With rumors abound of insurrectionist elements on New Adasta, Empire elements would be sent out to squash the uprising time and time again - but none would return. Even so, nothing major seemed to happen, no bombings or assassinations - just enough to call more forward. Eventually, the Sith would abide by sending traditional Saaraishash no more, and something more important would be sent - or brought by her own ambition.
The city was covered in a heavy fog, as it usually was, and while ships flew through the air lanes - a single building would draw Braith’s attention, through the rumors in the streets, to the echoes in the Force. When she would enter, she would find it empty - despite the lights and music that played; leaving little to the imagination what might be contained with the building.
A voice reached out to her, as the doors behind her closed and locked -
“Finally, someone worth my time.”, it affirmed through the Force.
She could feel the smile behind it.