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Approved NPC The Golden Banner 5th

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Name: The Golden Banner 5th
Intent: To make the bread & butter of The Primeval's army.
Affiliation: The Primeval
Availability: Common (roughly two large divisions)
Type: Mechanized infantry
Strength: 120 troops + 20 MIFVs (or 5 MIFV squadrons) | 60 crew (non-combatant) |
Description: The Golden Banner 5th is the primary infantry fighting force under the Host Lord, Anja Aj'Rou. Although they're not elites, the 5th have proven themselves during the Marches and were there when such worlds as Bastion and Korriban fell to The Primeval. Unlike the Gulandi Sephi, the 5th are part of The Golden Banner -- the true army of The Primeval -- and thus are adequately trained, properly equipped, and competently lead. The 5th is broken down into Battalions of 120 personnel. Of this about twelve are officers whilst the rest are little more than warriors fighting for the cause. The disregard for proper rank & file can lead to complications when officers are killed in the heat of battle but due to their zeal, morale does not drop; merely they become disorganized.

In most scenarios battalions of the 5th will operate under their assigned officers but from time-to-time will fall under command of a Bloodletter, a higher ranking commandant(PC) within The Primeval. Perhaps the greatest strength of the 5th is their mobility. Deployed in MIFVs--infantry fighting vehicles--the 5th sacrifice quantity for quality and each battalion is made up of 5 MIFV squadrons with four such vehicles per and carrying 6 infantryman each. Each MIFV is crewed by 3 and although the crew does man the vehicles weaponry, in an instance where the MIFV is disabled the crewman are not armed and thus will fall prey to enemy attacks outside of their vehicles.

  • Mechanized: Within their Multipurpose Infantry Fighting Vehicles the 5th are protected by armour and big guns, offering them mobility at the cost of less troops per Battalion.
  • High Morale: The Primeval's religion is the main driving force for their wars and as such their soldiers have a tendency to fight to the bitter end.
  • Basic: The 5th lack a diversity in equipment. Although they're by no means poorly equipped they'll find themselves prey to armour, artillery, and elite units.
  • Straight-forward: Because there's no true rank & file, when a unit loses their officers they become disorganized and cannot quickly address the loss of leadership.

Links: PAR-1 Assault Rifle | BTI-WB Heavy Blaster Pistol | Concussion Grenade | EMP Grenade | Primeval Battle Armour | MFIV | Rocket Artillery
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Now excuse me while I tear this sub apart with the tiniest nitpicks mwahahahaha

In all serious, just a tiny thing :)
  • How large is the actual force as I read it seemed like there were multiple 120 troop battalions?
[member="Darth Arcanix"]

My description was worded a bit poorly on the strength. The strength is for each unit but the availability is common so there's almost a 'mass-production' of said units.

I don't have a definitive number but I'd say the 5th would be classified as a large division or two.
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