Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Grey Lady and The Galactic Tramp

Zinder Tokarache


Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal
Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

He still had time left on shore leave and Zin was going to burn as much of it as he could get away with.

He'd already survived an explosion, and the pay was still rolling in from the bets he'd made about the number of devices he could find and remove while deployed. Even if he had to lean a bit on the ones that had made those bets to cash them out.

But an abundance of credits found a hole burning in his pocket rather quickly.

And the Commissary was not cutting it anymore with their little rigged slot game they had in the corner that was definitely not allowed but never talked about.

Dusting off the clothes in the back of his closet, something he'd been pressured into buying more than actually wanting it. Thumbs rubbing against the material as the resting frown shifted into a softer sorry expression. Something the guys had made him get for a night on the town.

They'd all been dressed to the nines and blasting music in their rented air speeder. Celebrating a successful return before their next orders rolled in.

Losing track of time as he stared at the clothes that he wanted to burn now. Felt the need to put them up in a box on the highest shelf and forget they existed.

To push back memories he'd kept at bay with the adrenaline rush of explosive disposal. But now had to figure out how to outrun when his life wasn't hanging on by the choice of which line was the power input and which one connected to a remote trigger.

A deep sigh breaking him loose as the silkweave slipped over his skin.

It was soft, restricted his movements like he wasn't used to. And the shirt definitely used to fit better as he undid the collar and pulled it back from his throat. Stepping towards the mirror before stopping and running his hand through his hair to push it back.

He'd see his reflection enough on the streets. Not needing to regret putting the clothes on before he got clear of the base and could change.

An air taxi arrived, ferrying him closer to the bustling epicenter of activity the planet sized city boasted for any sort of vice. A slow path cut to the entry to a gaudy looking high rise as the taxi cleared the ground before buzzing skyward for more passengers.

Eyes lingering on the taxi before someone shuffled by him and brought him back.

A quick smoothing over of the creases in his sleeves before heading to the front desk to get a pre-pay credit chit to keep himself from overspending.

Heading inside and twirling the little device between his fingers, a soft whistle of astonishment to the subdued atmosphere the place had for being as expensive at it looked.

"Drink or games." A question posed to no one as he walked the balcony overlooking the play area, the floor he was on hosting a splendid array of smaller table and booths with a dedicated bar and kitchen judging by the two sets of double doors.

His eyes slowly combing over the interior as he identified entry and exit points, and potential dangers. The credit chit still twirling in an endless loop between his fingers as he let his work mind take hold for a bit.

"Drink. Or-" Words falling in a whisper as he continued to let training take over. "Games."

Coruscant is nearly opposite of New Cov. Here is a bustling city-world where billions of people call it home. The concrete jungle houses tiny pockets of nature, although those are encased behind protective barriers. New Cov on the other hand has a more sparse population with domed cities dotting the landscape of immense and deadly jungles.

Yet despite their differences I fine both to be as humid as the other. I do not expect that it ever snows here, yet I doubt that I will be around here long enough to find out. My visits to this corner of the Galaxy are always short. It is always more profitable to strike business deals in person rather than through holo-communications. In person meetings tend to loosen another's purse strings, although I suspect that it is due to my looks. My mother has trained me well in knowing how to dress to impress. There is a certain level of confidence that is attributed to it.

And now with my work being finished, I am afforded a little bit of personal time. And that is what brings me to the casino near my hotel. I have my own secret project in the works, and although I am certain that I can easily get funding for it through a couple of close acquaintances of mine; I think that I will prefer to look after the funding all on my own. And what better way to increase that funding then to gamble a little?

I walk into the casino wearing a glittery dress that has a history of catching people's attention as the lights reflect off of it. I am not certain of the color of the fabric, but my mother insists that the gold suits me well. I just wish that I could see it. But such a thing is a childish dream and there are far more important things to both want and need.

I give a small smile as I take in the atmosphere, as gaudy as some might believe it to be. The music is smooth and air is filled with perfumes and spirits. My two guards blend themselves in, allowing me a small respite from their escort.

It is to one of the Hintaro tables that I move to. This one is far less crowded than the others. And it appears as though a game is nearly finished. Wonderful! I will not have long to wait, it seems. I order a glass of brandy and take up a position at the table watching the game unfold as what looks like a very desperate man laying everything on the line. I hope that it goes well for him. He looks as though he could use a new outfit or two. Perhaps even a shower.

