Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Contest The Great Hypergate Contest


Greetings and Salutations!

As you can all tell from the title SWRP Staff is sending a new contest out into the wild for everyone to enjoy. You've all heard of the Great Hyperspace War and the Second Great Hyperspace War (cheers all around, am I right?) so we wanted to take those good vibes and run with it just a little further. This brings us to the GREAT HYPERGATE CONTEST and hopefully a lot of fun for everyone.

Without Further Ado, The Shameless Pitch™:

The Star Wars universe is massive, with countless worlds, untold stories, settings, technology, and events just waiting to be crafted. This contest invites you to explore how the activation of Hypergates has impacted locations, planets, and the systems they now connect. Most of us know Hoth from the games and movies, but, what does it look like in 900ABY? How have these ancient structures influenced the worlds and areas of space they touch? Have they created economic giants? Bastions of wealth or prosperity? Has new tech passed through? Are you the first one, the first company, or the first faction to create a ship designed to traverse the gates? Are there new species? New spatial phenomena?
What do you think happened? Moreover...What secrets and dangers do you think lie beyond the Gates?

Factory and Codex Submissions that delve into the above premise, in any way, are the subject of this contest. Participants are encouraged to lean on their creativity and go ham. The typical rulesets of the Factory and Codex may be superseded to allow you the freedom to dream big. You may choose from any of the current Hypergates currently on the SWRP Map for your submissions.


  • As noted above...Submissions for this contest do not need to follow current Factory or Codex limitations. However, you still need to observe certain things [No SSD's, Superweapons, Crossovers (Pokemon, etc)] and other common sense items. If you're not sure, ask.
  • Post your submission to this thread so we don't miss all your hard work!
  • All submissions should have [Hypergate Contest | Chosen Hypergate] in their title. ex. [Hypergate Contest | Chandaar]
  • All submissions must be sent in by 7/31/2024 11:59P EST
  • Jokes and memes can and should apply but keep it classy don't be (too) trashy.
  • You can create any Factory or Codex Submission that you feel might represent the spirit of the contest.
  • Submissions will be judged on creativity, originality, and TBH - The rule of cool.



We will choose a set of Winners from both Factory and Codex:

  • Participation: Bling for your Signature
  • Runner Up: Bling for your Signature and 50K Underworld Credits to do with as you will...(There is a fancy new mandate out there, wink wink)
  • Winner: Bling for your Signature, 100K Underworld Credits, and a one-time, non-transferable, opportunity to participate in a HEX EXCHANGE. Each winner will have the option to remove three hexes (total) from any influence cloud. They can then take those three hexes and have them added to another faction of their choosing regardless of affiliation. [Only the influence cloud is changed, not planet swapping, and it excludes capital hexes.]

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the thread below!
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Too many characters, I have
opportunity to participate in a HEX EXCHANGE. Each winner will have the option to rearrange three hexes (total) on the map. They can move them to or from any faction of their choosing regardless of affiliation.
What exactly does this mean? Does it mean move the planets within the hex? Who owns the hex? I am confusion.
What exactly does this mean? Does it mean move the planets within the hex? Who owns the hex? I am confusion.

The planets and everything remain where they are...Only, control of that territory. (Ex. If you won you could choose to remove a hex (excluding capitals) from MP, SO, and EoTL (that's three) and add them to DE. We'd discuss the logistics with the winners when the time comes.)

Edit: Small tweak, hope that helps!
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What exactly does this mean? Does it mean move the planets within the hex? Who owns the hex? I am confusion.

The planets and everything remain where they are...Only, control of that territory. (Ex. If you won you could choose to remove a hex (excluding capitals) from MP, SO, and EoTL (that's three) and add them to DE. We'd discuss the logistics with the winners when the time comes.)

Edit: Small tweak, hope that helps!

Basically this… and it’s gonna be great!

Cant wait to see what y’all come up with!!!
OOC Writer Account
My question is regarding the hex changes themselves. If the EotL were to pick three hexes belonging to the GA, for example, would they become a vassal state akin to the hexes that the DE currently possess in the Core?

It also brings up another question. If these hexes were acquired in the aforementioned way would the major faction in possession of them be able to launch invasions, junctions, populates and dominions from them?

Also, would the previous hex owners be able to launch an invasion thread? Or would there be a grace period for the new owners?

Would a new owner of one of these taken hexes be able to use a diplomacy thread to exchange them to the old owners, or another faction?
Out of curiosity, what would the IC justification of hexes lost/gained be? Or is there none?

Good question! Vazela Vazela is on the money. In truth the IC justification can be whatever you (and other writers) intend it to be.

What IC justification do we use for mandates that grant additional hexes with no story behind it? Or threads that obtain territory that have nothing to do with the claimed hex? It's a blend of OOC, IC, preference, and creativity.

It could be as simple as the presence of the Gates causing borders to organically shift or factions could choose to make a story of it. Alternatively, they can also choose "none" if that suits them best.

My question is regarding the hex changes themselves. If the EotL were to pick three hexes belonging to the GA, for example, would they become a vassal state akin to the hexes that the DE currently possess in the Core?

It also brings up another question. If these hexes were acquired in the aforementioned way would the major faction in possession of them be able to launch invasions, junctions, populates and dominions from them?

Also, would the previous hex owners be able to launch an invasion thread? Or would there be a grace period for the new owners?

Would a new owner of one of these taken hexes be able to use a diplomacy thread to exchange them to the old owners, or another faction?

Again, Good questions! But the overall effect is nothing so dramatic. All that would happen is that the designated faction or factions would have their cloud added to (or the hexes removed from) by Staff. No vassal states, etc.

Your cloud would function exactly the same.

As I mentioned above when the time comes we'll work out the logistics with the winners.

All of the submissions were excellent, but not everyone could win!

With that being said, we did have only one factory submission to this contest, which means Credius Nargath Credius Nargath has 50,000 UC's coming your way and this awesome bling for your signature!

Now the question of who is the winner?

Drumroll please!

Zef Halo Zef Halo


Zef has 100,000 UC's coming his way, and as stated with the contest can subtract up to 3 hexes of any major to another major faction of his choosing and add them to any major faction of his choosing. Please utilize the Map Updates Thread to communicate your selection and reference this post if you choose to take advantage of this bonus!

Thank you to all who participated. We have bling for you too!

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So out of curiosity...but when can we expect the UC?

I know this might be a bit annoying, but considering the use of UC, I might actually have some use for it pretty I am just curious when we can expect it to be forwarded...

again, apologies for the inconvenience

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