.

This region was only a small section of the moon, but it’s openness made it dangerous traveling for anyone unfamiliar with the territory- let alone those hunting a Jedi, who was likely somewhere in the region. Sig stood for a moment, slowly gazing over the area directly before them, the entrance to this lower density forest. Sig turned halfway to face Ninurta, “He’s here somewhere,” he stated calmly, turning around again to face the new region. “Likely gathering supplies for the night, we could set a trap,” he pondered for a moment, “Let’s keep moving.”

Stated bluntly, he marched ahead, determined to find his prey.

Sig raised a hand to halt their movements. He got down on a knee and examined the soil, his heads up display scanning it. After a moment he stood up and looked to the east once more. The forest here was starting to open up, with the trees growing further apart and the brush becoming less dominating on the ground.

Sig stood for a moment, slowly gazing over the area directly before them, the entrance to this lower density forest. Sig turned halfway to face Ninurta, “He’s here somewhere,” he stated calmly, turning around again to face the new region. “Likely gathering supplies for the night, we could set a trap,” he pondered for a moment, “Let’s keep moving.”

Stated bluntly, he marched ahead, determined to find his prey.

This is not an answer.

Ninurta felt his brow raise behind his helmet and noted the avoidance of the question. Remaining silent as Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo gave a signal to halt, the Falleen did as instructed and tilted his head as his vod took a knee to examine the tracks. The beastmasters mind pondered what Sig may be thinking and planning. What is the next move? Something Ninurta did often with the beasts he caught or planned on catching.

Though Ninurta had never seen his comrade with his helmet off, pride compelled him to assume he was of a lesser species than himself. For hidden behind Ninurta's helmet, his serpent like eyes were not just for show and allowed his vision to scan his environment in vertically and horizontally with equal facility and detail. For up to 100 meters away, he could see Endor teeming with life and in different spectrums of light. Colors some species were completely ignorant to, ultraviolet and even infrared.

The Falleen were the scion of a predatory species. A fact that was reflect in Ninurta's behavior and response as he gazed off into the direction and conclusion Sig Dryggo came to.

" Indeed." he stated simply and waited in till the other mandalorian was roughly one meter away to say.

"My hound, Is it not your custom to give an answer when a question is asked of you?" It was strange to say the least that Ninurta was more interested in Sig than he was the hunt.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r was unsatisfied with his answer, or rather lack of one. Sig ignored him further for a moment before stopping in his tracks and turning to face the beast master. Though he wore his helmet it was clear the anger within him was beginning to boil to the surface.

"With respect," he spoke, his teeth clenched together in a vain attempt to withhold his rage, "There's a Jetii breathing on this moon, I'd like to correct that first." He turned and continued forward, content with himself.

It was true: he was determined to find and kill this Jedi. But he was also avoiding the question actively. He knew he needed to trust the others of the Crusade. Turns out he was struggling with that more than he thought he would.

After walking a ways into the lower density forest, the sun was beginning to set on the moon. As the night slowly began to creep over, Sig knew their target would likely appear soon. Sig looked up into the trees for a moment, scanning it quickly for any movement. Turning to Ninurta he took his pistols from their holster and readied them.
"It's only a matter of time now..."

His words were cut off as an all too familiar sound rang through the quiet night forest. About one-hundred meters away a green lightsaber illuminated the greens and browns of the forest. A moment later a second, not far from the first, this one blue. He had help.

Sig smirked,
"Two," he mumbled just loud enough for Ninurta to hear, "Good." He didn't need to say anything to Ninurta. Instead he simply let his jetpack launch himself into the trees above, firing off several shots in the general direction of the pair of Jedi. He wasn't aiming for anyone in particular, he simply causing minor chaos. He landed on some tree trunks above, holstering his pistols and taking out his carbine.

The pair easily avoided the pistol shots, as expected. Sig then fired off three burst shots at the blue sabered opponent, the other already making their way towards Ninurta.

The Jedi's saber was quickly raised to absorb most the shots before leaping into the air, using their agility to dodge the remaining. They landed on a tree branch not far from Sig, their blade raised and ready to fight.
"I showed your apprentice mercy" he taunted, his sick sense of mercy being execution, "Let me grant you the same gift." He fired off two more shots before jumping to another branch nearby.