Tag: Zinder Tokarache

Zinder Tokarache


Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal
Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

His eyes never stopped searching, and the credit stick never stopped twirling.

His own experience with threat mitigation revealing two people doing their best to be civilian without actually playing the games. If it hadn't been for years of training, he'd of missed the subtle cues. He'd only spotted the one in truth by accident.

Doing much the same as he.

Spotting exits, scanning faces, checking for certain things. His specialty was explosives, but he was still a marine. And that came with a keener eye for recognizing professionals.

The second guard had been a bit harder to spot, nearly out of his view. If it hadn't been for what he'd guessed was a check in on their communicators, he'd of missed the other entirely.

Unsure if they were with the casino, or someone's personal guards, his eyes moved to the room at large.

Hyper-focused on signs of more as he leaned against a pillar to the side, giving him ample room to view every table before him.

Checking back with the two he knew to be there, and surprised to find their glances directed to one table in particular. His idle twirling coming to a slow stop as he set eyes on one table in particular.

No wonder they were here.

A Star in the middle of a den of thieves and crooks. The dazzling dress she wore made her stand out even amongst the arm candy that dotted those with well lined pockets. A small click of his tongue as he checked where the two guards were before setting off in a lazy loop to pass behind one and keep the other out of sight.

His steps light enough to seem amiable, but determined in their destination as he passed by the first few tables and paused long enough to read them.

Most being halfway through, or experiencing an upset as the credits shifted around the table. Playing at just noticing the woman, he leaned enough to see the table around her.

Making himself plainly visible on approach as he let his gaze drift to her face.

Like catching the first rays of morning, the dress only adding to the visage that had graced them. His smile wide as he nodded to the table without letting his eyes wander.

"They say luck always favors the house." Finally letting his eyes move from her face to the table. At least long enough to see the next roll before returning to meet her gaze. "But I'd bet you have better luck than the house miss starlight."

One of the rollers at the table paused, giving Zin a furrowed brow at the attempted sweet talk.

My drink arrives and I take it gladly. And just like every high roller and special guest, the cost of my drinks are on the house.

I take a respectful sip and spot a gentleman approaching. One can assume that he is there to possibly join in on what is not one of the busiest tables. However his eyes tell a different story for they are on me. Does he recognize me? For I surely do not recognize him. One can never know what news passes through this sector of the Galaxy, however I am certain that news from New Cov does not reach this far.

He has an infectious smile which I cannot help but reciprocate. I listen to his observation and dip my head at the little nickname he had chosen for me. There is little doubt in my mind that such a name is derived from my glittery dress. And luckily for him I do not take offence to the attempt at flattery.

This one is quite bold, indeed.

"That is entirely possible, so long as my strategy works in my favor." And just so long as there are no Force Wizards playing to alter the game. Their powers in moving objects with their minds has been known to enable their chances of winning during these games. My ring helps me to detect when any of them are near me. And fortunately the slightly dimmer lights of the casino allow the glow of the ring to be more easily detectable for me.

Right now there is no glow.

I take another sip of my brandy before tilting my head ever so slightly to the right as I politley inquire, "And what method do you prefer to use, Mister Bold? Luck or strategy?" I can safely hazard a guess as to what his answer will be.

Tag: Zinder Tokarache

Zinder Tokarache


Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal
Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The smile he wore was outdone by the one she graced him with.

A helpless bit of staring as she dipped her head, perhaps to hide it. A shame. But the nickname seemed to stick as she returned his observation.

"Mm. Well. I'll be happy to see it work."

An all too pleased addition to his smile as his eyes never strayed far from her. Long enough to catch the rolls made, but never enough to miss her expressions.

She fixated on her ring briefly, a slight twitch of his chin to glance between it and her before she spoke again. Casting his gaze to her with a sidelong grin.

"Luck, with a healthy dose of luck on top of that. And a sprinkling of strategy beneath it." His lips curling into a grin rather than an honest smile.

"And you, Miss Starlight?" a polite return of the question to her, leaning his weight on the leg closer to her, crossing the other behind it.

He stares at me so, and with such an infectious smile. It is not difficult for me to surmise that he carries an infatuation with me. I can see it in his eyes and with the way that he smiles. I can see it in how he pays attention to every subtle move that I make.

