Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Good, The Bad and the Undead


Balaya couldn't hide what she was standing there, the jedi had taken their homeworld in a battle and she had fought for it, standing here now in the hanger on Korriban as a team of them came she moved quickly using her size to her advantage to throw one into the control room and the blackblades to disable communications with the rest. She had invited [member="Enigma"] to join her, needing the skills and knowledge of Circe to aid her... Plus despite whatever problems. She was skilled in alchemy, which could improve upon the real tasks and purpose.

"Circe." Balaya said it as she held one of the jedi in a massive hand and crushed him, letting the Blackblades control the hanger and area for the time. They would be quick before jedi reappeared to try and detain them, the war had diverted their attention from the sith world and with no Carn Dista to go after the tombs or artifacts. Balaya could move through the tombs and get some supplies. Namely some sithspawn on the world and she needed to kill one fo the large beasts. Its sacrifice for the greater good of the Warlord.

The other creatures would serve to empower their worlds, pelko enough to introduce to several worlds, hssiss dragons enough for a couple of breeding pairs, tuk'ata's enough to breed them for their sith and some of the shyracks to create more sith familiars. She was looking to empower the One Sith with beasts of war and if her and Circe found anything they so be it, she was glad to share or even bribe the woman who wanted her Emperor Kaine. She might not share the Dark Lords vision but she shared one for growing in power.

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[member="Darth Praelior"]


The woman on the other side of the monstrous Zeltron Sith Battlelord looked minimal in comparison. She was less than half as tall, wore robes instead of a chainmail bikini, and had a bust that was ample for her size, but not massively so. Regardless, she had come here to assist the woman known as Darth Praelior with her goals. In return, she had brought several vial-sized samples of nebular gas in concert with a miniaturized molecular disassembler. The key here was taking the nebular gas and using molecular reconfiguring to turn it into a synthetic tibanna substitute, similar to how synthetic oils and rubbers had been made tens of thousands of years ago to replace a need for organic resources.

"I suppose we need to get to work... I ordinarily would not ask for such, but considering our significant height difference, it may be best if I was tucked away."

Balaya looked at the woman, the height difference and her equipment more then enough. She had a plan as always and if she could help with it she would while looking and moving. The blackblades handling the major portion of the starport as the cargo was being opened with repulsor sleds and kennels for the creatures. tranqs to put them to sleep while she opened the large duster showing the platemail armor while speaking. "Very well, hold on Circe, we are going after as many sithspawn as we can to take to Coruscant and Tantorus. We'll breed them and get more creatures for our armies, perhaps strap armor and some cannons to their backs for fast moving assault vehicles." She held the grin now while also thinking about what they might have left here, the sith academy was in ruins but several tombs in the valley were always being uncovered. Balaya was moving off towards the large doors. "I do hope your equipment won't get damaged being jostled."
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[member="Darth Praelior"]

"Of course... I will likely take a minimal amount of samples from the eventual lot for my own genetic research." She smiled. "I would recommend we devise a platform that can be placed on top of a Terentatek, where one or more Sith Troopers could carry heavy weapons for use against enemies trying to flank the beast."

She paused, eying over the gear with her, gently laying a hand on the fless of Balaya's bust. "With these, I doubt any harm could be done."

Balaya kept herself from responding to the comment about her chest and moved swiftly as she went towards the valley, mounting armor and weapons on a sithspwn would be enjoyable to see. She brought her arm up for her as she moved towards the valley and now standing there grinned at it. "That could be quite a sight to behold, the samples are fine just fulfill your part and aid in gathering them. We shall work n your project, we shall work on mine and move to join Kaine with plenty of the beasts. Perhaps some prisoners for experiments as needed or to feed." Balaya kept her grin while she jumped down towards the valley's floor letting the darkside pulse out to summon as many creatures as she could.
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"Prisoners are a notable source of protein for our beasts... It's not like feeding synthesized goop twenty-four seven is good for them." She pointed out, following Balaya as she continued to work with the vials. "The more of these beasts we can get, the better. I have... plans, to say the least, for these various monstrosities."

Plans indeed. Flesh fiends.

