Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Conclave

Tags: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters | Mother Midina | Evelyn Rekali | Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose | Open to all witches
Location: Oasis in the Great Desert Dathomir

The Mandalorians were in turmoil losing two leaders in short order, what it meant for the protective alliance with them remained to be seen. Djikra Elnev and the other two Great Mothers of The Great Desert Clan saw opportunity in the turmoil to strengthen the witches as a whole. Mother Elnev and the other two mothers set about creating a giant spell that would act like a messenger & beacon to every witch. Reaching out to Brooke Waters Brooke Waters clan and many others for the spell casting power required the weaving of their different color Magicks gave an almost rainbow like effect as it swirled around in the air above the painted runes that circled the oasis. Dozens of witches of a few clans all helped craft the massive spell in a spectacular show that had not been seen in ages.

Djikra chanted the Pacean words to make her part work. This spell will be the foundation of the future. The changing of the tide, steps closer to unification. It was true, its all her clan had been working towards. But many bridges needed rebuilt, some clans & individuals strayed far away... some strayed into other arts almost forgetting their heritage... The spell casting dragged on for quite a long while, to the point that all the participants grew tired from the effort. At that moment the three Great Desert Mothers drank the water of life and with a burst of magical power sprang forth the spell into the universe.

With a bright multicolored flash of light ending in a burst of green Ichor light the swirling colorful smoke swirling amongst those making the spell split into innumerable slivers of smoke. The multicolored smoke wisps sped off in all directions some arriving immediately at the very participants of the spell. For any witch the multicolored smoke arrived and became a shimmering cloud of changing color. Djikra's face appeared in the swirling smoke and spoke "Hello, I am Djikra Elnev. One of the Great Mothers of The Great Desert Clan, You are invited to the Great Conclave. A meeting for all Witches to discuss the future of the clans, build bonds, and exchange knowledge. Here are the coordinates." With that Djikra face faded into the smoke as the coordinates with a map of Dathomir formed instead. After a few moments it starts to slowly dissipate unless the recipient strengthens the spell or dismisses it.

With that Djikra Elnev sits down with the others to rest and wait. "What's the most pressing matter for the rest of you?" It was time to start forging the future of all Witches in earnest.

Mother Midina

TAG: Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev
Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

The Mother of the Blue Moon Coven sat inside her Barge, black robes surrounding Midnia in a canopy as she felt the magicks. Her arms lit up with roads and patterns of turquoise as she raised her arms upward and her orange flame hair levitated to the ceiling, her eyes aglow like topaz illuminated from underneath and shining out in great beams.

In this state of rapture she felt The Call, a spell rippling towards her, as she held it as serpent at bay and heard The Voice, and saw the world of Dathomir. It had been quite some time since she had been on Dath, and yet this Call was curious to The Night Mother. The Barge changed course and made its way to Witch World, where it descended in vermillion and pearl swirls that made the Great Globus.

Midina landed not fat from where The Conclave was taking place, she descending her ramp in her dark cloak made her way to The Meeting, following the trail of smoke, the ichor trails that brought her to the One who wove the magick incantation and was addressing the arrivals. The Night Mother was soft in her steps and took her place among this Sacred Gathering, listening to Mother Elnev who spoke of unity. Long had divisions riven the Witch Clans, making them susceptible to being purged one coven at a time by those who considered Sisters of the Night a perversion, burning them at the stake in name of The Force or Politics.

Midina was not one to speak first, she preferred to observe and consider. Slow to speak was her way, for in “many words are threads that build snares and in time you will be caught by them.” A saying that she often recited to her Night Daughter Sunyia .
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Dar’Manda they were calling the leader. Or former leader. That was not a great sign for the Protectors. Meaning it was also not the greatest for Dathomir. The way the Blue Coral Divers were working lately had them as explorers, not only of the seas, but of the Great Sea between the stars. Brooke was more than happy to keep bouncing between worlds and sowing the Blue Coral around the galaxy, but the Witch World had to be protected too.

“I’m Navigator Brooke Waters of the Blue Coral Divers. My Clan Mother had pressing items at the coast to attend and sent me.”
Brooke bowed, wearing the blue shimmersilk robes of her Clan. A fabric not of Dathomir but inspired by her clan. All a part of her station within the Clan. The young Witch was helping with the spell when she arrived, but met with the Clan Mothers now that they were gathered.

“Our clan is concerned with what will come to Dathomir, should the power of the Mandalorians shift, what will we need to be defending ourselves from?”
She had friends in the Jedi, but were they going to come help out here?