Luckily for him he is very attractive in his own right. Perhaps his gentlemanly manners have added to the somewhat rugged features. Yes, I am quite sure of it.

I have another sip of my brandy while I take a moment to watch the players at the table. I can feel my cheeks starting to flush and I can only hope that it is not yet visable.

His response to both my comment and my questions are not unexpected. The man appears to me as though he relies heavily on luck. And I am quite certain that that luck tends to fall on his side.

I lean towards him slightly as I respond to his own inquiry in a quiet tone, so as to not disturb the players in front of us. "I rely on strategy, my dear Mister Bold, with a dash of luck. And once this game is over I may join in. Would you care to partake?" I wanted to add the words 'with me'; however we would not be partners in this game of Hintaro, but opponents. It would be interesting to see who came out on top with the higher credit score.

Tag: Zinder Tokarache

Zinder Tokarache


Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal
Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

While he did rely on luck a great deal, he'd learned from the far more astute mentors in his life the intricacies of the dance of being social.

The Lady giving herself a reprieve by taking a drink the sign he needed to step his attention back. If only briefly. The slight tint to her cheeks however gave him the other signal he needed to keep aware of her.

Attention given to the table before she leaned closer.

His gaze drifting back to her as he examined her eyes before letting it drift to her mouth as she spoke. Returning to meet her gaze just before she finished her question as he let his eyes narrow slightly at the table.

"Certainly matches my guess. But I would certainly enjoy seeing if luck favors me more than strategy. Though-" A pause as he looked back to the table. "I'd rather lose credits than a chance to see you play."

I give him a nod in agreement with a brightening smile that is more genuine than practiced. For here I am on a bit of free time as opposed to trying to work out a business deal with a company or some other government. In fact I can pretty much lay all thoughts about work aside and focus on myself for once. Although I must take care to not gamble away all of my credits.

"Your chance will come soon enough, I wager."

My eyes linger on his for a moment or two before I turn my attention away from Mister Bold and direct it to the game at the table. A final roll of the Hintaro cube resulted in hoops and hollars from one side of the table, followed by groans of disappointment on the other. I am not certain but I thought that I could see a pistol about to be drawn as one player's hand went below the table. Yet I am relieved to see it to be only a credit purse brought up. It appears to be empty and the player stands up in a huff and promptly leaves the table. I am thankful that he is not a sore loser.

The dealer looked at us both. "Are you players or spectators? Have a seat to play. Fifty credits minimum bet to start. House controls the dice."

I pull out a chair and take my seat. My back is straight and poised for a lady never slouches. I cross my feet at the ankles and tuck them underneath the chair. And after setting down my glass, I bring out a credit chip and place it in the pot.

The winner from the previous game picks out a credit chip and adds it to the pot. I can only wonder what the dealer has in mind for him for this game. To win or to lose?

"Well Mister Bold," I chime in, "are you in or are you out?"

Tag: Zinder Tokarache

Zinder Tokarache


Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal
Tags: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

"Ah. Patience. One of my lesser virtues I'm afraid." A playful grin to her comment. The table erupting with joy to one side while the other bemoaned their loss. A hand dipping below the table. His eyes narrowing slightly as the credit chit in his hand slid into a pocket and his whole body tensed.

Until the satchel emerged in place of his worry.

The table remade as the Lady takes her place, the previous winner remaining as the dealer prompts them. Zinder taking a seat opposite her as he slides his own credit chit into the pot and sit back, holding up a hand for a passing waiter.

His attention drifting back when Starlight questions him.

"Be a shame to back out now, Ms. Starlight." His grin never fading as he placed his order for Corellian Whiskey neat.

I wonder just what virtues that he holds and I very nearly put my thoughts to voice. However I refrained and merely give him an all knowing smile. Afterall, I am certain that I can hazard a guess or two.

To see Mister Bold join the game gives me a sense of delight. The man holds a lot of mystery to him, highlighted with a hint of cockiness. Yet I am quite sure that some of his story will unfold throughout the game. Or perhaps even afterwards. Regardless, I find that it will be quite entertaining to compete against him in this game of chance.

The dealer rolls for me first after collecting the credits from the pot, and I watch as the dice bounce and spin until rolling on both Tukar and Kulro. I give the dealer a small nod and then give Mister Bold a pleased smile. Now to see just what the dealer holds for him.

Tag: Zinder Tokarache

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