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The Graug Rebellion(Pubs/Jedi)

Qun Vell

The Republic War with the One Sith was ever waging, though there seemed no threat of battle on the horizon after Teta. The One Sith had turned many Jedi to the Darkside, and were in the process of absorbing them into their army, retraining their philosphy, bolstering their ranks. On the other end the Republic was in the midst of rebuilding it's ranks entirely, with the battle on Teta being a failure and the upper tiers of the Jedi decimated there were many murmurs of worry amongst the Jedi Order. Who would take the place of Aaralyn Rekali? Marcello Matteo? Vulpesen? The dozens of faceless 'mook' Jedi that followed them in their wake? Though the Council seemed to have some degree of control of the situation, not panicking to their credit, it was the perfect time for a third party to strike the Jedi.

And that Third Party was the Graug. Large, muscular Sithspawn with a penchant for the Darkside, their planet had been conquered by the Republic long ago, presumably to make way to a path to Csilla, a path that never happened. The natives of the Republic World Gratos had seized Republic bases on world, used those resources to capture nearby ships, and had began attacking traders heading towards Csilla, or tourists heading to Lehon, capturing and re-purposing ships. It was an odd endeavor indeed, considering that the Graug weren't really a species usually intelligent enough to organize such an attack, especially so quickly. Without an 'evolved' Graug to lead them they were content to head around with typical mischief, not capture a planet, steal Republic Resources, and start cutting off trade. Qun assumed that this meant the Graud had to be lead by somebody, whether a new intelligent Graug had emerged after Darth Vulcanus of the New Order, or had been built and fueled by One Sith Scouts, or perhaps some other brand of trouble makers.

Still, Qun supposed it was not his place to be thinking of battle strategies or possibilities. He was a Jedi Padawan, coming along with the Republic to aid in rescue missions to find Republic Officials and citizens. Armed in modest robes and a couple of training saber-staffs he hoped the rest of the Jedi around him would have his back. The Dropship Qun was in hovered about 3 meters above the ground before the doors opened, and Qun stood, took a shot of whiskey from his flask, and jumped down into the wilderness of the Darkside-touched world. He was gonna need it.


-Save captured Republic Prisoners
-Investigate possible Sith presence, and discover origin of the Graug's newfound organization
-Capture Graug-Occupied Republic Ships
Marten Sorel had just received some basic lightsaber training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after his recruitment into the Jedi Order. This gave him somewhat of a basic grasp of lightsaber combat, enough to dodge and repel blaster fire as well as duel with a Sith Acolyte brilliantly. However, his purpose wasn't with the Jedi. A recently commissioned Captain in the Republic's Armed Forces, on grounds of his formidable feats in repelling a mercenary invasion on his homeworld of Aranla Prime, his first mission with his unit, the newly formed 21st Commando Engineers, a ragtag medley of Wild Space outlaws, Coreworld nobles, Mid Rim rascals, professional bounty hunters with a taste for water and other such folk, was to support his fellow Jedi Padawan Qun Vell investigate an attack on a Republic world, by a group he was informed to be known as the Graug. He was anxious to meet his homologue.

Marten Sorel, given his battlefield experience, would likely lead the military assault. Qun Vell, given his superior knowledge of diplomacy, would likely handle any talking, given the fact Marten was known for not liking talking and very much liking fighting.
The Republic corvette, owned personally by Sorel and armed with the 87 men of the 21st, a half-company with a hundred other recruits in training on the way, had just exited hyperspace and was hailing Qun Vell's dropship.

Zion Krayt

A request for help had been received by the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. It had originated from the planet of Gratos, a planet that had a species that were naturally attracted to the Dark Side of the Force, but they had been subjugated once the Sith Empie had fallen and had submitted to Republic Laws, and Republic officials had been put in place. The Graug were arming themselves, stealing weapons, ships, whatever they could get their hands on to weaponize their little uprising.

His landing shuttle was descending from the atmosphere towards the planet below to the designated landing site for the relief forces. He was wearing his armour today, they were facing off against a dangerous foe, a foe that grew more powerful when the Dark Side was near.

Connecting to the Jedi and Republic forces through his helmet's comlink, he said, "establish a base camp here. We'll need one for the possible reinforcements against this foe." He said, and once his ship landed he hopped out and set his eyes upon [member="Qun Vell"] as soon as he jumped out too. A fresh faced Jedi.

"Welcome, Jedi, are you prepared?" He asked.

