Disney's Princess
Out near Ession in the Outer Rim, Neutral Space
They called it, The Battlestar Casino.
It was built by crazed Sith-Imperial scientists years ago as a test bed for new alien technologies and pacification techniques. Originally designed to be used against the Duros Banking Elite, it would become a one-of-a-kind achievement in Casino Fortress technology. A city sized gambling installation. Built like a Star Destroyer. Armed like a Star Destroyer. Yet, decorated like a Nabooian Palace and carpeted like 35th century tropical retreat.
How it got from the cosmopolitan planet of Duros to the empty desert planet of Nomad 541 is, honestly, anybodies guess? Still. The fact remains. It is a wildly impressive piece of Imperial tech. Even out here in the middle of no-where.
Even when it's on fire.
Burning from the inside out.
Fast forward to now. Right now. This week had been hell for Colonel Kano and her disgraced garrison of Imperial twerps. Her girlfriend ... Well. Ex-girlfriend. Let's be precise. ... Had just invaded her giant floating casino fortress and was easily tearing up the place. And why!? You might ask? Well ... Let me tell you.
Because love hurts. Okay.
Bleh. Disgusting, was what it was. Kano was thinking of calling the week thus far: The Great Imperial Breakup from Hell.
Indeed. Thus far the fighting had been going on for days.
Colonel Kano had dispatched army after army of Imperial battledroids and giant walker mechs to every portion of the giant floating casino station. And in every corner of the casino they now battled Red Lexi's limitless army of moronic desert bandit scum. Bandits, who, disdainfully, were armed to the teeth with blasters, rippers, plasma clubs, rocket launchers, grenade baskets, and rotary scorch cannons. (Whatever that frak a rotary scorch cannon was!? Pfft.) -shrugs- Anyway. They even had these little remote-controlled cars with bombs strapped to them they called "Boomers," they used for blowing up the mech's legs and tipping them over. Ugh. ...The creeps. Kano hated them. All of them.
But she hated Red Lexi more.
Chapter One
Get Inside the Station
You arrive to a backwater system once owned by many a Sith Faction. It's unremarkable in every way. A binary star. A few planetoids. Some junk metal asteroids. Not much else. The planet Nomad 541 sits in the middle of the planetoid formation. Barely habitable. Mostly barren rock. A desert no-where with nothing to offer but solitude from the galaxy and the eye-roll of every Sith Magistrate who ever owned it from afar.
This place was charted, surveyed, and ignored; years ago. But mostly just ignored.
Still. The intel was definitely good. This is the place. Somewhere down there is a casino fortress just bursting with loot, secrets, and easy money. And being the only city-sized Imperial installation on the planet? Yeah. It won't be hard to find either.
Down on the planet below. The Battlestar Casino is floating effortlessly in the hot afternoon sky. It's white hull mimics the patterns of Imperial Star Destroyers. It's angled hulls brimming with quad-cannons, turbolaser towers, missile platforms, radar beacons, and (surprisingly!,) pink neon signs advertising their slot machines and card tables. All in glowing Aubresh and Duro'ese script. Huh? Kind of a strange culture-clash there, to be sure.
Likewise. Small plums of black smoke twirl away from the station and linger in the air. Tiny fires burn along the gleaming surface of the station. Signs of battle and terrible explosions litter it's landscape. Small holes, just big enough to fit a whole Starfighter through, pot-mark the station's exterior and many of the exterior traffic shielding flickers on-and-off with a quiet blue hum. This place has been hit hard. Burned and shot and punch through. All from the inside out and back down again.
Kano and Lexi's armies have been ruthless. Yet, much of the grandeur and splendor of this palatial location remains. A vacation amongst the stars.
Most of the landing bays are open and unaccompanied. Exterior traffic shields are spotty at best. Mmm. Yeah. Visitors won't have any trouble landing. Easy stuff. ... Well? Aside from all the guns and missiles on the exterior, that is. You'll probably be shot at by the accompanying salvo of a dozen angry Star Destoryers and a hundred or so turbolasers. But hey? When has that ever stopped you before? Your ship's stealth? Right?
The hanger bays resemble those of standard Imperial construction. High ceilings, bright lights, muted colors, glossy floors; the usual. Just the type of goose-stepping welcome you'd expect from a bunch of sith space nazis.
Whether you land inside or out on the burning, pot-marked exterior? You'll quickly be attacked by a large gang of murderous bandit scum wielding rocket launchers and auto-blasters. Screaming idotic things like, "Die Furries!" and "Witness Me!" All while firing their guns blindly in your direction with a reckless abandon and a berserker's suicidal confidence that would make even a Mandalorian blush.
Yes. Meet, The Red Death Gang.
Red Lexi's posse of drugged-up desert morons. The enforcer's of her dark heart and the backbone of her vengeful chaotic army.
So? ... Kill them for me, yeah?
. . .