Mother Midina Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Mother Midina

Midina held her hand so that her cheek rested on it. She listened to Brooke Waters Brooke Waters who spoke of a Mandalorian threat. The Night Mother of Blue Moon Clan had not concerned herself with the conquests of the various empires. Empire, Galactic Alliance, or Mand’alor, it made no difference, all was the same, tribes vying for power.

She broke her silence,
My Coven moves as a comet across the stars and need not fear the invasions of the warmongers. Dathomir may be home, alas what matters is the Sisters.. to keep the Magicks and their wisdom safe. Defending Dath should be secondary to safegaurding the Sisters.”

Her philsophy was at odds with many Nightsisters who felt Dathomir was the center of the Ichor. Indeed it was sacred, however, Midina had seen the vulnerability of making the planet the focal point of protection. Better for it to fall and the Clans to survive then for them to be wiped out in a valiant defense of Dath as long ago Mother Talizin and the Nightsisters had been.
The Great Conclave

Tags: Brooke Waters Brooke Waters | Mother Midina | Evelyn Rekali | Tyonna Arkose Tyonna Arkose | Open to all witches
Location: Oasis in the Great Desert Dathomir

Djikra looks across Mother Midina as she approaches. It was good to see another clan of Night, one that seems to have taken too nomadism, judging by the ship.

“I’m Navigator Brooke Waters of the Blue Coral Divers. My Clan Mother had pressing items at the coast to attend and sent me.”
It was good to see the young light witch again, this time amongst other witches. "Welcome to my home territory, just say and one of the night brothers will bring what you need."
“Our clan is concerned with what will come to Dathomir, should the power of the Mandalorians shift, what will we need to be defending ourselves from?”
Djikra found this one easy "Thats why we are here, to get the clans as a whole to decide what to do."

My Coven moves as a comet across the stars and need not fear the invasions of the warmongers. Dathomir may be home, alas what matters is the Sisters.. to keep the Magicks and their wisdom safe. Defending Dath should be secondary to safegaurding the Sisters.”
She hears words that cut closer to The Great Desert Clans goals "The Sisterhood should be paramount. Yes we shouldn't throw our collective culture away protecting the planet. Especially since it is only one out of the ancient kingdom the sisterhood had in ancient days. Learning from the ancient force echos of the Zeffo, and of ancient Kwa have shown me that we are all far stronger together than apart." With that Djikra produces a holo puck that scrolls through a few planets of interest including a extra galactic one.

Mother Midina

Mother Midina smiled that Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev was of the same accord regarding protecting The Sisters. The Mother of Blue Moon Coven felt that for once she finally could partner with the Clans if plans were to be this sensible.

Strength in numbers.. something The Jedi and the Sith have accomplished. I have heard whispers the Sith are fragmenting, breaking into clans of their own. This may indeed be an auspicious moment to exploit that division while building our own unity.”

Midina had a great disdain for The Sith, the history of the Nightsisters was bathed in blood shed by the Sith or those devoted to the dark path. Dark Magick was not the same as their power, something Mother Talzin had taught long ago.

Mother Midina had tried to keep far from the front of this war between The Galactic Alliance and the Sith Empire. However, to ignore it altogether was unwise, the Nightsisters were a threat because of the ancient knowledge they possessed, which would draw the attention of mystics of the dark, and a glance from the paladins of the GA. At some point they would have to fight and that was why she had come to this gathering, to form alliances and see if there was a path forward that could ensure the Sisters would not merely survive but thrive.

Djikia then laid out scrolls, containing worlds, new potential Dathomirs. Midina was impressed, this Sister had come offering a future for the Clans.
She was a younger witch but it didnt mean she hadnt seen her share of the galaxy. Brooke was just as traveled as anyone who came to Dathomir willingly. Truth be, her own village, or gathering location, was Kattada, not Dathomir. But the Witches originated on the world, and that meant it was wise to protect it. Looking to Midina, Brooke nodded.

“Some of us do know the galaxy at large, and I feel there may even more more Witches than either of us suspect that have been traveling the stellar sea. We can capitalize on that to bring Witches to safety, should we need it. Expand the control Dathomir can have in the galaxy.

“And if not control, then influence. But it also begs the question. What do we hope to achieve. Is it peace for the Witches? Is it control of our local systems? Or to bring ourselves to the galactic stage?”

They could become vagrants, wanderers. A Storm unleashed on a galaxy.

Mother Midina Djikra Elnev Djikra Elnev

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