Balaya had plans for them as well and rubbed her hands together as she crouched down still being tall and now in someways wider as she touched the ground. She was looking for the larger beasts she wanted everything that fed off the darkside and hunted them down for her plans as she was moving. The ancient sith lords have made crystals to capture the souls of jedi and their enemies she wanted one of those crystals if possible and well more of the creatures while speaking into the wind. Sithese to attract what respond to them. "Come out come out and play my pets we are going to take the galaxy." Slowly Balaya stood up as she felt it, the large beast ready for her and more babies there to take. "We'll kill the mother, take the babies. Easier to transport and I want the beasts hide for my new armor."
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[member="Darth Praelior"]

"Seems fair enough... Tukata hides will be useful with what I intend to do... Though I'm not sure whether they'll be exactly what I want them to be." Considering that the hides would have DNA in them, it would be a perfect opportunity for her to get cells for cloning. "Let's do this... My Force Lightning's roaring and rearing to shock them."

Oh there were more creatures here then just the tuk'ata they and the pelko would serve a purpose but she wanted a Terentatek. She wanted it and some of the smaller ones in the caves for them to seed on Coruscant and eventually Tython, Alderaan. A new great hunt that can lay in wait should the jedi or republic find footing. "Good we'll head down and into the tombs." Balaya was moving now and heading down deeper as she ducked into the opening of the tomb letting her cybernetic eyes illuminate the darkness of the pathway.
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[member="Darth Praelior"]

Circe followed the tremendous Zeltron into the tombs, considering that if a thirteen foot tall woman could fit inside with little or no difficulty, there would definitely be plenty of room for her. "So, Balaya... What've you been working on since we last met?" The woman paused, but continued to follow the others deeper into the tomb, constantly aware and scanning through her eyes and the Force in order to be prepared for an ambush.

"I have been working on equipment and creatures for the One Siths war effort. There is many fun things around the galaxy you can take for your own and work into beasts of war. If all comes to bare who knows what else we could recreate from the wiped archives." Balaya continued forward entering another section of the mountain while she looked around. "I believe even though they destroyed the markings this is Val'rysses original tomb." That would be an interesting place to start and search but the ancient sith who was usually still around did often have pets to fight. WHo knew if she had left anything here."
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[member="Darth Praelior"]

Val'Ryss Zankarr's original tomb? Her interest was now peaked that much more. For if her tomb was in here, that meant her corpse was here as well. And from her corpse, Circe could reap the DNA necessary to allow for much more potent Dark Side capabilities as part of her Sithspawn. Not to mention the possibility of discovering Dark Side artifacts.

"Perhaps this can be even more beneficial than I thought."

Balaya looked at her and continued to move, she had been here before. Val'ryss had been training apprentices and worked to teach them the meaning of fear as they delved deeper into the tomb. Then she had unleashed creatures and beasts of the one sith to try and rend their flesh from bone. "Last time I was here, Val'ryss brought undead and a leviathan to attack the apprentices with her. It was not the finest moment to fight." She was moving now with heavy footfalls towards the other chambers where the sithspawn had been waiting. Hopefully now there would be everything she needed to fight there and these two could focus on the other part of this. Building circe's thing.
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[member="Darth Praelior"]

"It's a matter of proper molecular reconfiguration, something not so easily performed." She sighed, replacing the vial currently being tested with another one. "We need to get the proper synthesizing that will work in hyperdrives with no issues whatsoever. We can only expect a five percent performance decrease when compared to tibanna itself. So long as the price is cheaper, our product will be superior to the Protectorate-produced product."

Balaya made a movement of her hand going over her head to indicate how much she understood. That was fine though she was here for this as she entered the room and looked for the creatures. She could feel them and slowly Balaya stomped the stone to let it echo around. The roars from the creature as it came brought her attention forward and Balaya cracked her neck ready for a fight letting the talons of her armor eject before charging to meet it hand for hand. Snarling as she locked into its eyes and at the large poisonous tusks. "Get the babies."
Darth Praelior said:
Balaya couldn't hide what she was standing there, the jedi had taken their homeworld in a battle and she had fought for it, standing here now in the hanger on Korriban as a team of them came she moved quickly using her size to her advantage to throw one into the control room and the blackblades to disable communications with the rest. She had invited Enigma to join her, needing the skills and knowledge of Circe to aid her... Plus despite whatever problems. She was skilled in alchemy, which could improve upon the real tasks and purpose. "Circe." Balaya said it as she held one of the jedi in a massive hand and crushed him, letting the Blackblades control the hanger and area for the time. They would be quick before jedi reappeared to try and detain them, the war had diverted their attention from the sith world and with no Carn Dista to go after the tombs or artifacts. Balaya could move through the tombs and get some supplies.