He wouldn't be able to help Ninurta, not until he dealt with his target first at least. Though he was confident his Mandalorian brother would fair well enough.

"With respect," he spoke, his teeth clenched together in a vain attempt to withhold his rage, "There's a Jetii breathing on this moon, I'd like to correct that first." He turned and continued forward, content with himself.

After walking a ways into the lower density forest, the sun was beginning to set on the moon. As the night slowly began to creep over, Sig knew their target would likely appear soon. Sig looked up into the trees for a moment, scanning it quickly for any movement. Turning to Ninurta he took his pistols from their holster and readied them.
"It's only a matter of time now..."

His words were cut off as an all too familiar sound rang through the quiet night forest. About one-hundred meters away a green lightsaber illuminated the greens and browns of the forest. A moment later a second, not far from the first, this one blue. He had help.

Sig smirked,
"Two," he mumbled just loud enough for Ninurta to hear, "Good." He didn't need to say anything to Ninurta. Instead he simply let his jetpack launch himself into the trees above, firing off several shots in the general direction of the pair of Jedi. He wasn't aiming for anyone in particular, he simply causing minor chaos. He landed on some tree trunks above, holstering his pistols and taking out his carbine.

The pair easily avoided the pistol shots, as expected. Sig then fired off three burst shots at the blue sabered opponent, the other already making their way towards Ninurta.

The beastmaster simply nodded and looked away. It was obvious he had pushed a button for his brother and he would respect a refusal after being given a verbal response. Again, he followed the lead of Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo and decided to fall back on a old habit. To not speak or converse in till needed. A choice that his vode did not seem to mind. Seemed "in the zone" by this point of the journey and Ninurta himself was impressed by the mans tracking skills.

Then the hunt changed its pace rapidly when a Jedi was spotted or had revealed themselves. There were two in visiable sight and some distance away. " One for you and one for me." the beastmaster said briefly and felt his words get lost in the sudden activation of a jetpack and torrents of blaster fire. There Sig went charging off like a reek and successfully separating the jedi prey.

Well done.

The Jedi's form casted an emerald glow over the surrounding foliage up above. From his perch high in the trees, he surveyed the ground below, aware that a mandalorian foe awaits below. Drawing upon the Force, the Jedi hurls large stones and jagged chunks of wood toward Ninurta's form, hoping to flush out the hunter. A telekinetic attack that is met with a series of elegant dodges. Revealing to the Jedi that this mandalorian hunter is trained in some form of martial arts.

Ninurta blitzed into offense. Leaping upward with the aid of his jetpack, rocketing toward the Jedi's position. Due to the cloak and hood of this jetti he was unable to tell what species he was up against in till it was too late. A wookie.

The walking carpet swung the green saber in a wide arc, attempting to cut Ninurta down and intercept midair, but the falleen anticipating the move, reacted excellently. With a swift adjustment of his trajectory, he twisted his body out of the blade's path, spearing the wookie in the stomach and off the tree branch into a high velocity free fall.

The only problem was...Ninurta was being held tight locked in place. Held on for dear life! A scuffle of punches and kicks that ended when Ninurta felt a rumble and pop! Spinning out of control mid air! One of the jetpack valves were damaged in the exchange, tossing both assailants away from each other to eat a rough landing into the large clearing below.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig turned momentarily to witness Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r and the wookiee Jedi slam down onto the forest floor below. He couldn't help however, for as soon as he turned back to face the Jedi master he was forced to jump backwards off the branch, narrowly avoiding the horizontal slice of his lightsaber.

Activating his jetpack, he attempted to bring himself back up to a branch. His jetpack suddenly jolted hard, the Jedi staring down at him with an extended hand.
"Bastard," he muttered quickly upon realizing the Jedi had employed the Force to sabotage his flight. Just as quickly as Sig cursed to himself, he was thrown hard against the intended tree he wanted to land on. The slam sent shockwaves through his back, sucking the air from his lungs as he too hit the dirt floor of the forest.

