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Approved NPC The Great Clan Paus

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  • Group Name: The Great Clan Paus

  • Classification: Crime organization

  • Headquarters: Point Nadir

  • Loyalties: Point Nadir, Nadir, Aver Brand, Loray Tares

  • Group Sigil: See above

  • Description: Paus follow a decentralized leadership model, functioning like a cell-based organization. The core group selectively communicate with each other and the leader. The soldiers never know about each other.


  • Hierarchy:
Head of Clan Paus
Finance | Operations | Transport | Communication​
Operational cells

  • Membership: Joining Paus is perhaps the most difficult compared to Qosta or Begeren. When an active cell encounters a potential individual, they either exploit them or recruit them – which course of action is chosen depends on a myriad factors. From the disposition of the cell leader to the type of task they are performing, anything can affect this decision. People on Point Nadir proper have a much higher chance of being recruited instead of simply milked for usefulness and then discarded, as Clan Paus enjoys a higher level of renown on the shadowport. Outside it, a recruiter can’t be as sure that they’re approaching a criminal, and so more precautions are taken.

  • Dogma/Doctrines: Because no members of Clan Paus know about each other outside their own operational cell – and with the exception of the high leadership, of course – the internal rules are far more lax than with most criminal organizations. Accidents have been known to happen in bar brawls and backstreet shootouts – namely, accidents in which two or more Paus members attacked or even killed the other. This is a risk that naturally runs with such a decentralized model, and such events are thus rarely punished. For the most part, each operational cell defines its local rules, adapting to their environment and team dynamics.

  • Curios: None. Members of Clan Paus are indistinguishable from normal people (or normal criminals, depending on the locale).

  • Goals: Clandestine crime – their numbers are fewer compared to the other Great Clans, but they rule through application of precision instead of brute force. They operate on all classes of society, from the Outer rim all the way to the Core.

Valere Paus (Head of Clan)

Nobody is rightly sure just how long ago Paus was exactly established. This confusion is owed to multiple factors – the organization is largely on the secretive side, operating out of the limelight as opposed to the rest of the Great Clans. The second issue is that Paus wasn’t established by the One. It was a naturally evolving, organic faction, going through names and structural changes much like a snake in molding.

At the end of the day, however, it doesn’t really matter whether Paus in its current form came to be a thousand or fifty years ago. Their influence is widespread and insidious, hidden from sight. Their members are quiet, their cells efficient and disparate from each other. The only person who ever knows what’s going on with the whole organization at any point is the Head of Clan, holding every single string like an expert puppeteer with a thousand marionettes.

If those marionettes were trained operatives armed to the teeth, of course.

After agreeing to follow the Equalizers to the galactic top (or bottom, depending on your viewpoint), the Clan has truly come into its own. With the spreading influence of Nadir and their long reach, so has Paus infiltrated ever further. This distance is much easily bridged and handled with their cell-based structure, as every operation is self-sufficient and local. They leech upon resident resources instead of relying on long supply routes.

As you glance from the same stale HoloNet memes that you browse when your boss isn’t around, you could be looking at a member of Clan Paus. Or perhaps the barista at that small caf shop down the street, where your colleagues go before work? Or the friendly zeltron secretary that spends more time kneeling in front of your jerk of a boss than behind her desk?

Or, perhaps… yourself? Your wife? Your brooding teenager of a child who never leaves his room?

Why indeed, it could be anyone.
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