Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Welcome to the Galactic Republic!
With many aspects of the ongoing galactic war in chaos there will however always be adaptions to this element.
We are heavy on Non-force users but we are also a light sided faction which means that we try to reflect a "good alignment."
The galactic Republic is primarily made up by two major groups, the politicians and the military:
1. The Politicians.
In the senate of the republic the influental and powerful gather. The political arena in a democracy is complicated and for a writing board it can sometimes be hard to follow through but as far as possible we strive for IC decisions to lead to future development of the faction. OOC leadership will only interfere with IC decision if it is obvious that it is hurting the faction OOC way or otherwise not compatible with a democratic process.
The main political arena of the Republic is the senate.
The political hierarchy
Supreme Chancellor - voted forth by the senate.
Vice Chancellor - NPC controlled by the Faction staff
Ministers - appointed by the Supreme Chancellor
Senators - representatives of the worlds controlled by the faction on the Galactic Map
Apply for senator here.
Read more about the senate in the Galactic Senate sub-forum
2. The Republic Military.
Here you will find the pride and mighty war machine of the Galactic Republic.The military consists of two branches, the army and the navy. Choose your career!
Miltary hierarchy
Supreme commander - appointed by the head of state
Grand General - appointed by the Supreme commander
Grand Admiral - appointed by the supreme commander
Marshal - appointed by the Grand General (or if none the Supreme Commander)
Admiral - appointed by the Grand admiral (or if none the Supreme commander)
Apply for any other ranks within the navy here.
Apply for any other rank within the army here.
Read more about the Republic armed forces in the military sub-forum'
3. The Republic Force Academy
Here you will find everything you need for your force sensitive character. The Jedi of the Republic are known as the Knights of the Republic strive to be the most canon like jedi, with ties toward how the jedi acted in the films. They serve the people of the Republic with devotion to the principles of democracy and freedom. But if jedi is not your cup of tea non-order affiliated characters in the Republic has organized a network for both jedi and non-jedi to receive training and share experiences in the light side of the force. Here you can find masters and trainers as well as pursue force Role Play.
Force enclave hierarchy
Grand Master - oversees all force activity in the Republic
Councilor - appointed by the Grand Master
Jedi Masters/Rectors
Jedi Knights/Instructors
Jedi Padawans/Students
Apply for a position in the Republic Force Enclave here.
Read more about the Republic force Enclave in the Enclave sub-forum
Apart from these three major instances we have several other sub groups operating inside the faction.
We also have many corporate affiliated characters that use the republic as a market or otherwise forward theirs and their companies interests in republic space.
There is also an aspiring group of Republic intelligence agents. Much love for that.
The list can go on and it is really only your own imagination that sets the limits on what is possible as a writer in the faction.