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Approved Tech The Hawk's Talon Lightaxe

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T H E - H A W K ' S - T A L O N
  • Permafrost crystal adds cold damage to the generated plasma blades
  • Beskar blades beneath the emitters ensures the Hawk's Talon is always ready for action
  • No Jedi Training Required: Unlike the vast majority of weapons classified as lightsabers the Hawk's Talon is wielded no differently from a normal axe, allowing the non-Force-sensitive Jiriad to wield it with ease.
  • Two Axes for the Price of One: Without the plasma blades active, the Talon is still a functioning beskar axe.
  • Cold-Hearted: The permafrost crystal used in the axe adds cold damage to the weapon when the plasma blade is active.
  • Reach: The Hawk's Talon is only about the size of a handaxe, and as such has a very short reach in melee.
  • Can't Deflect Shots: Lacking both the Force sensitivity and the blade space, unlike many light-weapons the Hawk's Talon is not capable of deflecting blaster bolts.
  • Saber-Proof Materials: While the plasma blade greatly increases the Talon's cutting power, it becomes greatly restricted when faced with any of the many materials that are resistant to lightsabers.
The lightsaber comes in many forms, but most often it is a weapon solely wielded by those with a connection to the Force whether they be Jedi, Sith, or any one of a thousand other variants. But why should they have all the fun? The Hawk's Talon is a contained energy axe (or, in terms that are much less of a mouthful, a lightaxe) built and wielded by Jiriad Galaar, Valkyri Mandalorian and Jarl of Clan Galaar. A bit less civilized than a normal lightsaber? Perhaps, but no less dangerous.

Like a regular lightaxe, the Hawk's Talon is not useless as a weapon when inert like a regular lightsaber is; axe blades sit between the emitters, meaning even when not powered on the Talon is still a very lethal weapon. The permafrost crystal used in the axe gives its blades an icy sting, and the diatium power cell ensures it never needs to charge. The Hawk's Talon isn't perfect, of course. The axe's reach is nearly nonexistent, and unlike the majority of light-weapons the small blade surfaces (along with it's wielder not being Force Sensitive) do not allow for deflecting blaster bolts. The Talon is a weapon made for offense, though its beskar construction and plasma blades do allow Jiriad to block enemy saber blades. The lightaxe also does not have any special tricks up its sleeve that let it bypass saber-resistant materials, meaning the same things that would stop a regular lightsaber will stop the Talon.

Jiriad's battleaxe Heimasax is a fine weapon of course, but the Jarl required a more advanced weapon since he and his clan have embraced technology, and now the Valkyri Mando has a weapon just as unique as his Clan.
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