[member="Marten Sorel"]
"Commander Bouqi, sir, if I may, I must advise against your decision to establish a base camp", Marten said over his commlink. "The Graug are rapidly overrunning all the positions in the rural areas and setting up camp will be long and very risky. I suggest that the main Republic force land in the urban areas and dig in while my commando engineers will harass the Graug supply lines and destroy their heavier units".

As Marten finished his message to his superior, his corvette, the Pride of Aranla began it's descent. Armed with heavy anti-land cannons and anti-bomber flaks, it was likely not going to receive any fire it couldn't either repel with it's shield or destroy it's source under a hail of missile fire. As they began landing, Lieutenant Trobacca, Sorel's Wookiee second-in-command, was preparing the troops. He slung his large Wookiee blaster on his waist and observed as the rest of the commando engineers, ranging from Iridonian monks to Mandalorian mercenaries and bounty hunters with a love for civilized warfare, were arming themselves and embarking on the dropships.

Qun Vell

Qun Vell's first thought after landing was to analyze the situation, look around and make sure nobody was shooting at him. Despite all the reports and rumors of the Graug it seemed oddly quiet on world. Perhaps Qun should have been thankful for that, but he couldn't have helped feeling suspicious about it. Something was off, something was wrong. More Jedi and Republic troopers landed all around him, igniting their sabers or taking out their rifles, examining the area for a moment as he, then de-activating their blades or lowering their rifles. They hadn't found anything either.

"I'm getting there." Qun said to [member="Zaren Bouqi"], before taking out his flask and taking a swig. "Just need a few more drinks in me." He continued, the effects of alcohol not quite yet apparent in his speech. "You said you wanted to set up a base camp? What kinda space we talkin about here?" He said curiously, before a loud sound permeated the ground. Thump. Thump. Thump


Taller than a dropship as long an enormous beast emerged from the forest, before giving a gut-curdling roar, ripping up a nearby tree, and using it as a club to try and smash the soldiers and Jedi at the drop-point. Qun rolled to his left a bit awkwardly, before stumbling a bit to stand to his height and pulling out his two double-bladed lightsabers. They were only training sabers, but they were better than nothing. Reaching on his comm he called the gunship that had dropped them off.

"Need big guns, immediate assist." He said, before analyzing the jungle around the beast. There had to be something they could use to take it down.

[member="Marten Sorel"]
Marten heard Qun Vell's call over his commlink. His forces would easily be mashed up in minutes by this creature, given the fact Qun would get overpowered given his pruported lack of lightsaber training, and the initiates we pounded to kingdom come. As the light flashed on his beacon signalling alert, Lt Commander Sorel (that was his navy rank, given the fact he commanded the Pride of Aranla) directed his corvette to meet with them and hold stable position.

"Bring her in, Talvod. Stay within gun range and pound her with the main cannon".

He then turned his commlink to Qun Vell's frequency.

"Vell, this is Captain Marten Sorel, Jedi Padawan and RSF officer. Get your guys out of there now. We're going to do a bombardment of the area to decimate any resistance and establish a nice spot basecamp in the region as Commander Bouqi ordered. That, and in the process reduce that beast to daffodil fertilizer."
The Padawan was with Master Zaren as he joined him in the shuttle that Zaren was in. Apparently, there was a distress call from Republic forces that the vicious Graug were stealing Republic weapons, ships, tanks, to arm themselves so their rebellion would be efficient and ready to face the GAR and the Jedi. He followed along, his mouth shut until they came across another Jedi.

His Master then instructed to build a base right where they were standing so they could have a HQ to aid the soldiers that would be fighting the Graug. "That," Hatake said as he saw a huge Graug, "is a problem." They would have a lot of ordnance to bombard the creature. But a question came to his mind: was it enough the kill this evolved creature that he just saw. He would allow the big guns take on the question and see if it is the answer to this problem that they are now facing.

Zion Krayt

Before Zaren could even reply to the first Jedi Padawan, the Jedi General had been cut off by the Padawan [member="Marten Sorel"]. For some odd reason that Jedi knew his name and they had yet to meet. It wasn't like Zaren was an underground Jedi or anything, it was just curious as to how the supposed Padawan-Commander knew who he was from voice alone. And even if he did know him, he would be referred to as 'Bishop,' as was his alias. But alas, it was not to be. There would always be people able to see through his illusions.