Choking up a little blood, Sig brought himself to a sitting position. As he caught his breath, he could hear the sound of a lightsaber cutting through the air. Without looking where it was coming from, and acting purely out of instinct, Sig dived into a combat roll away from the sound. His intuition served him well as the blade came down and burned into the ground where Sig once was. As he came out of the roll, he brought his arm up and vibroblade wiring shot forward from his gauntlet.

The Jedi's previous more aggressive attack left open a window just wide enough for the wiring to wrap around him, restricting his arm movement and locking him momentarily in place. Quickly, he produced both pistols and squeezed both triggers, firing several shots in the Jedi master's direction. Despite being tied, however, the Jedi quickly waved their free hand; the Force summoned threw Sig off his feet and back a few yards, once again smashing into a tree. This time, though, it was hard enough to break clean through the massive trunk, the tree quickly falling to the ground and launching dust into the air, shrouding the area in a thick haze.

Holding his chest, which was now in as much pain as his back, the adrenalin was all he needed to return to his feet ready for more. As he examined the now dust filled area, he could see the burning blue lightsaber of his foe. Only for a moment, as it quickly deactivated leaving the Jedi now hidden.

That meant Sig was hidden too. Quietly and carefully, Sig returned his pistols to his sides and leaned down to instead grab the vibroblade hunting knife he had on his right boot. Bringing it up he smirked. Despite the intense pain in his back, which was now working its way through his chest and rest of his upper body, he stood ready to fight. Either till his target lay dead, or he did.

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The Wookiee's retreat was far from peaceful. As he neared a knoll, a pack of boar-wolves burst from the underbrush, their eyes gleaming with feral intelligence. The Jedi ignited his lightsaber, ready to fend them off, but something was off. Instead of charging recklessly, the boar-wolves moved with coordinated precision, herding the Jedi away from the knoll and into a larger clearing. They were using tactics, boxing him in like prey. Ninurta watched from a distance, his mind racing. These creatures were not acting on instinct alone. Someone—or something—had domesticated them.

Before he could ponder further, the forest erupted with a deafening roar, a sound so powerful it seemed to shake the very ground. Ninurta's head snapped toward the source of the noise, and his heart skipped a beat as the trees began to fall. One by one, massive trunks toppled, crashing to the earth with earth-shattering force. This was enough for all local fauna, hostile or not to flee the immediate scene for miles. Birds took flight, beasts scurried off and others dug into Endor's crust to flee.

Emerging from the chaos was a massive, 30-meter-tall frame, its body covered in thick fur adorned with hides and the skulls of various creatures. It was a Gorax, a towering giant of Endor's wilds, and it was striding directly into the clearing.

<< " Sig. We got a karking Gorax inbound. My Jetpack is damaged. I need support. NOW!">> the Falleen stated over comm's and could feel his heart thump in his chest. No doubt his vode heard the roar, but what could they do about the beast? It was massive in size and probly had a hide thick enough to defend against anything that was considered anti-personnel weaponry.

I've never seen a Gorax before and I never thought Id meet one quite like this!

The ground quaked with each step the Gorax took, its presence overwhelming. With a simple but devastating movement, it brought its foot down in a colossal stomp. The shockwave rippled through the ground, sending both the Jedi and Ninurta sprawling onto their backs. For a moment, they were both stunned, the wind knocked out of them and bones rattled by the sheer force of the impact.

" Oof!" he grunted.

Struggling to their feet, they both realized the gravity of their situation. The Gorax was not just a force of nature, it was a hunter, and they were its prey. With no time to think, they scrambled to their feet and fled, sprinting through the forest with the Gorax in relentless pursuit. The ground trembled beneath them, the rhythmic pounding of the giant's steps growing louder and more menacing with each passing second. The trees blurred into streaks of green as they ran, their only thought to escape the monstrous behemoth that was hot on their heels.

Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


For a brief moment, silence had fallen upon the thick haze that Sig had found himself engulfed in. His knife firmly in his grip and held defensively, he slowly paced the shrouded area.

With each step the twigs and ruined branches of the fallen trees snapped beneath his boots. Despite this, his steps were light and intentional. He was slightly crouched when he heard the ignition of his foe’s lightsaber. Thankfully due to his already crouched position, avoiding the sudden appearance of the blade was easy enough to dodge.

