Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gravestone (Campaign Planning)

Hello my beautiful Chaos! (obvious suck up is obvious) I'm here to lay on the line an idea crafted by myself but honestly mostly by [member="Draco Vereen"] your friendly neighborhood Factory Judge.

The Idea is a simple yet insanely ballistic Campaign with a nasty amount of firepower.

I'm talking of course, of the Gravestone.

This thing is big, slow and packing the Omnicannon, a weapon that matches or even surpasses the superlazer of the deathstar and the conqueror. This baby is going to be a blast to play with but first we gotta get it moving.

The story is as follows, Mythos is going to go find it and he is going to find it bashed and crashed in Dagobah. This is built up around scans and Atrisian databases that will lead him to the downed ship. Upon arriving with OS support Mythos will begin the re-purposing of the gravestone to fly the OS colors. During this stage of chapter 1 is when the resistance can gather Intel, infiltrate the operations and lay down their plans to take on the gravestone.

(I might even be partaking in the resistance on the GA side too!)

(could be another planet with Swamps, i'm open to suggestions, but i want swamps)

Of course it will be prepped for salvage and repair but not before you guys have anything say about it and give the Gravestone it's first taste of warfare in the centuries it has been dormant. So the first Campaign, or rather the first chapter of the campaign will be Mythos getting the ship and then the ship wrecking and dealing hurt showing off it's cannons and just getting the Hype train going. Of course i need suggestions from FO's on targets and victims.

For the second part i'd like [member="Coren Starchaser"] and/or [member="Corvus Raaf"] to coordinate some Galactic alliance or Republic fleeter resistance to face the OS Fleet with the new toy in what will definitely be the greatest single fleet battle in ever.
^ that's not a typo

I am thinking the fleet battle will take place somewhere between Sullust and Atrisia or Atrisia and Onderon but again, open to suggestions there too.

The third part is when it get's really good. Third part of the campaign will be the destruction of the gravestone, what leads up to this is a boarding attack from the republic and the alliance that storms the Gravestone instigating an even more epic battle, (That will be going on simultaneously with the fleet battle outside), that leads to the destruction of the gravestone and the retreat of the OS fleet.

[member="Darth Pyrrhus"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] @Reverence (You guys tell me what you think)

NOTE: All assaults will be done with the consent of ALL FACTION OWNERS, prior to starting.
[member="Lord Mythos"]

Just to say the GR is about to get a new FL - but given there are only two in the running, it'll be either [member="Mantic Dorn"] or [member="Lady Kay"].

In terms of the GR fleet, the best person to speak to is [member="Ali Hadrix"]


Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
I love this idea, [member="Lord Mythos"]! It will be great to see this story woven together with elements of tech development, character development and skirmishing. Sounds fun, and I'd like to reserve a place to participate if possible.

I've spoken to [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] and he's fine with this as well.

As for the targets for the first campaign, it's totally up to you. If you make it a public campaign and see who joins perhaps those same characters can continue the saga in the second and third parts of the campaign.

But either way, you have the Sith Blessing (or curse?).

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