He had heard the Padawan, but he had ignored him for the most part. There was another thing that was more important at the moment. And that was the immediate threat of the large graug that had made it's presence known. Unfortunately, Zaren was certain there were more graug close behind this one since they moved together. When they came into contact with the ashlan side of the Force, they disbanded quite quickly without their Bogan Leader urging them on.

"You're not bombarding anything, Padawan." Said the voice of the Protector of Tython. Even though the planet was soon going to be in open rebellion, he couldn't let the relief forces tear apart the planet for one graug. He could only imagine what they would do when they encountered a large group of them. "Bring your forces to the Capital of the planet, it's name is Roxus. Investigate the ongoings there, settle down the citizens, and make sure there are no hostiles in the city." While he spoke he had taken his lightsaber off from his belt and ignited it as his robes began to flap around him as he started to walk towards the Graug.

"I'll be a distraction, and then subdue the beast." He said loud enough for all those nearby to hear him and then he started to run past the graug and the republic shuttles behind him started to form a screen of the rest of the forces landing. There were dozens coming down already, it was only a matter of time before the beast would be overwhelmed by the blaster fire, he could only hope that [member="Qun Vell"] got the gunships firing in time.

[member="Hatake Mutashi"]
[A little OOC note. By virtue of IC, Marten Sorel's technical first duty is as an officer in the Republic Army. He's just taking force training]

"Yes, Bishop",
Sorel answered. The Corvette then began moving toward Roxus as ordered. Nothing eventful along the way, only casual observation of abandoned buildings and farms that were being abandoned as a result of the order to get to the capital.
Another gunship slewed down from atmosphere, hanging out the bay door with one hand securing him to the ship and the other gripping the hilt of a lightsaber was Ryan Korr. The glowing blue blade in his hand cast a splash of color across his face, jaw clenched in determination. He wore a comm headset tuned to the pilot's frequency.

"Deploying!" He called over the roar of the sublight engines. Immersing himself in the Force, Ryan leapt from the gunship. Air tugged at his hair and tabard as he fell. He landed on his feet, rolled once, and came up running. His thumb found the activation switch on his lightsaber and pushed it forward, causing the blue blade to snap to life.

Utilizing the Force to enhance his speed, Ryan bounded across the grass and toward the forest with a swiftness beyond human ability. Tenacious grey eyes were fixed on the monstrosity before them, a towering sithspawn that lumbered toward the group of soldiers and Jedi in the Landing Zone. Korr witnessed the beast swing a tree like a club. The enormous length of wood smashed into two Republic soldiers, shattering their bodies in a spray of red mist. Bits and pieces of cloth and flesh clung to the bark as the monstrosity lifted the club for a second swipe. Ryan grit his teeth and accelerated, moving as fast as his body would allow without falling apart. He could already feel the cartilage in his knee wearing away, or at least that was what he assumed was the pain in his joints. He pressed on, uncaring. A session with a master healer would help restore his body, but right now he could spare no thoughts of self-preservation.

Another soldier died, crushed beneath the Spawn's foot while he fired his blaster futilely. The beast's hide was so thick that small arms fire seemed to have little effect on it besides enraging the monster. Korr could only hope lightsabers and laser cannons would be more effective. A gunship roared by, strafing the monster with its cannons and causing the beast to stumble backward. Smoke curled from charred flesh.

Ryan zipped past [member="Zaren Bouqi"]'s group, joining his fellow Knight in the assault on the beast. Enveloped in his usage of one technique, Ryan had only the time to send a simple mental image of the beast's eyes and ankles via telepathy to Zaren. Hopefully he would understand. Blind and hobble it and the beast would be crippled. Perhaps they could even capture it. Ryan held no love for the Graug's kind, but even they could fall victim to the machinations of the Sith.

No one deserved to die a monster. Not even Graug.

The grass rustled in Ryan's wake as he dashed between the Sithspawn's legs. This close, he could feel the residue of the Dark Side upon its presence in the Force. Brows drawing close in concentration, Korr leaped to the right and avoided a devastating stomp of its left foot. Hopefully Zaren would be attacking its head and split its focus.

Taking his lightsaber in a double-handed grip, he jumped into the air and behind the beast. In mid-air, he swung with all his might at the tendons in the back of its right ankle. The blue blade carved a furrow into the flesh. Korr cartwheeled away and landed softly in the grass. He turned to look over his shoulder and bit back a curse. The lightsaber had not cut deep enough to sever the tendon.

"Their hide is like a Rancor's!" Ryan yelled to Zaren above the din of sublight engines, the whine of laser discharges, and the roar of the beast, "Two cuts to the same place will cut through!"