Now beneath his foe, Sig sliced his knife diagonally at the stomach of the Jedi. While the initial cut landed, the Jedi’s knee-jerk reaction was to kick Sig. With help from the Force, the kick sent Sig back a ways. As he sat up he was distracted further as the ground suddenly shook violently. Turning to glance at the sudden commotion, Sig’s eyes widened as he witnessed Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r and the Wookiee take off in the opposite direction, a large Gorax following intently behind them.

Sig had never seen one before but had heard stories of their fierce nature. However, he turned his gaze back to the Jedi, who was still struggling to recover from the large gash on his stomach. Gripping his knife, Sig stood and paced around the Jedi.

A hunter playing with his food.

Bringing his arm back, he launched his arm forward and threw his large vibroblade knife in the direction of the Jedi. He attempted to dive out of the way only for the knife to impact his shoulder. Letting out a yell of pain, Sig responded with a strong punch using his cybernetic hand for extra force. The Jedi fell unconscious, Sig standing over him with an evil glee filling his hidden face. Grabbing the unconscious Jedi by the collar, he dragged him a few feet and slammed him against a tree. Taking his knife, he used it to pin the man to the tree. “You wait right here, I’ll be right back.”

Turning heel, the Mandalorian began sprinting at top speed, following the destruction and chaos caused by the Gorax. His jetpack wasn't an option, which meant the beast would likely be a tougher fight than the Jedi. While his adrenaline was pumping, Sig couldn't help but let himself get excited at the prospect. There was no better way for any Mandalorian to prove their worth than defying the odds and wining to fight another day, a beast such as the Gorax was one such feat his people strived for.

After a few moments, he found himself not far behind the Gorax; itself not far behind Ninurta and the Wookiee. Drawing his carbine, Sig let loose three burst-shots at the beast's legs in the hopes of doing some damage or, at the very least, distract it long enough for Ninurta to retaliate.

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Ninurta's hand instinctively reached for the energy bola strapped to his belt—a weapon designed for situations just like this. He gauged the distance between himself, the Jedi, and the Gorax, waiting for the right moment. With a sharp flick of his wrist, Ninurta hurled the energy bola. It sailed through the air with pinpoint accuracy, its weighted ends spinning rapidly as it zeroed in on its target. The Wookiee Jedi barely had time to react before the bola wrapped around his torso, the energy field activating on impact. Electric currents surged through the Jedi's body, causing him to convulse violently. His lightsaber fell from his grasp, the green blade sputtering out as he collapsed to the ground, seizing uncontrollably.

Ninurta spared no second glance, knowing the Gorax was still bearing down on them. But the beast's path was unforgiving. With a single, earth-shattering step, the Gorax's massive foot came crashing down. The Wookiee Jedi, still writhing on the ground, was caught directly beneath it. There was a sickening crunch as the enormous foot crushed the Jedi's body, reducing him to little more than a smear on the forest floor. The impact was so powerful that Ninurta lost his footing, the force of the shockwave sending him flying several meters through the air. He tumbled and rolled, his body battered by the concussive wave that rippled out from the Gorax's stomp. Dirt and debris scattered around him as he came to a rough stop, gasping for breath.

Disoriented but still driven by survival instinct, Ninurta rolled to the side, forcing himself onto his hands and knees. He looked up, his vision swimming as he caught sight of the Gorax looming above him. The giant's furious gaze was locked on him now, its massive frame blocking out the sky. Each of its steps shook the ground beneath Ninurta, who realized with cold dread that the Gorax was gaining on him.

Despite the searing pain in his limbs and the ringing in his ears, Ninurta pushed himself to his feet. He knew he couldn't outrun the Gorax forever, but his mind was already working, strategizing. He needed to find an advantage, some way to outmaneuver the towering behemoth that was hunting him through the forest. And he had just been given additional time. Crimson bolts of energy screeched through his perception and scorched the Goraxs legs. It appeared to do little, but it did shift his attention away from the beastmaster and now to Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo .

