Location: Coruscant, Ritzy Casino
Objective: Lose a few Credits - Have a Good Time
Wearing: Semi-formal

He still had time left on shore leave and Zin was going to burn as much of it as he could get away with.
He'd already survived an explosion, and the pay was still rolling in from the bets he'd made about the number of devices he could find and remove while deployed. Even if he had to lean a bit on the ones that had made those bets to cash them out.
But an abundance of credits found a hole burning in his pocket rather quickly.
And the Commissary was not cutting it anymore with their little rigged slot game they had in the corner that was definitely not allowed but never talked about.
Dusting off the clothes in the back of his closet, something he'd been pressured into buying more than actually wanting it. Thumbs rubbing against the material as the resting frown shifted into a softer sorry expression. Something the guys had made him get for a night on the town.
They'd all been dressed to the nines and blasting music in their rented air speeder. Celebrating a successful return before their next orders rolled in.
Losing track of time as he stared at the clothes that he wanted to burn now. Felt the need to put them up in a box on the highest shelf and forget they existed.
To push back memories he'd kept at bay with the adrenaline rush of explosive disposal. But now had to figure out how to outrun when his life wasn't hanging on by the choice of which line was the power input and which one connected to a remote trigger.
A deep sigh breaking him loose as the silkweave slipped over his skin.
It was soft, restricted his movements like he wasn't used to. And the shirt definitely used to fit better as he undid the collar and pulled it back from his throat. Stepping towards the mirror before stopping and running his hand through his hair to push it back.
He'd see his reflection enough on the streets. Not needing to regret putting the clothes on before he got clear of the base and could change.
An air taxi arrived, ferrying him closer to the bustling epicenter of activity the planet sized city boasted for any sort of vice. A slow path cut to the entry to a gaudy looking high rise as the taxi cleared the ground before buzzing skyward for more passengers.
Eyes lingering on the taxi before someone shuffled by him and brought him back.
A quick smoothing over of the creases in his sleeves before heading to the front desk to get a pre-pay credit chit to keep himself from overspending.
Heading inside and twirling the little device between his fingers, a soft whistle of astonishment to the subdued atmosphere the place had for being as expensive at it looked.
"Drink or games." A question posed to no one as he walked the balcony overlooking the play area, the floor he was on hosting a splendid array of smaller table and booths with a dedicated bar and kitchen judging by the two sets of double doors.
His eyes slowly combing over the interior as he identified entry and exit points, and potential dangers. The credit chit still twirling in an endless loop between his fingers as he let his work mind take hold for a bit.
"Drink. Or-" Words falling in a whisper as he continued to let training take over. "Games."