He charged at the beast's back, once more aiming for the same spot as before. He would bring this monstrosity down. Too many had died already at its hands.

[member="Qun Vell"] [member="Marten Sorel"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"]

Zion Krayt

[OOC: [member="Marten Sorel"], wouldn't really be able to do both at the same time imo.]

Zaren nodded to himself when he felt the presence of Ryan Korr closing in upon their location, when he received the mental image of the eyes and ankles of the Graug, he wasted no more time and continued to run circles around the beast whilst [member="Ryan Korr"] went for it's legs. He was uncertain as to which would be more dangerous, the the legs or the eyes. If one was to strike the would the beast be able to swipe at it's face and grab you? Or, if you tried to cut it's ankles would it stomp around wildly and crush you? There were multiple ways to die in this situation, and it was clear that Ryan Korr would do his part to make sure that no one else experienced those other ways.

He force leaped straight to the head of the graug when the other Jedi Knight had leapt behind it. Zaren had it's full attention at the moment and his purple lightsaber was plunging downwards into one of it's eyes just as Korr had cut into the beast's ankle. It hadn't had the desired effect with the synchronized attack, but the upper part of the graug was reacting violently. It's arms and clawed hands tried to grab onto Zaren, and from there he leapt off of it's back and rolled to his feet. He heard the other Jedi Knight crying out to him about it's hide and he nodded in response.

Simultaneously, the two Jedi Knights charged at the beast's back and while Ryan went downwards, the Protector of Tython leapt upwards with the Force pushing him to even greater distances, and he front flipped as well to gain even more height from the angle that he came from. While he went over the beast, Zaren spun in the air, and while he locked the lightsaber's beam so that it would continue to be active when he released it, his arm was rearing back as he threw the plasma beam into the gaping maw of the giant graug.

[member="Hatake Mutashi"], [member="Qun Vell"]
Having stowed himself in [member="Zaren Bouqi"]'s shuttle, Tugoro would rest quietly as the craft made it's way through space, towards the planet Gratos. The young Padawan had decided to sneak onto the ship at the last minute, quickly making his way into the cargo hold while his master attended to other things. The mission sounded rather dangerous, the boy figured that his master would most likely not allow him to participate in the conflict. A few hours passed as Tugoro waited, having actually fallen asleep as the shuttle descended into the atmosphere, touching down with the rest of the group. Lifting his eyelids, the sudden silence that the engine's deactivation caused would force the boy awake, causing him to leap onto his two booted feet. At first, he was a bit skeptical. Surely his master had sensed him, or had he not? Either way, he had not been confronted by the man.

Pressing his fingers against a nearby console, the boy would operate the cargo hold's door, causing it to open and give him access to the main room of the craft. Approaching the lowered loading ramp, Tugoro would quickly make his way outside, shuddering violently as a wave of dark side energy hit his sense hard. The planet was almost covered in it, for the Graug were a violent, dark species. Frantically reaching for his waist, Tugoro's hands would wrap around the training saber he possessed, his eyes widening as he realized it had never been altered. Until he ran into his master, the weapon would basically be useless. Breaking into a force enhanced sprint, Tugoro's form would zip across the landscape, until he spotted the large Graug that [member="Ryan Korr"] and his instructor were facing. He would come to a halt, simply watching as the duo proceeded to take care of the monstrosity.
He didn't dare to confront the Graug with the duo. No, sir, he would most likely be picked up and get eaten by the massive creature once he was near it. As he watched the knights taking on the Graug he did saw [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] who he mistook as a boy. Civilians weren't suppose to be in the area, especially if it was being occupied by the military. "Hey!" Hatake yelled out at Tugoro and then slowly walked towards him, "What do you think you're doing? This is area is being occupied and there's a huge creature that spells out the word 'Death'."

[member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Ryan Korr"]
The brown haired boy would remain quiet as he watched the two Knights battle the creature, examining their methods and fighting styles. He had trained with both of the Jedi before, so he knew that they were the real deal. Though, that one Ryan guy got dissed bad by some lady. Shaking the irrelevant thoughts from his mind, the boy's attention would be redirected to [member="Hatake Mutashi"], who had suddenly approached him. The young padawan had been zoned out, he hadn't even bothered to react to ninja's shouting. Craning his neck to the side, Tugoro would roll his eyes in obvious annoyance, before using both hands to point to the training saber that hung on his waist.

"Come on, really?"

[member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

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