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The Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate

A coalition of alien species all hellbent on taking control and power in whatever manner they see fit. A miasma of cultures, exotic aliens and extra-galactic terrors awaits.

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  • Intent: To elaborate on a core lore element of the Bryn’adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
  • Image Credit: Midjourney | Headers by Teresa Zambrano
  • Canon: Hypergate
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: [Embedded]

  • Structure Name: The Gyre
  • Classification: HyperGate Metropolis Super-Construct
  • Location: Extra-Galactic Space | Dark Space
  • Affiliation: The Novatar | The Bryn’adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
  • Accessibility: Wherever the Gyre travels, the strength of the Protectorate follows. Its outer tectonic plates of Novatrite act as a fortress world that the Bryn’adul-Xaelesh Protectorate use as a base and home to primarily the Novatar and other species within the Protectorate. Its typical residence is in the heart of Extra-Galactic Space, far beyond the maps and knowledge of any civilization in the known Galaxy. However, if the Gyre were to appear above a planet, its colossal frame is impossible to miss.
  • Description: A cosmic impossibility of alien construction. 20,000km in diameter, 420km in width, and 750km in depth. The Gyre is a construct massive in scale, its Novatrite exterior as black as the abyss, only illuminated by the crimson lights across its body and the living red ichor of its inner layers. Its outer plates are dotted by cities and spires, grand structures in their own right. The greatest minds of the Draelvasier and Novatar have rebuilt this holy relic of Novatar past to resemble both great civilisations. The majestic nature of the Novatar and their powers combined with the industrial might of the Drael war machine.
  • Dimensions:
    Length: 62,800km
    Width: 10,000km
    Height: 20,000km
The Ichor Heart: Home of the Nova Core, the suspended liquid energy emulsified from the intense heat and condensed matter of dying stars as black holes are born. It is an extremely rare power source used by the Novatars to intensify their power of magnetic telekinetics to such extremes that the Novatar can manipulate the density of matter, to both generate and sense black holes across Galaxies. The Ichor heart also houses massive gravitational stabilizers and black hole sensory equipment created by the Draelvasier to

The Wards: Wards are awarded to member races of the low council. Embassies, like the seats given to Low Council species, are scaled in size by the population of the member species. Different species occupy different sections of the wards depending upon their needs. The Draelvasier, Myka and Vaydralen have the largest embassies, whereas groups like the Thrum'dral, Neti and Novatar occupy smaller embassies due to their lower population.

Each embassy resembles the species it houses, the Neti embassy is comparable to a hedge maze and a garden all in one with a grovemind at its centre: the Myka embassy, a microcosm of the Ykaradan colony on their homeworld.

The Mausoleum: Home of The Synod, the Mausoleum sits at the height of the Gyre, built into a spire that runs half of the Gyres' diagonal length. Ancient stone tunnels that resemble the Draelvaiser homeworld of Draemidus Prime's own capital of Xaeldrask. These tunnels are a maze of Drael honour guards, Novatar Fytar warriors, and Myka Siege-Brutes. All eventually leading to the command centre of the Gyre, in its centre the Mycelium Greater Mind-Stone, a telepathic element that links the grovemind, thrum and mind stones into one.

The Hanging Gardens: (Sprawling Neti garden that tends to exotic and mundane plant lifes unique to various worlds, with the intent to genetically modify and evolve the plantlife to replace their origin point to better support the various species of the Protectorate, also used to cultivate bio-weapons)

The Black Spires: (Four symmetrically built Novatrite towers that are used for pinpointing existing black holes to travel to and through. The Nova Core is channeled from other parts of the spires and exudes massive pulsars outward from the tips to find areas of space inhabiting singularities that can be used for traversing the galaxy.)

The Provinces:

The Hive Vaults: A honeycombed maze of Myka structures built deep within the sub-structures of the Gyre. The Hive Vaults also contain breeding pens for Draelvasier warbeasts, directly linked by way of the railway to the Sanctum for ease of access for Drael Shamans.

The Eternal Forge: Where the partnership between the Draelvasier and Novatar first truly began, a forge that only the fire of a cosmic creature like the Novatar can kindle. The Eternal Forge was the first place to return to functioning status when the Novatar and Draelvasier began to work together to tear the Gyre from its tomb in the murky waters.

