Deep within the Mountains of Ahn a network of crystal caves remain hidden, untouched since the blight of the Vong desecrated the planet and tried to tear these Force-radiant fragments from the very core of the land. Remnants of this time lay scattered all around, tiny flecks of crystal shimmer in the water, and great chunks of rock are obviously missing from the surroundings. Even for so natural a structure, something definitely looks ransacked about it.And yet, despite this, the song of the crystals can be heard throughout to any who seeks to listen for it. A very subtle murmuring hum which echoes through the cavernous chambers and calls to those more sensitive to the Force, the mere sight of them a wondrous majesty to behold. After all that had happened to this healing world, after all they had witnessed, still the crystals of Ahn remain hopeful... Still they long to be plucked from their lodgings to become attuned with a wayward Force User.
Or so it would seem from the way that they'd broadcast themselves.
It is here that the Je'daii have ventured, to seek out a piece of the land through which to channel the Force.