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Approved Location The Georgeta Plains

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Name: Georgeta Plains

Image Source: (could not find original)

Classification: Plains

Location: Crina

Size: Massive, its where the majority of Crina's cities, villages, and towns are and where most of its farming and animal domestication takes place. Larger and more well known cities are along the mountains or coast, but this is where most of Crina's sustenance thrives.

Population: Heavy

Demographics: Human, Groat, Horses, Kath Hounds, Nerf, Duncows

Points of Interest: The Cosmina Academy sitting along one of the largest rivers along the Plains just off the city of Ecaterina is perhaps the major point of interest aside from the large amounts of farmland and plains communities.

Description: The Georgeta Plains are the largest landmark on Crina, filled with many rolling hills, meadows, fields, small forests, and the villages and towns of Crina's population. While there are many other plains, none are as expansive, nor do they hold as fertile soil. The Georgeta Plains full farming capacity alone can almost allow Crina to remain self sufficient, though since there are plenty of other regions also providing resources Crina is well off in that regard.

In addition to the large infrastructure of farming communities, the Georgeta Plains also are home to a large portion of the Crinan Population. Not to mention its wildlife, fauna, and settlements. One can be gaurenteed to see Duncows, Groats, nerfs, horses, and even kath hounds freely roaming the landscape, though the Kath Hounds are ones you likely would wish not to see.

History: The Plains were among the first regions of Crina settled by the original colonists, but unlike the mountainous areas where towns and villages were intended to be temporary until the colony ship could be repaired, the settlements along the plains were built to last because of the simple fact that they needed to be to efficiently reap in the resources to supply the fledgling population of settlers. It was an intense struggle at first, as kath hounds roaming the plains picked off both the domesticated creatures the colonists had brought and the colonists themselves.

However, before long they established functional and protective villages, quickly determining ways to ensure their survival. More effort was put into the towns once it was determined they would be stuck there for the long term, and they worked to make their homes even safer from the threats of the new world they now inhabited. It would be generations later before the Crinans on the plains began to tire of their position and restlessness, and started up a conflict to eliminate the false hope keeping them in despair, the expedition craft that brought their ancestors there. Though short lived, the conflict did bring about Crina's rule as Queen, and raised tension and barriers to her attempts to reform a system at first.

Once she was successful though, Crina had the world joined in peace and contentment after a time. It would stay that way until the second great war, known as the Crinan Civil War. Most of the fighting this time, unlike in Crina's time, would take place in the Georgeta Plains in the uninhabited regions rather than near the mountainous zones, though some farmland was destroyed during several battles. Thankfully though the colaterall damage to both communities and the landscape was able to be kept to a minimum as both sides did not wish to leave the world's primary farmland razed.

Links: Crina, Cosmina
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