Shadow Hand
Carannia, Capital City of Serenno...
A temperate wind swept over the elegant cityscape that was home to some of the wealthiest benefactors in the Outer Rim. Carannia was a pampered, powdered world with its white streets and high strung nobles living in elegant, massive walled palaces looking down from their high balconies at the lesser fortunate peoples who drudged in crowds below. Serenno was one of the luckiest, and busiest worlds in the Outer Rim sitting right on the Hydian Way, a major hyperspace lane that ran clear through the core and down through the southern portions of the Outer Rim. If the way most of their citizens lived was any inclination however they had done very well for themselves. The skies were littered with a wide assortment of skycars, transports, freighters and other ships going to and coming from space.
Descending through the clouds and busy skyline was a shuttle transport, and to anyone and everyone who gazed upon it, it was just that. However unlike most transports instead of heading straight for the Carannia Spaceport, it veered away from that hot spot of activity and further north deeper into the massive cityscape. It was inside this transport that Darth Prazutis, Dark Lord of the Black Empire sat with [member="Matsu Xiangu"] a sorcerer he knew quite well. It had been some time since he was introduced through their mutual contact in [member="Darth Carnifex"] but they had frequently associated with one another. In recent times this couldn't be truer with Prazutis's defection from the One Sith.
The concept of order was a lie, a charade that he and Carnifex bought into in order to remain chained by a now deceased Dark Lord. The only truth about the force and about the world was chaos, destruction. That was to be their new fate they were to be agents of conflict, heralds of death to keep the turbulent waves of the force in line, and keep a fresh and steady flow of souls sent to the Netherworld. They would be butchers that would bring the galaxy to its knees. During any other time of his life Prazutis would have found the story Matsu told him about her experiences in the Unknown Regions, what she had been opened up to in the far flung darkness and her mission in the galaxy, he would have found it preposterous, perhaps crazy even. But the more he considered her theory combined with the conclusion he and Kaine came up with, it all made more sense.
Ours is the Way.
Matsu had graciously opened up his mind and her works to the Dark Titan and he readily absorbed the knowledge, the power of undeath. The malefic necromantic magic that would be their instrument to bring entire worlds to their knees. He practiced with corpses of varying shapes and sizes, and a multitude of amounts deep in the laboratory complexes of Vain Hollow. But they were just that tests and this, what they would be doing to the high class people of Serenno was the ultimate test in his new abilities. The target was picked carefully and plans were made, as a former Dark Councilor and Director of One Sith Intelligence he could easily get them on the planet and move all the resources they needed into play.
Prazutis sat cross legged on the floor of the transport, his eyes shut meditating calmly. He wore a black formal business outfit witch matching black gloves to keep with both the attire of Serenno, as well as the weather. After all they couldn't go parading around in their full robes or armor, plus giving off such a sickening dark side presence in the form of artifacts would give them away far too soon. Their personal gear including his lightsabers, armor, personal dark side artifacts, and runeblade, and more were packaged in a series of sealed, biologically encrypted, locked turadium crates with a dual wrapping layer of high grade force nullification resin and nightshadow. Each of them had their own crates carrying all of the gear they needed, and they were set to that persons biological parameters to ensure only they could open them.
He felt the shuttle touch down and stood up a sharp hissing sound was heard as the ramp opened to the outside world "Let's go." Prazutis said to his ally as he walked down the ramp and out into the large hangar. The private hangar was empty with the exception of a small team of men who moved to secure their crates in one of the pair of SUV Skycars that sat nearby. A table littered with items sat not too far from the docking ramp they stepped off of where a man dressed in a relatively similar suit as Prazutis stood, a young man easily in his thirties with windswept black hair and blue eyes. The Sith Lord didn't bother asking the mans name or making an introduction he simply ordered "Give it to me."
"We've prepared the pair of identities as you requested my lord. Credit and debit cards, social security cards birth records, citizenship records, addresses, schools, we've taken the liberty of backstopping your identities to prevent investigation."
"I don't need any screw ups, are we secure?" He asked.
"Yes my lord, you're identities are iron clad and can hold up to investigation by any and all resources the local government has to offer." The man replied.
Prazutis stepped past the man to the table and collected some of the items "I've taken the liberty to smuggle us on planet using fabricated identities, and slid us through the system through my more greedy contacts that expedited our arrival. No one knows were here."
