Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The galaxy needs heroes

The Final Dragon, somewhere in the outer rim, 1546 hours.

Gherron stared outside the viewport at Refuge. It had taken some convincing on Josh's part to get him to leave, but now that he was off the surface, he didn't know if he was ready to see the galaxy in its entirety again. On his way off, he'd went back to his crashed ship, which was at that point mostly overgrown with plant life, and gathered a few items. His pistol Animus lay in its holster, but there was an empty space at his belt where his lightsaber once hung. He'd picked it up when he saw it, but after looking over it for a few minutes, he'd carefully set it back down on his ship's dashboard. He didn't need a lightsaber for his current path, nor did he think he particularly deserved one. When he was ready, he'd make a new one, one that reflected his transformation. But that transformation wouldn't happen for some time, he was sure. Around his neck hung his carved gorgodon tusk, and next to it on the string of leather hung a purple crystal he'd found some time ago. It's properties were still unknown to him, but as far as he could tell, it gave the wearer some resistance from the cold. Crossing his arms slowly, Gherron pondered where his path would run next. He couldn't face his friends and fiance. Not yet. He needed time. However.. maybe he could make a new name for himself. The way he saw it, Gherron Vael was the man who lost control, killed innocents, and hurt his loved ones in the process. He couldn't be Gherron Vael. He needed a new identity. A new face. He turned to his friend, sitting in the pilot's seat. Maybe Josh could help. There was no doubt he had experience on that sort of thing. Looking back out to the green planet, he silently promised he would return.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
While Josh figured Gherron would kill him if he found out, Josh had taken it when Gherron wasn't looking. Why? He figured eventually that while Gherron would likely want to construct a new one, he'd one day want to see his old lightsaber, keep it as a keepsake, a reminder. Josh wondered if his old Padawan's lightsaber was still in that temple... He'd have to go back for it one day, he decided. Perhaps he would take Gherron along with him. And he could show Gherron just how one found their peace.

But for now, they were on the Final Dragon, on their way to Exis Station. He sure as hell hoped that Neferati wasn't there, seeing as Gherron had mentioned not wanting to face her just yet. As for Gherron's name... Honestly, if he mentioned it, Josh would tell him he was an idiot. Sure, Gherron had done plenty wrong, but redemption wouldn't come from running from your problems. It came from turning around and facing them head on.

Josh would nod toward Gherron as he began setting coordinates for Exis Station.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
And surely, like an idiot, Gherron brought up the idea. "Hey Josh, I was thinking of laying low for a while... having a new name. I don't really want anybody knowing I'm around again just yet. What do you think?" He kinda figured what the Jedi Master would say to his words, but he wanted to hear anyway. Either way, he would do anything he could to hide his presence in the galaxy. And it was more than hiding from what he did. He needed to be someone else for a while, because in his mind, he sure as hell couldn't be Gherron Vael. Gherron Vael was a Jedi, someone who protected those he cared about and would give his life for the innocent. That wasn't him right now, and he needed time to find that person again.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Josh didn't answer at first, at first looking out the cockpit to make sure things were safe before motioning toward the blue and red R4 droid that had been waiting nearby. "R4, take the controls for a little while. My piloting attention span is bad anyway" He would remark as he would exit the pilot's chair, and R4-J6 would plug into the controls and steer the ship for them as Josh would look over at Gherron - and then immediately whack him. Not hard, but enough to get the point across.

"Running solves nothing. I found that out personally" He remarked as he would start to walk into the common room of the ship. The Final Dragon was different from the one Gherron would remember when he was Josh's Padawan. The YT ship had been retired, and replaced with a new ship dubbed The Final Dragon III, or just Final Dragon for short. The "Defender" Class Corvette was based off a model far older then even the YT, but it had been upgraded and refurbished to fit modern day standards. It had been a gift from the Republic Jedi, long ago, for his service. He hadn't touched it until now, and had called in help to have it transported to him since it'd been in a Republic cargo hold until he'd needed it. Why now? His old ship was outdated, that's all. Being constantly in the fight meant having updated means to defend oneself. His old ship was in a hanger attached to his home, of course, he wasn't getting rid of it anytime soon.

