Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Geonosian Knights [ Force Users ]


As I spoke to a few members on Discord, something became painfully obvious to me. Some were having difficulty laying down roots in the CIS due to there being far too many options. I had entertained the notion of there being something for everyone - but in truth that was hindering our growth to some degree. It is for that reason that I spent the night brainstorming and collaborating with you wonderful folks to come up with the first of a few consolidations. Today, I present to you the face of Confederate force sensitivity: The Geonosian Knights.


In a few words, the Geonosian Knights are a modern adaptation of an ancient, force tradition. Eons ago, there existed a sect devoted to blurring the lines between the Force and Technology. They worried not about Darkness or Light; instead focusing on augmenting their might and knowledge. They were a unified body who pledged fealty to their Homeland, fealty to their people, and swore to uphold Justice and order. They were the Knights of Zakuul. In the modern age, their spirit and methods live on upon our capital world - and their midst is reborn as the Geonosian Knights.


As opposed to simply having Dark Jedi or Neutrals gathered together for the sake of alignment, the Geonosian Knights are poised to provide actual depth to the faction. They are a congregation who act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner within Confederate space - and therefore are dedicated to serving the masses as they are. There is no dogma or religion within the Knighthood. What's more, the Knights blur the line between the Force and Technology each and every day. Every member is fitted with a number of cybernetics, with each having been created through forging and alchemy. Through this, truly unique options for growth and customization are available, for each cybernetic will benefit from technological advancements and Force-based augmentation.

In brief, the Geonosian Knights are an answer to a need for depth and a need for something different. We have all written Light and Dark before - let's make something all our own. Let's submit our own cybernetics and customize our characters like never before! Let's enforce the law how we as individuals see fit. Some will be roguish, outlaws. Others will be paragons. But together, we will shape this sect to be ours.

On the morrow, I will be adding additional details to this budding concept as well as an official write-up. Feedback, as always, is welcome below!

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