Gherron Dragovalor
Space dad
The Final Dragon, somewhere in the outer rim, 1546 hours.
Gherron stared outside the viewport at Refuge. It had taken some convincing on Josh's part to get him to leave, but now that he was off the surface, he didn't know if he was ready to see the galaxy in its entirety again. On his way off, he'd went back to his crashed ship, which was at that point mostly overgrown with plant life, and gathered a few items. His pistol Animus lay in its holster, but there was an empty space at his belt where his lightsaber once hung. He'd picked it up when he saw it, but after looking over it for a few minutes, he'd carefully set it back down on his ship's dashboard. He didn't need a lightsaber for his current path, nor did he think he particularly deserved one. When he was ready, he'd make a new one, one that reflected his transformation. But that transformation wouldn't happen for some time, he was sure. Around his neck hung his carved gorgodon tusk, and next to it on the string of leather hung a purple crystal he'd found some time ago. It's properties were still unknown to him, but as far as he could tell, it gave the wearer some resistance from the cold. Crossing his arms slowly, Gherron pondered where his path would run next. He couldn't face his friends and fiance. Not yet. He needed time. However.. maybe he could make a new name for himself. The way he saw it, Gherron Vael was the man who lost control, killed innocents, and hurt his loved ones in the process. He couldn't be Gherron Vael. He needed a new identity. A new face. He turned to his friend, sitting in the pilot's seat. Maybe Josh could help. There was no doubt he had experience on that sort of thing. Looking back out to the green planet, he silently promised he would return.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Gherron stared outside the viewport at Refuge. It had taken some convincing on Josh's part to get him to leave, but now that he was off the surface, he didn't know if he was ready to see the galaxy in its entirety again. On his way off, he'd went back to his crashed ship, which was at that point mostly overgrown with plant life, and gathered a few items. His pistol Animus lay in its holster, but there was an empty space at his belt where his lightsaber once hung. He'd picked it up when he saw it, but after looking over it for a few minutes, he'd carefully set it back down on his ship's dashboard. He didn't need a lightsaber for his current path, nor did he think he particularly deserved one. When he was ready, he'd make a new one, one that reflected his transformation. But that transformation wouldn't happen for some time, he was sure. Around his neck hung his carved gorgodon tusk, and next to it on the string of leather hung a purple crystal he'd found some time ago. It's properties were still unknown to him, but as far as he could tell, it gave the wearer some resistance from the cold. Crossing his arms slowly, Gherron pondered where his path would run next. He couldn't face his friends and fiance. Not yet. He needed time. However.. maybe he could make a new name for himself. The way he saw it, Gherron Vael was the man who lost control, killed innocents, and hurt his loved ones in the process. He couldn't be Gherron Vael. He needed a new identity. A new face. He turned to his friend, sitting in the pilot's seat. Maybe Josh could help. There was no doubt he had experience on that sort of thing. Looking back out to the green planet, he silently promised he would return.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]