<< " That is one Jedi down.">> he commented over comm and began realesing his pheromones to attract the boar-wolves nearby. It took a minute or two but the beastmaster was able to lasso one up to form a makeshift saddle and lead it and another of the beasts around the Gorax and head toward his vode Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


As the beast violently turned its attention back to Sig, knocking down several more trees in the process, the Mandalorian cursed under his breath. Turns out his plan worked, now he just needed to improvise the next one. The creature leaped through the air and brought its arms down, its large hands together forming a club.

Sig quickly dove out of the way. Just in the nick of time, the impact shaking the earth and sending even more dirt into the air. At this point the area was once again shrouded. It was only a momentary advantage, but one Sig hoped he could exploit.

Stowing his carbine, he began sprinting towards the legs of the Gorax, all the while taking out his pistols once more. As the creature waved its arms attempting to find its prey, Sig gave a cry as he jumped onto the leg of the beast. Before it could react, Sig pressed the muzzles firmly against the exposed leg of the monster and began letting off as many shots as he could.

The Gorax let out an ear-piercing scream before kicking its leg violently, sending Sig through the air and impacting a nearby tree. Letting out a yell, he slowly stood to his feet. The Gorax continued screaming while swiping at its now injured leg. “It’s ours!” Sig announce triumphantly. Surely the beast would still take some effort, but the injured leg would provide the advantage the pair of hunters would need to, hopefully, finish it off.
Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
The creature leaped through the air and brought its arms down, its large hands together forming a club.

The last thing Ninurta saw was the sky blurring with the shadow of the creature's arms descending at impossible speed, the wind force alone rattling the leaves and whipping up the dirt around him. He launched upward, his jetpack sputtering and propelling him only a few meters before the crushing weight of the creature's massive hands met him mid-flight.

The world exploded in pain. For a split second, Ninurta felt his ribs compress under the unimaginable force. The Mandalorian armor creaked, strained, and then... everything went black. The thunderous impact sent a shockwave through the forest, trees collapsing, bark splintering outward like shrapnel. Debris scattered across the clearing, swallowing the scene in a cloud of dirt and shattered timber.

For a moment, there was silence.

As the dust settled, the beast snorted and huffed, scanning the ground where it had delivered its crushing blow. The forest was still—only the groaning remnants of trees and distant creatures disturbed the unnatural quiet. But of the Mandalorian who had stood defiant moments earlier, there was no trace. The place where Ninurta had been was nothing more than a crater of broken branches and upturned earth. No body. No blood. Just a vacant, crushed space, as though he had been swallowed by the forest itself.

To any onlooker, it would seem that Ninurta had been obliterated beneath the beast's immense strength, his death certain, his existence erased from the battlefield. Yet, in the eerie stillness that followed, one thing remained clear: no sign of the fallen warrior's body was to be found.

[OOC: Exit Thread]
Tag: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


While most would witness the events before them and assume death had claimed him, Sig was no ordinary witness. No, to Sig the apparent demise of Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r was merely an illusion. Whether it was in his blood or perhaps a strategy at building legend, the intentions mattered little. What mattered was the fact: our do the dust had settled the warrior was gone.

In its place was the gorax, which seemed tired of a chase that seemed futile, which turned and began stomping away while gripping at its injuries. Sig meanwhile slowly came to a stand, holstering his weapons and taking a minute to catch his breath. Endor was surely an interesting moon.

After a moment he began searching the area for his goal. The Wookiee wasn’t far from the final fight’s destination. Being a Wookiee meant he had little in way of loot, however Sig did recover the lightsaber of the dead Jedi. Then it was time for his true target, the reason he was here.

Making his way back to the Jedi he had pinned to the tree. His target was still there, barely alive and awake. Sig chuckled to himself as he began to remove the pieces of armor that adorned the Jedi until nothing remained but the plain robes he wore beneath. He also, like his apprentice, took his lightsaber.

With all his gear properly looted, Sig stood and walked back a few feet before once more facing his target. A single one of his pistols drawn he took aim,
“I don’t know if you’re alive enough to hear me,” he added with a more sympathetic tone than usual, “but I want you to know… it was personal.”

Pulling the trigger the Jedi was no more. His task complete, Sig quietly made his way back to his ship. Another Jedi was dead but the mission was unending. He continued on, ready for the next fight, wherever it may be.

End of thread.

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