Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Galaxy Finds a Way

Location: Skynara, System Station
Equipment: Outfit
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Turmoil - Lightsaber
Ship: Skiptown
Tags: Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker

SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" was stuck on the Skiptown for the time being with Zeriana, while Lossa sat in the terminal. Waiting as her eyes darted around the different receiving areas to see if she spotted him first.

Her hands fiddled with the bracelet before shifting to the stone she wore as a necklace to keep herself occupied. Still testing the new arm as it came into a more natural sensation of touch and presence in her life. Running through different words and phrasing as she waited. The presence of dark rings beneath her eyes adding to the scowl she was casting about the waiting area.

One of the staff of the station having paused to check on her before scurrying away without so much as a peep.

Not that she had noticed them. The attack on Coruscant and the wonder of who all had been affected jogging her memory as the holomail was sent across the net to check in on a far flung friend. Only to realize she hadn't properly spoken with him for some time now. And the avalanche of events that had taken place since prompting her to speak with him in person rather than attempt to type it all out.

Even Sid had voiced his opinion on how long of a message that would turn into. Instead, arranging for a meet up with a light lunch to brush over the more important parts. Hopefully.

"Am I too early?" Head turning to glance once more at the two chrono displays in the hall. Only to realize she had glanced at it just two minutes ago. "No. Feth. I should have just typed it."

Fingers pressing into her temple as her leg bobbed against the floor.

It had been too long. Having been through the loss of his own arm, he should have made more of an effort to support Lossa.

Not that his experience could cover whatever the Sith had done to her with alchemy.

"Hey," he said, approaching from behind Lossa.

He had made his way for Coruscant as soon as news had reached the outer rim of the attack. Fortunately his sister and her family were safe. They lived far from the Senate, temple and any military targets.

The planet had still suffered in the attack.

"You alright?"

It was hard to miss the tension that simmered beneath the surface.
So focused on everything in front of her, she hadn't thought to check behind her. Jumping at the familiar voice and turning to see him as she stood.

To see if he was alright.

Coruscant had been a nightmare on everyone in different ways. She was just glad he didn't seem to have the air of sorrow about him.

"Hey! Yeah. Mostly. Just. A lot going on. You?"

Managing a smile as her hands found each other and her fingers twined together.

"What have you been up to?"
"A lot," Trextan responded in turn.

He wore a sad smile as he sat down opposite Lossa. He was always hungry, no matter the circumstances. There was a lot. The world he'd grown up on under attack and what the knights of Ren had done to Choli.

"My family are all fine, went and checked. My sister and her husband live on Coruscant. What about you? Two arms again. And been working out," he replied.
Everything was changing so quickly in the galaxy. Change was an inevitable thing, but that didn't make it easier to handle

"Ah. I'm glad. Coruscant was a certain kind of hell. Are they staying on Coruscant?" She couldn't help the sigh that escaped her. The mention of Coruscant reminded her of the news she had to share.

"Wanting to get into shape now that I'm not stuck at home. But, my arm isn't the biggest change honestly." Flexing the new limb before pulling a datapad out and sending the waiting message to Sid. The Droid left the ship quickly, homing in on the signal.

"Several big changes. But I'm hungry. Let's grab something easy and we can shoot the breeze over that." A dance around the topics for the moment as she just enjoyed getting to be a normal person for a few minutes.
"Ah. I'm glad. Coruscant was a certain kind of hell. Are they staying on Coruscant?"

"They are, yes," Trextan said. "It's a big planet and it's always been home to them."

"Wanting to get into shape now that I'm not stuck at home. But, my arm isn't the biggest change honestly."

"Several big changes. But I'm hungry. Let's grab something easy and we can shoot the breeze over that."

"Yeah, let's get food," Trextan replied. He wasn't always the best at observing people around him, but he could tell Lossa had a lot on her mind.

She was signposting it fairly clearly with talk of big changes, even he couldn't miss it.

"Looking good, it looks like you've been getting into shape already," he offered.
"I. It would be hard to just pack up and leave I guess." Home had never really been a place or destination before for her. Trying to rationalize the idea was something she still struggled with a bit when it came to Jakku or Naboo even.

Listening a little too intently as he agreed to food, the datapad sliding back into her pocket as her fingers rubbed together. Once she got through all the news, she could just exist for a little outside what was required of her.

"I'm feeling noodles. Or something like that. Been too long since I had something that came from a station." Chatty as ever as she turned to his observation. Both arms raised and flexed with a wide smile as she led the way a little haphazardly.

"Hard not to get in shape when I've got two gym rats in the temple." The mention of temple causing the first topic to arrive in her mind.

"Oh. Uh. So. First big thing. My cousin and I. We're Council Members of the Jakku Enclave. Erm. Got. I got Knighted before we got the Council Titles." Frowning as she went over her words. "I should have said the back half first."

Muttering to herself with a shake of her head.
"Meanwhile I've been living off dockyard junk food and... And I still want that," Trextan replied.

He tilted his head to one side and added a soft 'huh' as she flexed her arms. She'd clearly been on the weights. It was easy on a ship, you simply turned up the artificial gravity.

"Council? Oh. That's incredible."

Trextan was following his nose towards the stalls. He was slightly shocked at that news, but apparently that was the start of big news.

"How you feeling about all that? That's a lot!"
The fidgeting slowed, an easy smile appearing as he spoke. Getting her to laugh a little at the sound he made as she flexed. A sharp series of approving nods at the mention of wanting the dockyard food.

"Honestly, it just hits the spot in a different way." Hands settling into her easy walk as they followed the smell to a stall.

"It's. A lot. Started learning the ropes as a padawan. Then got Knighted and Romi took the Barash Vow, handing off the Enclave to Briana and myself." Her smile dipping at the mention of Romi. "Oh. Yeah."

Glancing sideways to him as she once again had to face the reality of the galaxy.

"Romi Jade passed at Coruscant. I. I don't know how much that means to you. But. She meant a lot, to me." Tone dropping from jovial to glum within the span of a heart beat.
The conversation was clearly taking some twists and turns. She talked far more openly than he ever did. He was feeling a sense of pride on her behalf for the achievements, but that suddenly faded into the ether as she spoke of Romi Jade.

"Oh. I hadn't heard."

He paused for a moment. They were stood just a few feet from the bar stools at the stall. Food was being tossed in a large wok, coated in a thick treacle of a sauce.

"I met her once, maybe twice. The old crater site at Jedha. I'm so sorry."

Trextan was hardly expressive with touch. He placed a hand against her back and turned towards her.

"During the battle?"
"It's. It's still fresh news. I-" Her words cut off as she pulled her lips in against her teeth. Willing back the tears even bringing up the topic still stirred. A sharp sniff to help her effort as she looked at the ground.

Thankful they'd at least made it closer to the food as she caught a whiff of something delicious.

"T-thanks. I. Just-" Surprised by his hand at first as her lip wobbled. Looking up at him with tear bright eyes. Mind finally blank long enough to allow her to nod.

A hand wiping away the stain of tears on her cheek.

"Yeah. At least that's what I've heard. I wasn't on the ground. Overhead. I brought ships for evac. Fethin mess all around." A choked laugh at the memory.

SID-10S "Sid" SID-10S "Sid" slowly emerging from the crowd to stand beside Lossa with a wrapped bundle in his arms. A speculative look cast at Trextan before locking his photoreceptors on Lossa.

"Has this meatbag made you cry?" The sullen air around her drying up with a slow eye roll.

"No, delivering news. Trextan, Sid. Sid, Trextan. Sid is my cousins... reformed murder computer."

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