A temperate wind swept over the elegant cityscape that was home to some of the wealthiest benefactors in the Outer Rim. Carannia was a pampered, powdered world with its white streets and high strung nobles living in elegant, massive walled palaces looking down from their high balconies at the lesser fortunate peoples who drudged in crowds below. Serenno was one of the luckiest, and busiest worlds in the Outer Rim sitting right on the Hydian Way, a major hyperspace lane that ran clear through the core and down through the southern portions of the Outer Rim. If the way most of their citizens lived was any inclination however they had done very well for themselves. The skies were littered with a wide assortment of skycars, transports, freighters and other ships going to and coming from space.
Descending through the clouds and busy skyline was a shuttle transport, and to anyone and everyone who gazed upon it, it was just that. However unlike most transports instead of heading straight for the Carannia Spaceport, it veered away from that hot spot of activity and further north deeper into the massive cityscape. It was inside this transport that Darth Prazutis, Dark Lord of the Black Empire sat with [member="Matsu Xiangu"] a sorcerer he knew quite well. It had been some time since he was introduced through their mutual contact in [member="Darth Carnifex"] but they had frequently associated with one another. In recent times this couldn't be truer with Prazutis's defection from the One Sith.
The concept of order was a lie, a charade that he and Carnifex bought into in order to remain chained by a now deceased Dark Lord. The only truth about the force and about the world was chaos, destruction. That was to be their new fate they were to be agents of conflict, heralds of death to keep the turbulent waves of the force in line, and keep a fresh and steady flow of souls sent to the Netherworld. They would be butchers that would bring the galaxy to its knees. During any other time of his life Prazutis would have found the story Matsu told him about her experiences in the Unknown Regions, what she had been opened up to in the far flung darkness and her mission in the galaxy, he would have found it preposterous, perhaps crazy even. But the more he considered her theory combined with the conclusion he and Kaine came up with, it all made more sense.
Ours is the Way.
Matsu had graciously opened up his mind and her works to the Dark Titan and he readily absorbed the knowledge, the power of undeath. The malefic necromantic magic that would be their instrument to bring entire worlds to their knees. He practiced with corpses of varying shapes and sizes, and a multitude of amounts deep in the laboratory complexes of Vain Hollow. But they were just that tests and this, what they would be doing to the high class people of Serenno was the ultimate test in his new abilities. The target was picked carefully and plans were made, as a former Dark Councilor and Director of One Sith Intelligence he could easily get them on the planet and move all the resources they needed into play.
Prazutis sat cross legged on the floor of the transport, his eyes shut meditating calmly. He wore a black formal business outfit witch matching black gloves to keep with both the attire of Serenno, as well as the weather. After all they couldn't go parading around in their full robes or armor, plus giving off such a sickening dark side presence in the form of artifacts would give them away far too soon. Their personal gear including his lightsabers, armor, personal dark side artifacts, and runeblade, and more were packaged in a series of sealed, biologically encrypted, locked turadium crates with a dual wrapping layer of high grade force nullification resin and nightshadow. Each of them had their own crates carrying all of the gear they needed, and they were set to that persons biological parameters to ensure only they could open them.
He felt the shuttle touch down and stood up a sharp hissing sound was heard as the ramp opened to the outside world "Let's go." Prazutis said to his ally as he walked down the ramp and out into the large hangar. The private hangar was empty with the exception of a small team of men who moved to secure their crates in one of the pair of SUV Skycars that sat nearby. A table littered with items sat not too far from the docking ramp they stepped off of where a man dressed in a relatively similar suit as Prazutis stood, a young man easily in his thirties with windswept black hair and blue eyes. The Sith Lord didn't bother asking the mans name or making an introduction he simply ordered "Give it to me."
"We've prepared the pair of identities as you requested my lord. Credit and debit cards, social security cards birth records, citizenship records, addresses, schools, we've taken the liberty of backstopping your identities to prevent investigation."
"I don't need any screw ups, are we secure?" He asked.
"Yes my lord, you're identities are iron clad and can hold up to investigation by any and all resources the local government has to offer." The man replied.
Prazutis stepped past the man to the table and collected some of the items "I've taken the liberty to smuggle us on planet using fabricated identities, and slid us through the system through my more greedy contacts that expedited our arrival. No one knows were here."