"You're Gherron Vael" He spoke as he would walk to the new bar that had been installed in the common room, pouring a bit of wine. He didn't drink much, but he did like something from time to time on his downtime to calm his nerves. And he knew he'd need all he could get if he was going to deal with Gherron. "And Gherron Vael is going to redeem himself. Head on."

He looked Gherron dead in the eyes. "Or did I train a coward who runs away from his problems and leaves his fiance behind to suffer and agonize about his whereabouts when he could be there with her, using his own name, and helping her - instead of hiding behind a fake name and not doing a damn thing?"

Harsh behavior like this was abnormal for Josh usually. But Gherron had trained with him, he knew full well he only did this when a lesson needed to be taught, and it would help the person. It was as though he were teaching a Padawan all over again.

Of course, this time, Gherron was an adult. And thus, he poured a second glass and offered it to Gherron.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron had to admit, he expected the smack. Probably deserved it too. However, if anyone had taught him to be stubborn, it was the master himself. "I left Gherron Vael behind the day I left Coruscant, and you know that. Gherron Vael wouldn't have hurt all those people, he would have protected them from harm. But he was the harm." Taking the glass carefully, he took a sip while Josh delivered his retort. The wine was a bit drier than what he was used to in terms of alcohol, but it would do. As his friend finished his rant about Nefertari, he set his glass down and stared right back into the man's eyes with defiance. "Under normal circumstances, you know I would. But I can't go back to her now. I can't face anybody knowing what I did, not as Gherron Vael, not yet. I let all of you down, and I have to relive that nightmare of what happened every day. For my sake and for the sake of others, I need to be a different person for a while. At least until I get my facts straight." As he spoke the words, he poured all of the emotion he'd been holding back all those months into his voice. He didn't want to run anymore. But for now, at least in his mind, he had to.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
"Gherron Vael needs to face his fears and atone for what he did. Nobody can do that for him" He spoke flatly once he handed him the glass. "All you're doing by running, is letting everyone down all over again."

He let the words hang for a moment, before taking another sip, and then speaking again.

"We're human. We make mistakes. But it's when and how we own up to them and atone for that, that truly defines who we are. If you run now, Gherron... Then that will always be how you handle your problems. By running. You'll run, and run, and run... Run away from and abandon all who care about you... All who rely on you... And then before long..."

He shook his head.

"... There will be nobody left to rely on you, or to run from. You'll be all alone. And even then.... You'll keep running. As for your fiance... What you did, clearly she isn't holding against you. I work alongside her now. On the Jedi Council, for the new Order. She comes to me, every single day, and asks where you are. Asks if I've seen you. Asks if I've contacted you. Are you really going to make me lie to her, Gherron? Are you going to continue to let her suffer, because you're selfish? Because you're afraid?"

He raised a brow.

"Because you want to run?"

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Normally, Gherron would have winced at the words, but he had already accepted them a while ago. "Yes, Josh, I am afraid. And yes, for once, I'm letting it get to me. I think I deserve to let myself feel a little after what i've been through. To let loose and have some time to find myself again." He'd always hid his pain whenever he could, especially when it meant the difference between protecting those he cared about and having them get hurt because of something he did. "I know you're trying to help. And I'm so grateful for that. But this is something I have to handle alone." He stepped back a few feet and took a deep breath. "I will contact Nefertari myself, you don't have to lie to her."

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
The Jedi Master nodded in turn. "Then have your time to yourself. But forgo this new name bullchit. You're Gherron. And Gherron made mistakes. Nothing can change that. But changing your name means nothing, you're still Gherron. You'll just be running away" He spoke as he would take a seat on the couch nearby and take a sip of his drink, grateful for it's numbing effects with how things had been going.

"You can stick with me. On the ship. If you feel you need to just sit back and relax a while, get away from everything, then feel free to tag along with what I'm doing. I don't tend to have much contact with the Order unless I'm directly at Exis Station, and even when I'm there, I'm generally just doing my own thing, training my own Padawans, and setting up my own work. Could use your help in training my Padawans, perhaps?" He would suggest, with a casual shrug.

@Gherron Vael

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