Or not.

Jorus Q. Merrill did much of his work in the nearby Levantine worlds since he'd faked his death at Empress Teta. Absolutely devoid of traditional Force powers, he was possessed of a singular skill: The ability to manipulate hyperspace. Generally by making things go faster.

Over the course of a long career, he'd improved that ability significantly. So far as he could tell right about now, he was capable of taking a class 1.0 hyperdrive to class 0.4, and a class 0.5 to about class 0.2 -- reliably, and over sustained voyages. He'd always had far greater success with the class 1.0 YV-929 Gypsymoth, which he'd called home for the majority of his life.

He'd recently upgraded the Gypsymoth to class 0.5.

Two plus two equalled a spread of Cerenkov radiation as the orbital overwatch stations' call for backup brought in the natural, even inevitable conclusion of Praelior's actions. The overwatch stations and the system defense fleet remained primed to shoot down any transports. These two pointlessly pulchritudinous Masters had tried the same thing that countless others had tried since the Jedi took Korriban. The system was defended. Prepared.

Gravity well generators flared to life, covering potential egress vectors. Orbital overwatch stations transmitted telemetry to Jorus and the Gypsymoth. The tombs on Korriban, at the Valley of the Dark Lords, were a constant target, and the overwatch stations had been paying close attention to them for a long time now. After the butchery at the hangar, the stations had gotten a good solid bead on exactly where these jokers were.

Praelior and Pandeima had had quite enough time to themselves.

In geosynchronous orbit, hyperlight dancing across his eyes and a baseball in his hand, Jorus waited.

[member="Enigma"] [member="Darth Praelior"]
Jorus wasn't alone. He had picked up the blonde Master along the route, she had business in Levantine space. The man was an old friend, possibly one of the few people Spencer held a bit of fear of. She remembered a small occurrence where she allowed her influence to interfere with a moment the man and his partner at the time needed. For the first time, she was unwelcomed and her powers were seen as negative. Her amber eyes flickered open as she looked towards the ceiling of the ship. There was a shift in the ship's momentum and she knew something was going on. Standing from her bunk she headed towards the bridge.

The woman stood at the door and entered looking at the back of Jorus Merrill 's head. Crossing her arms in front of her chest she sighed. “Something up?”

[member="Jorus Merrill"][member="Darth Praelior"][member="Enigma"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

When he turned to look at her, hyperlight began to fade from his eyes.

"You could say that. Korriban orbital reports that at least one Sith and a group of commandos have taken the hangar near the Valley of the Dark Lords. We've got sky-eyes on the Valley, so we know where they are. The defense fleet has this whole region interdicted. I'm currently debating whether to wait here and take them when they evacuate, or land and neutralize them before they get whatever trinket they're after. They've moved fast, according to this data. Probably hoping to get in and out before the Jedi could step in." He snorted. "Tale as old as time. This is like the sixth Korriban incursion this year, always the same targets, always the same plans. I'm sorely tempted to just level the Valley with turbolasers. Drown'em all in molten sand. Remind me why we keep this place intact?"
She moved closer as she nodded understanding his concerns. Korriban seemed to be the place the Sith liked to gather no matter if the planet was theirs or someone else. Sighing softly she pondered his thought about leveling the entire valley. It was a thought she agreed with wholeheartedly, but then the secrets and the history that laid there waiting. She couldn't go against what her heart told her. Lips parted and she laughed slightly.

“Oh Jorus, I couldn't let that happen there's just too much down there waiting to be uncovered. Though I'd rather someone who wouldn't abuse it would uncover it.” Finally close enough to him, she tried to understand what she was looking at and what he was saying. “Do you know who's down there yet?”

[member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Enigma"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

"Identification came back on the hangar camera footage -- someone named Darth Praelior. Giant Zeltron in some kind of metal bra. There's another one, a woman, no ID yet. I seem to recall you being good at feeling your way through things; I don't have a knack for sense, but if you can glean anything useful from the Force, let me know."

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