The Assembly (Training grounds and hangar bays)

The Pit: (A dual purpose space that is a strict hand to hand combat zone where gamblers and brave enough souls compete for fame by day. By night this turns into a nightclub filled with exotic species and unique forms of drinks that stimulate dopamine highs to continue the party into the early dawn. On rare occasions Novatar are seen in the club, whispers on the Gyre say it has nothing to do with the pleasantries offered in The Pit.)

Chamber of All: This chamber was specifically made for Novatar to harness the connection between their energy and the creation of phenomena in the galaxy. The Novatar tend to call this form of meditation, All’et. Novatar use this chamber as a source of calm and energy preservation when they have free time. The most common form of All’et is the connection between Novatar themselves as a species. This allows Novatar to pass down knowledge to Kin that are in the process of being birthed or to younger less knowledgeable Novatar.

The Pulse: This section of the Gyre is split among the entire structure, but its command platform is housed in the western section of the ring structure. Harnessing the additive factors of Novatrite, Kardun Metals and Drael technology, sharp indentations on the outside of the ring-like structure provide surges of incredibly powerful electromagnetic pulses. These pulses both generate power for the Gyre as a secondary power source but also allow Novatar and other permitted engineers such as Ungulloi or Stonesingers to funnel these pulses to the center. Like that of a heartbeat, the thrum of these high intense pulses sound like a beating heart vibrating the Novatrite exterior to reciprocate the command. The command platform in the western section could theoretically be used to send commands across the Gyre non-verbally or without the use of standard communications if the need arose.


The Gyre is a product of pure innovation between Novatar and Drael. Built as a means of travel for their fleets and armies across Galaxies, and built to protect the species of the Protectorate. The Universe is vast and like all impossibly large things, the Gyre is one of those impossible things. Cosmic things. A symbol of the strength of the Bryn'adul-Xalaesh Protectorate. The Gyre combines the unique manipulation of Novatrite with the scale of the Draelvasier industrial mind, fortifying this once-derelict colossus. Protectorate mass drivers, assault cannons, defense turrets and Servitor Sentinels already dot the surface of the Gyre. Backed by the combined fleets of the Protectorate species. The Novatars utilized their knowledge of the stars and black holes to formulate the best possible creation to live within. The Gyre is home to many species, although due to the overwhelming amount of Novatrite used in its construction, it has become a place for many Novatar to perform their species' sacred ritual, Loci.

The Gyre also utilises the Novatar ability to manipulate magnetic fields to project an outward force field around itself, selectively blocking out matter and energy from passing through its incredibly powerful shielding. This force field is disabled when the Gyre intends to teleport, diverting its power to the manifestation of a black hole.

Additionally, the Gyre's most powerful defence is its greatest offensive ability. Magnetars. Capable of synthesizing neutron stars through the manipulation of matter to generate massively powerful magnetic fields, kill zones to funnel enemy forces into particular lanes of fire.

Outside of the Novatars attraction to the massive structure, it also provides for others. Specifically, sentient beings that are part of the Protectorate. This collaboration has become the very astute process of reverse engineering Novatrite’s internal properties to develop warp gate travel through the manifestation of singularities inside black holes.

This travel-centric engineering is done by manipulating the Nova Core inside Novatrite. The exterior metal and iron of Novatrite magnates to the central core, building up a pinpoint accurate distribution of gravitational force and containment from the pulsars the Novatrite naturally exudes. The pushing and pulling of these magnetic fields surround the entire structure, capable of distorting the overall strength of the created black hole. Thus, making it incredibly stable and harmless for travel. With the help of the industrial and technological might of the Draelvasier, the Novatars were capable of using their pulsars and technology to accurately dictate where the other end of an existing black hole is to fully manipulate where they end up within the voids of space. While time-warping is a general factor when black holes are involved, the Nova Core is the key element to making this dangerous, but stabilized form of travel; the perfect method for the Bryn’adul-Xaelesh Protectorate.


For centuries in the outer galaxies, this construct sat motionless and useless. Its once great glory days of hosting whatever living beings inside… now vacant. This neglect left the massive ring in shambles, crumbling over time as the festering corrosion of inexplicable elements began to eat through its exterior shell and interior great halls.

It seemed what is now known as the Gyre, was once anchored to a world filled with massive amounts of water. Due to this, salt found its way into every area of the ancient tool of living. The drenched and rusted nature of the north and south sections of the Gyre requires extensive repair.


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