Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Rebuilding (Open)

-Excerpt from Chief of State Aryn Terrils Speech-



  1. Defense Rating: A
  2. Economic Rating: A
  3. Political Rating: N/A

OOC: A meet and greet as well as recruitment thread.
1st Battle Group​
[member="Sentus Olan"]-[member="Damon Grisom"]

VCS Dawn: Jast 1st Rate
VCS Faith: Jast 2nd Rate
VCS Charity: Jast 2cnd Rate
VCS Justice: Jast Pocket Carrier
VCS Punisher: Jast Starfighter Killer Frigate
VCS Shield: Jast Blackout
VCS Razor: Longhammer Disabler Cruiser
VCS Mechanus: Reclaimer 1

They stood side by side upon the bridge of the VCS Dawn. Across the stars pieces moved in great wars, but not Voss. Today Voss reveled in the prosperity of the Confederacy and their quick thinking and tactics that had rebuilt her after her abandonment. With the threat of the force user gone and the unification of the nearby systems they were fast rising.

Chief of State Aryn Terrill gave a rousing speech about their future from Justice Base.

Admiral Tawney and Colap stood on the bridge, surveying the twin Jast Stations being installed above orbit. They now had the power to produce, salvage and Trade in droves. They were harvesting plasma from the wells of the world, boosting their energy output by a thousand fold.

The next few months were certain to determine their fate. Alliances, and Trade deals were being made, or had already been made.

Free trade boomed, with no item off limits.

What they lacked was a second Battlegroup, and a Commander to go with it. Someone resourceful to push out to the next world and bring it into their fold. To build it mighty like Voss. They lacked a home for the displaced aliens native to Voss and the refugees that swarmed in fro war torn systems across the galaxy.

They had put out a call.

But today was a parade, and Voss was having a giant celebration. Beer, music, wine, and street dancing were on the menu.

"Shall we go to the party?" Colap asked Tawney, anticipating her response.

"No....not yet. Let's finish watching the stations get installed and discuss some next moves."

Her veracity for duty comforted the old warrior.

"Fair enough. If no diplomats nor trade fleets come, we can visit the trade station and have a drink then?"

An Corellian YT-1300f light freighter came out of hyperspace nearby. It wasn't a diplomats nor trade fleets ship, worse then that a well known smuggler and pirate. The ship landed in the shuttle bay and sat that for a moment before the ramp came down. An sliver and black C1-10P came down the ramp as if it was scouting to make sure it was safe for it's owner to come down. It beeped and spin around and a hooded figure came down the ramp, gloved hands looking at a data pad.
She went to the side of the ship and hit something on the wrist. The ship groaned and nothing happened. The figure cursed and hit side of the ship, a ramp with several large container came down. Areiana didn't ask what was in the boxes, that was against the rules she had sat years ago after her fathers death. As long it didn't kill her before delivery was completely she could care less what was in the boxes and that was why she was so well known smuggler. It was never a life she wanted, once upon a time she was going to be a Jedi like both her parents but it was never meant to be. Her mother died during child birth and her father..well her father was killed right in-front of her by some known soldier. After that day she decide to hide her force abilities and carry on her fathers life as a smuggler. She made pretty good money doing it and it kept her out of the spot light for the most part which was good. Since whoever killed her father seemed to be after her now. Lucky for her one of the first thing her father taught her before he died was how to hide herself from the force. It came in handy more times then she can count.
She pulled her hood back letting her long red braid fall down her back. She was good looking tall and muscled young women with waist long long red hair and different colored eyes, Her right eye was jade green and her left was Blue. She had a blaster strapped to her waist and a rifle on her back. She also carried her fathers lightsaber hidden under her robes where she could get to it easily if she had no other choose but so far she hadn't had to use expect for training.
She went around the boxes checking the numbers on each one to make sure the matched the data pa, when she was sure everything matched she whistled and several men came over to get the boxes so she could get paid and get the heck out of here. She didn't like staying on one place for very long. She looked over at the droid "Snips! stop poking around and get over here your suppose to be watching my back." The droid beeped and whistled coming out from behinds some boxes on the shuttle floor. She rolled her eyes at the droid.
"Keep talking back to me Snips, I'll take you back to the junkyard where I found you and this time I WILL leave you."
The droid beeped again and went over to her, she shook her head. "Don't worry we'll be out of here soon enough.....I have a bad feeling about this place..."
[member="Areiana Slayer"]

The Trade Station

There was a new arrival. Deck crews made no attempt to search her vessel, since all cargo in Confederacy space was legal due to the articles of Confederation. they did however ask for a manifest of goods and a standard docking fee. The Customs Officer greeted her with a smile as well.

"Welcome to the Voss Confederacy. Looking for anything in particular? We have much to see aboard this station. In addition there is a festival today planet side as well."
[member="Colap Ticon"]

She nodded handing the data pad with the manifest on it. She smiled at the customs officers.

"Nothing in paticular no, I just making a delivery." she brushed some red hair behind her ear. A festival sounded like fun. It had been a LONG time since she had any kind of fun. The temptation was just to much , She had been on the run for so long she needed a little fun.
"But the festival does sound intresting, What kind of festival is it?"

Snips beeped at her and she looked at the droid and waved at him that everything was find. The little droid beeped at her again and she looekd at the droid angrly. "Guard the ship will you and stop complaining will you." The droid beeped angrly at her and went up the ramp. She shook her head waticing it go up the ramp before she turned back to the Customs officer.
"Its been a very long trip I could use a drink before I go."
she smiled politely at the officer but she was on her guard. Its wasn't like this was the sceatchest place she'd been far from it, but she had learned to ALWAYS be on her guard no matter where she was at or how nice it seemed. There was after all a bounty on her head.

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