Jaster Awaud
Elder of Clan Awaud

The Grey Search
Location: Ando Prime
Time: 1432
Tydus was sent to on another mission by the force, it did not speak to him but it showed him the planes of the snowy planet. Using the force and his vision to find this planet, Ando Prime. He landed in the main city of the planet of Ando Prime, a planet that was far away from the destruction of the Core Worlds. The surge of force energy he felt on the planet was powerful, it was almost disorienting, he never felt this before. He had heard rumors that a Light Side Force Nexus was located on this planet, and that was where he was to head.
It had been two days but he was sent here to locate another force ability training Database. The force wanted him to learn more about both sided of the force. His vision showed him Monks working in a temple above on a mountain top. It was strange his vision was so clear and the force was guiding him to this location. He still didn't know what was to happen to him, or what the force had planned, but he would follow it, he would seek truth and knowledge and put his trust in the Force, like his master had told him.
He reached the top of a mountain range that the locals called, Andobi Mountain. He took his hood off and revealed his face, his silver eyes matched the snow, his brown skin was the only border that shows the difference from his eyes and the snow. The stubble on his chin and jaw were also defined as his neck and body were covered by a white and grey robe and scarf. He looked up to see a large temple covered in snow, a pyramid type building that on Conglomerate Prime, was this as well built by the Rwa. Tydus started his track to the entrance of the Temple, the force was getting strong in this area.